ScriptLoadException in Phantom 0.3

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Dec 15, 2011, 5:10:16 PM12/15/11
to phantom-discuss
I downloaded Phantom 0.3 and tried to run it with the simplest "Hello
World" build file, but I keep getting an exception that says the file
is not a recognized format.

Here's the build file:

target default:
print "Hello World!"

I've got a build.bat file that looks like this:

@echo off
"%~dp03pty\Phantom\Phantom-0.3\Phantom\Phantom.exe" %*

The build file is named ""

1. I've tried using the full path; I've tried using the relative path;
I've tried to allow it to search for the default "" file in
the same directory.
2. I've placed the file in the same directory as the .bat file; I've
placed the file in the same directory as the Phantom.exe file.
3. I've tried using the example file from Github in both of
the locations from #2.
4. I've tried using spaces to offset "Hello World"; I've tried using
tabs to offset "Hello World"
5. I've tried directly calling the executable directly from the
command line using all the different combinations of options from #1
and #2.

I'm using Windows 7 and I've tried to run Phantom.exe as both a
regular user and an Administrator. Nothing seems to work. I'd really
like to use Phantom, but I just can't seem to get past this exception.
I don't know what I'm missing; hopefully something incredibly obvious.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Jeremy Skinner

Dec 15, 2011, 5:34:49 PM12/15/11
Are the DSL assemblies in the same directory as phantom.exe? (Phantom.DSL.Boo.dll, Rhino.DSL.dll and the Boo langauge DLLs) 

Also, make sure that you've unblocked the DLLs after unzipping them as this can prevent MEF from loading them in correctly (


Daniel Goldman

Dec 15, 2011, 7:48:17 PM12/15/11

Unblocking the DLLs fixed the problem. Thanks very much for the help!

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