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Various Dates for Some Events Before We Exit the Western Mass Zone

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Neil Young aka Neil 'Cloaca' Young

Jul 7, 2022, 12:35:37 PM7/7/22
Uhhhh, time is running out, here's terse info for your calendars:
- FRI JULY 8 - 3pm -5pm Neil's last day party at JLC (aka Film Photo Building) Hampshire College. Drop by, it'll mostly be outside in front of the building, but near the end, we'll go inside and I will screen SKATER DATER and maybe something else in my favorite spot, screening Room 131.

- SAT JULY 9 - 11am - 12noon Tooty session by the river, in TF. Join us! This might be the last one with Neil, but if we're back in the valley in the am on July 16 (likely) then that will be Neil's last. Every Saturday at 11am, go by the water and toot.

Gloyd Mini Tour:
- THU JULY 14 - 7pm - 11pm Avalon Lounge, Catskill, NY. (a ruthless Four Gloyd this nite, but the rest of the shows are Full Gloyd) w/ Joanna Mattrey solo. - FRI JULY 15 - 7pm - 1am Mayday, Providence, RI. w/ Chrome Jackson, Mesmers and Droplets.
- SAT JULY 16 - ??? - likely New Haven, CT. details woefully fuzzy at this late date but fingers crossed!
- SUN JULY 17 - 7ish - ? - GLOYD ON BOAT! on the river near the Unity Park "Dog Play Field"!!!!! Gloyd will perform on the Channel Princess Riverboat. Audience is invited to paddle closer in their own watercraft or watch from the safety of shore. Totally free and Neil's last area performance as a resident of Massachusetts, sad! Let our tears flow over the dam!

- MON JULY 18 - 5pm - 8pm Fafnir and Neil Goodbye Party: "we are sitting alone in an empty room" The Rendezvous 78 Third St Turners Falls, MA. - Swing by or linger, we will be there soaking in the feels with the sole lineup being Fafnir and Neil, doing nothing to entertain anyone, for maximized fully-present human interaction. Lettuce know if you're coming, so we can give some intel to the venue for their staffing. Also please feel free to spread this invite around. 

Fafnir and I will likely be kicking around the valley a little bit after this last date, but likely in a dazed state of confusion and frantically settling all of our affairs here. There will be no easy way to say goodbye for now.

Oh! and before i forget! One of many revelations from last week's Flaherty Film Seminar was this human and her awesome work, Abenaki filmmaker Alanis Obomsawin. All of her films can be watched free online here, dig in:

Also, her singing is amazing, she destroyed all of us into a blubbering mass when the 90 year old spontaneously jumped up and sang us a song about the river. She has this one LP out from the mid-80's:

Also also, my old day job is now two jobs, good for anyone looking for a benefitted job and wanting to dig into a community of weirdos, work relationally, be around cool gear (video, photo, 16mm film) and creative humans, make art in the evenings and weekends, the supervisors and coworkers are super chill, highly recommended if you're in the valley. . . If I wasn't moving I'd still be here!
. go to and apply...
Ok that's enough... love you! N (and F)
Neil Young aka Neil 'Cloaca' Young
c/o Yeay! Plastics po box 7 turners falls, ma 01376 usa
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