[Update] foundations are solid, starting with the main implementation

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Michael Prinzinger

Aug 5, 2009, 2:42:05 PM8/5/09
to phantom-...@googlegroups.com
Dear Phantoms,

I'd like to keep you up to date with the project.
for the last 2 months I have been working almost exclusively on foundation work for Phantom.
Our project know has the following foundations:

x a unittest framework with tests for many classes and functionalities (we are using the googletest library)
x a parser for parsing e.g. config files (the format is YAML and the library yaml-cpp)
x a config file framework. so now there is a .phantom.cfg in which you can set personal preferences like the security level, and the basepath of the project
x a logsystem for system and debug messages
x openssl for building up certified encrypted streams between two sockets
x openssl crypto library for accessing openssl's implementation of crypto algorithms for using them directly (for Onion Encryption with the targets public keys)
x a framework for exceptions

so quite a lot of work done, but only ground work so far.
But I am going to start with the real implementation on top of that now.
I got 4/6 months remaining. This is a bit few for getting started for real after two months past, but I am focusing my time now and think, that the project should proceed faster from here on.

When someone is interested in helping and taking a dedicated task, please contact me. I will give you access to the svn-repository, explain you the current structure and we'll talk about what you could help with.

Thanks for keeping interested!

Michael Prinzinger
current chief Phantom of development and implementation


Aug 10, 2009, 10:48:44 AM8/10/09
to phantom-...@googlegroups.com
Michael Prinzinger schrieb:

It was usefull Devs creating a SVN for his work to not lose it.
When starting to use SVN ?

Michael Prinzinger

Aug 19, 2009, 1:10:41 PM8/19/09
to phantom-...@googlegroups.com
Dear defenderh2o,

As long as working on phantom as master thesis at my university, i will be using the svn servers offered by the cs chair supervising my work.
Once my thesis is over (dec), we will move the source base to a public svn server.
Still if you are interested in taking part in the development, I will give you the current code and we can find a task for you!

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