querying MS Access default base errors for xmla and ad hoc

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Feb 18, 2009, 4:43:23 PM2/18/09
to PHI's Mondrian OLAP Group

I am new in this topic. I am trying to evaluate Mondrian but I am
some errors from Mondrian examples's page:

(ok) * JPivot pivot table
* JPivot pivot table by XMLA
(ok) * JPivot with 4 hierarchies
(ok) * JPivot with role 'California Manager' set
(ok) * JPivot with arrows
(ok) * JPivot with colors
* Various queries formatted using the Mondrian tag-library
* Basic interface for ad hoc queries
* XML for Analysis tester

I have no problems with options marked as (OK)

All other options gave different error messages. Before going to send
error message I will appreciate if some one can tell me if there is
missing. (configuration)

I am using default access demo: MondrianFoodMart.mdb and just define a

I have found some pages describing some configurations needed for XMLA
but all indicates some changes when you use another database (almost
always about using mysql -this
is my next step- but I want to know what is wrong before going to

I am very interested in test " Various queries formatted using the
Mondrian tag-library".

I am using this environment:

Windows XP SP2
tomcat (xampp-win32-tomcat-addon-6.0.18-2.2.11)
jdk 1.5



Feris Thia

Feb 19, 2009, 6:43:52 AM2/19/09
to phi-mond...@googlegroups.com
Hi Edison,

First of all... I want to welcome you to this user group. Thanks for joining.

For your problems below, I try to give you clue one by one :

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 4:43 AM, Edison <e_wo...@yahoo.com> wrote:
I am new in this topic. I am trying to evaluate Mondrian but I am
some errors from Mondrian examples's page:

        * JPivot pivot table by XMLA

For this, first you need to activate Mondrian  as XMLA Provider... try following my article :

but change datasources.xml using following configuration instead :

<?xml version="1.0"?>  
<DataSourceDescription>Mondrian FoodMart Data  Warehouse</DataSourceDescription>  
<DataSourceInfo>Provider=mondrian;Jdbc=jdbc:odbc:MondrianFoodMart;JdbcDrivers= sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver;</DataSourceInfo>  
<Catalog name="FoodMart">  

        * Various queries formatted using the Mondrian tag-library

For this... try to open and edit web.xml file - which should be located in your [TOMCAT_HOME]/webapps/mondrian/WEB-INF folder - with your favorite text editor,  and find connectString context parameter with these following configurations :


        * Basic interface for ad hoc queries
Same as above. 

        * XML for Analysis tester

Change DataSourceInfo entry (tag's value) from  "DataSource=MondrianFoodMart;" into "DataSource=AccessTest;"

Hope this help. Please inform if any further errors.



Feris Thia

Feb 24, 2009, 5:10:58 AM2/24/09
to phi-mond...@googlegroups.com
Hi Edison,

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 12:22 AM, Edison <e_wo...@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hi Feris,

Thanks. Following your instructions everything gets right.

You're welcome !

Btw, how are you doing with MySQL integration with Mondrian. Sorry that I've just read your private email to me.

I just did not understand the last point "Datasource=AccessTest" and
where to change.

It's in [TOMCAT]/webapps/mondrian/WEB-INF/datasources.xml. You need to follow this article : http://business-intelligence.phi-integration.com/2008/04/testing-mondrian-as-xmla-provider.html.
Next week I will be trying to run the samples for an mysql file.

For many year I have been building cubes, first as an employee and
since 6 years ago as freelance consultant, with Pilot Software and MS
AS and always I had some tools for building it. What about Mondrian
Schemas? Is there any tool - visual.

Yes, you have a visual tool call Pentaho Mondrian Schema workbench. You can see this thread : http://forums.pentaho.org/showthread.php?t=53937 

I also built some applications to be run on Excel using VBA with
metada and data from MS AS. I have been always with Windows. But there
are high platform dependent and I will try some open source. For me it
represent a lot of changes and new knowlegde- linux, apache, php,
java, etc.  But I will try to build some applications or may be use
something already working.

Sure... If you need any help related to Pentaho Modnrian please post to the forum, see if we can help with the development :)

Best regards,
Edison Wong

Guayaquil- Ecuador

Thanks & Best Regards,

Feris Thia
Business Intelligence Consultant
PT. Putera Handal Indotama
Phone  : +6221-30119353
Fax      : +6221-5513483
Mobile : +628176-474-525

Feris Thia

Feb 24, 2009, 5:21:08 AM2/24/09
to phi-mond...@googlegroups.com

Feris Thia

Feb 24, 2009, 5:40:22 AM2/24/09
to phi-mond...@googlegroups.com
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