1st Phantom workshop: registration now open

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Daniel Price

Dec 18, 2017, 5:22:04 PM12/18/17
to phantoms...@googlegroups.com, phantomsp...@googlegroups.com, Sergei Biriukov, Daniel Mentiplay, David Liptai, Christophe Pinte, Wurster, James, Terrence Tricco, Matthew Bate, Giuseppe Lodato
Dear Phantom users and developers,

*** Registration now open ***


1st Phantom users workshop
19th-23rd Feb 2018
Monash University
Melbourne, Australia

1. To consolidate development efforts that have taken place so far
2. To set a roadmap for future development priorities
3. To grow the user community, and especially to encourage sideways interaction between users

We will set aside several hours of the workshop each day as a hackfest, to collaboratively implement new features and tests

Be quick! Numbers are strictly limited!

Best wishes,

Daniel (on behalf of the SOC and LOC)
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