A Simple Pharo Twitter Client (using OAuth)

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Felipe Bañados Schwerter

May 10, 2011, 3:56:05 PM5/10/11
to pharo...@googlegroups.com
Hi everyone! 
Last night I finished building  a simple twitter client for pharo that works with OAuth.

You need to install first CloudFork SSO as seen on http://blog.doit.st/2011/02/23/cloudforksso-on-pharo-with-stunnel/ . Configuring stunnel (to use https) on a linux system correctly was the tricky part!.

After that, you can install the Twitter package available on the following Metacello HTTP repository:

When it is installed, Metacello will call "Twitter initialize", which will force you to Authorize your twitter account with OAuth. You need to copy the URL given to a browser, and, when it ask you to, you insert the pin that twitter gives you back into the application.

Afterwards, you can tweet with 

Twitter tweet:'Hello world!'.

And check your timeline with Twitter timeline

For each TwitterStatus, if you want to retweet it, you can send it the #retweet message.


(thanks Daniel (@lemuus) for the repository!)

Felipe Bañados Schwerter
Estudiante de Ingeniería Civil en Computación
Universidad de Chile

Alexandre Bergel

May 10, 2011, 4:33:33 PM5/10/11
to pharo...@googlegroups.com
Yeah!!! You rock!


Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu

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