PHANTOM + Black hole setup

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Feb 15, 2018, 6:55:44 AM2/15/18
to Phantom users
Dear all,

I'm a recent phantom user, which í'm using to help me on the work for my thesis.
I would like to have a clue on which of the routines are the most suitable to setup a black hole with a star for a simulation of a TDE.

If any one can help i would appreciate.

Best regards,

João Rocha

Daniel Price

Mar 9, 2018, 12:47:13 AM3/9/18
to jrocha, Phantom users
Hi João,

Welcome to the users list! For our TDE simulations we usually use SETUP=polytrope to set up and relax a polytropic star. Some step-by-step instructions here:

You can then write a "mod dump” plugin to place the relaxed star into the desired orbit:

We usually represent the black hole with an external potential, so you just have to turn this on in the .in file. One other complication is that you usually want to relax the star using a polytropic equation of state (P = K * rho**gamma) but then perform the disruption calculation using an adiabatic EOS (make ISOTHERMAL=no and use ieos=2). So you want to compile phantom differently for the relaxation step compared to in the disruption step.

Hope that helps,

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Orsola De Marco

Mar 9, 2018, 12:50:38 AM3/9/18
to Daniel Price, jrocha, Phantom users
Hi Joao and Daniel,

can’t Joao use our routines? Instead of a polytrope you can just use a main sequence star from any 1D model such as MESA and use the ideal gas EOS to relax it and then place a companion using or adapting Rob/Tom’s moddump modules. No?

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Mar 16, 2018, 11:21:25 AM3/16/18
to Phantom users


Mar 16, 2018, 11:53:40 AM3/16/18
to Phantom users
Dear Dr. Daniel Price,

Thank you for your reply.
I had no problem about the star. My question, as i understand, is that the "moddump_mine.f90" will be the routine with the problem i want to simulate and i was using the set_binary.f90 (with moddump_binary.f90) routine to place the star with a sink(BH), but wrongly? I was using SETUPFILE=set_binary.f90 and MODFILE=moddump_binary.f90, then i get the .in file after ./phantommoddump star_00100 myprob_00000 (for example) and i had a star and its companion which i thought to be the BH with the parameters that i choose. So i got a bit confused... I'm sorry for my long text but i would like to put my ideas straight.
The output i got was in fact the star "falling" to the companion, but i suppose that is not correct.

Best regards,
João Rocha

quinta-feira, 15 de Fevereiro de 2018 às 11:55:44 UTC, jrocha escreveu:


Mar 16, 2018, 12:06:58 PM3/16/18
to Phantom users
Dear Orsola De Marco,

Thank you for your reply.
I haven't tried yet your suggestion but i'm willing to try if i could work with some base from those routines/modules. I really appreciate.

Best regards,
João Rocha

sexta-feira, 9 de Março de 2018 às 05:50:38 UTC, orsola.demarco escreveu:
Hi Joao and Daniel,

can’t Joao use our routines? Instead of a polytrope you can just use a main sequence star from any 1D model such as MESA and use the ideal gas EOS to relax it and then place a companion using or adapting Rob/Tom’s moddump modules. No?


> On 9 Mar 2018, at 4:47 pm, 'Daniel Price' via Phantom users <> wrote:
> Hi João,
> Welcome to the users list! For our TDE simulations we usually use SETUP=polytrope to set up and relax a polytropic star. Some step-by-step instructions here:
> You can then write a "mod dump” plugin to place the relaxed star into the desired orbit:
> We usually represent the black hole with an external potential, so you just have to turn this on in the .in file. One other complication is that you usually want to relax the star using a polytropic equation of state (P = K * rho**gamma) but then perform the disruption calculation using an adiabatic EOS (make ISOTHERMAL=no and use ieos=2). So you want to compile phantom differently for the relaxation step compared to in the disruption step.
> Hope that helps,
> Daniel
>> On 15 Feb 2018, at 10:55 pm, jrocha <> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I'm a recent phantom user, which í'm using to help me on the work for my thesis.
>> I would like to have a clue on which of the routines are the most suitable to setup a black hole with a star for a simulation of a TDE.
>> If any one can help i would appreciate.
>> Best regards,
>> João Rocha
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