Seeking Name Of West Coast Musical Instrument Builder

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Hank The Curmudgeon

Mar 29, 2011, 1:05:17 AM3/29/11
to eSymposium,,, Alex, Amanda Sari Perez, Ana-Maria Maier, Analog Cottage, Archon, Brent Gutzeit, Bryan Day, Chicago Buck, Colin Parsons, Geoffrey Topham, Jakub Klimuszko, Jay Kreimer, John List, Jrm, Michael Mantra, Michael Una, Reed Ghazala, Roth Mobot, Tim Thompson, Tom Mansell, Tomer Gal, phasor~ Google Group
Somewhere, someplace, awhile back I was told of a musical instrument builder (with a well known reputation) located on the West coast who is building, or has built, super simple cardboard-based percussion and friction based instruments with piezo pick-ups. No amount of Google searching is pointing me towards a name (good) or website (even better). Anyone have any ideas?

Hank The Curmudgeon
- Inventor And Builder of Obscure Things, Odd Mechanisms and Curious Objects
- Certified Curmudgeon
- Insufferable Know-it-all
- Machining and Fabrications in Brass, Steel, Copper, Wood, Aluminum, Plastics
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- Friend to Dogs and Cats
- Doodads Dismantled
- Ideas, Cogitation, Arguments
- Bombs Defused
- Devotee of Good Pizzas
- Incessant Inquisitiveness

Hank The Curmudgeon

Mar 29, 2011, 1:21:47 PM3/29/11
to eSymposium,,, Alex, Amanda Sari Perez, Ana-Maria Maier, Analog Cottage, Archon, Brent Gutzeit, Bryan Day, Chicago Buck, Colin Parsons, Geoffrey Topham, Jakub Klimuszko, Jay Kreimer, John List, Jrm, Michael Mantra, Michael Una, Reed Ghazala, Roth Mobot, Tim Thompson, Tom Mansell, Tomer Gal, phasor~ Google Group
Mike R. figured it out...
Is it Tom Nunn with his skatchboxes?
I knew somebody would know it. Tim T. was right with name and gets a half eaten cookie.
Thanks everyone!
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