"name": "pgbson",
"abstract": "Create BSON type and functionality similar to json and jsonb",
"description": "This library contains a single PostgreSQL extension, a data type called “bson”, along with functions to access fields anywhere in the structure similar to both the arrow and json(b)_extract_path() features in the built-in json and jsonb types.",
"version": "2.0.0",
"maintainer": [
"Buzz Moschetti <buzz.mo...@gmail.com>"
"license": "mit",
"provides": {
"pgbson": {
"abstract": "The bson data type",
"file": "pgbson--2.0.sql",
"docfile": "README.md",
"version": "2.0.0"
"resources": {
"bugtracker": {
"web": "https://github.com/buzzm/postgresbson-pair/issues/"
"repository": {
"url": "git://github.com/buzzm/postgresbson.git",
"web": "https://github.com/buzzm/postgresbson/",
"type": "git"
"generated_by": "Buzz Moschetti",
"meta-spec": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"url": "https://pgxn.org/meta/spec.txt"
"tags": [
"complex structures",
"data type"
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{"name": "pgbson2"}
yields the same "User “buzz” does not own all provided extensions" -- but I should have known that because when I tried XXpgbson it also generated that error. So something else in the META.json is being indexed on "pgbson" and a dupe is found. The logical culprit is "provides.pgbson" but at this point I don't want to blindly try changing things in hopes they post.--
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