How to pass customHeaders as system arguments in phantomJs script?

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Santhosh Kumar

May 24, 2016, 6:11:16 AM5/24/16
to phantomjs

I have started working in a small proof of concept which is using phantomJs to take screenshots and I ll get all the necessary configurations as system arguments such as url, timeout, isScreenshotReqd, isHarFileReqd, isHeadersReqd, username, password and some application related configs.Everything is working fine except customHeaders. 

code I used is 

    if (system.args.length === 1) {
     console.log('Usage: phantom.js <some URL>');
    } else {
     assembleId = system.args[2];
     page.address = system.args[3];
     page.settings.resourceTimeout = system.args[4];
     isScreenshotReqd = system.args[5];
     isHeadersReqd = system.args[6];
     isHarFileReqd = system.args[7];
     page.settings.userName = system.args[8];
     page.settings.password = system.args[9];
        var key = "headerKey";//(or system.args[10])
        var value = "headerValue";//(or system.args[11])
        page.customHeaders = {key : value};
       //some operation

this sets the customHeader as  

    "headers": [{"name": "key","value": "headerValue"}]

You can see the value is set correctly but the key is not taken from initialized variable or system.args[x] instead it takes whatever variable I use.

though it works if I hardcode the customHeaders like

     page.customHeaders = {"headerKey": "headerValue"};

gives expected output but the problem is I ll be having dynamic headers for various URLs. Means its config driven and each customer will give different headers for each url. Kindly forgive if its silly, I m new to phantomJs

Thanks In Advance. 
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