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Join between 2 tables always executes a sequential scan on the larger table

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Dieter Rehbein

Apr 2, 2013, 4:52:01 AM4/2/13
Hi everybody,

in a project I have a performance problem, which I (and my colleagues) don't understand. It's a simple join between 2 of 3 tables:

table-1:   user   (id, user_name, ...).   This table has about 1 million rows (999673 rows)
table-2:   competition (57 rows)
table-3:   user_2_competition.  A relation between user and competition. This table has about 100.000 rows

The query is a join between table user_2_competition and user and looks like this:

select, u.user_name
from user_2_competition uc 
          left join "user" u on = uc.user_id 
where uc.competition_id = '3cc1cb9b3ac132ad013ad01316040001'

The query returns the ID and user_name of all users participating in a competition.

What I don't understand: This query executes a sequential scan on user!

The tables have the following indexes:

user_2_competition:  there is an index on user_id and an index on competition_id (competition_id is a VARCHAR(32) containing UUIDs)
user:  id is the primary key and has therefore a unique index (the ID is a VARCHAR(32), which contains UUIDs).

The database has just been restored from a backup, I've executed ANALYZE for both tables.

The output of explain analyze (Postgres 9.2.3):

Hash Left Join  (cost=111357.64..126222.29 rows=41396 width=42) (actual time=1982.543..2737.331 rows=41333 loops=1)
  Hash Cond: ((uc.user_id)::text = (
  ->  Seq Scan on user_2_competition uc  (cost=0.00..4705.21 rows=41396 width=33) (actual time=0.019..89.691 rows=41333 loops=1)
        Filter: ((competition_id)::text = '3cc1cb9b3ac132ad013ad01316040001'::text)
        Rows Removed by Filter: 80684
  ->  Hash  (cost=90074.73..90074.73 rows=999673 width=42) (actual time=1977.604..1977.604 rows=999673 loops=1)
        Buckets: 2048  Batches: 128  Memory Usage: 589kB
        ->  Seq Scan on "user" u  (cost=0.00..90074.73 rows=999673 width=42) (actual time=0.004..1178.827 rows=999673 loops=1)
Total runtime: 2740.723 ms

I expected to see an index-scan on user_2_competition with a hash join to user, not a sequential scan on user.  I've tried this with Postgres 9.1 and 9.2.3).

Any ideas, what's going on here?

With EXPLAIN ANALYZE I can see, which query plan Postgres is using.  Is there any way to find out, WHY postgres uses this query plan? 

best regards


The full table schema:

CREATE TABLE user_2_competition
id                    varchar(32)  NOT NULL,
version               int4         NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
conditions_confirm_ip varchar(30),
created_date          timestamp    NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
deleted               bool         NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
last_visit            timestamp,
resort_id             int4,
role                  varchar(255),
caid                  int4         NOT NULL,
ponr                  int4         NOT NULL,
ktka                  int4         NOT NULL,
lfnr                  int4         NOT NULL,
total_visits          int8         NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
verified              bool         NOT NULL,
competition_id        varchar(32),
user_id               varchar(32),
competition_terms     int4         NOT NULL DEFAULT (-1),
disqualified          bool         NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
registration_key_id   int4,


-- Indexes ------------------------------------------------------------
CREATE INDEX IDX_USER_ID ON user_2_competition USING btree (user_id);
CREATE INDEX idx_user_2_competition_competition ON user_2_competition USING btree (competition_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_2_competition_user_id_competition_id_key ON user_2_competition USING btree (user_id, competition_id);

-- Foreign key constraints -------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE user_2_competition
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_user_competition_competition_group
    FOREIGN KEY (competition_id) REFERENCES competition (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE user_2_competition
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_user_2_competition_registration_key
    FOREIGN KEY (registration_key_id) REFERENCES competition_registration_key (id);
ALTER TABLE user_2_competition
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_user_competition_terms
    FOREIGN KEY (competition_terms) REFERENCES competition_terms (id);
ALTER TABLE user_2_competition
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_user_competition_user


CREATE TABLE competition
id                                   varchar(32)   NOT NULL,
version                              int4          NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
created_by                           varchar(255),
created_date                         timestamp,
modified_by                          varchar(255),
modified_date                        timestamp,
deleted                              bool          NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
active                               bool          NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
average_score                        float8,
start_time                           timestamp     NOT NULL,
end_time                             timestamp     NOT NULL,
info_layout                          varchar(200),
list_layout                          varchar(200),
lead_action                          varchar(100),
ranking_layout                       varchar(200),
external_url                         varchar(255),
forum_enabled                        bool          NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
has_ski_movies                       bool          NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
link_name                            varchar(50)   NOT NULL,
participation_type                   varchar(255)  NOT NULL,
sponsor                              varchar(100),
custom_style                         bool          NOT NULL DEFAULT true,
bg_color                             varchar(7),
tab_style                            varchar(20),
background_image_preview_upload_date timestamp,
background_image_upload_date         timestamp,
sponsor_logo_upload_date             timestamp,
name                                 int4          NOT NULL,
short_name                           int4          NOT NULL,
description                          int4          NOT NULL,
teaser                               int4          NOT NULL,
tags                                 varchar(1000),
logo_resort_id                       int4,
visible                              bool          NOT NULL DEFAULT true,
time_zone_id                         varchar(32)   NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Europe/Vienna'::character varying,
css_styles                           varchar(2000),
teaser_popup                         int4          NOT NULL DEFAULT (-1),
winner_tab                           int4          NOT NULL DEFAULT (-1),
reminder_email                       int4          NOT NULL DEFAULT (-1),
reminder_email_subject               int4          NOT NULL DEFAULT (-1),
priority                             int4          NOT NULL DEFAULT 5,
instance_selector_class_name         varchar(200),
external_sponsor_logo_upload_date    timestamp,
customer_id                          varchar(10),
restricted_registration              bool          NOT NULL DEFAULT false,


-- Indexes ------------------------------------------------------------
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_competition_link_name ON competition USING btree (link_name);

-- Foreign key constraints -------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE competition
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_competition_description
    FOREIGN KEY (description) REFERENCES localized_text (id);
ALTER TABLE competition
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_competition_name
    FOREIGN KEY (name) REFERENCES localized_text (id);
ALTER TABLE competition
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_competition_reminder_email
    FOREIGN KEY (reminder_email) REFERENCES localized_text (id);
ALTER TABLE competition
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_competition_reminder_subject
    FOREIGN KEY (reminder_email_subject) REFERENCES localized_text (id);
ALTER TABLE competition
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_competition_short_name
    FOREIGN KEY (short_name) REFERENCES localized_text (id);
ALTER TABLE competition
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_competition_teaser
    FOREIGN KEY (teaser) REFERENCES localized_text (id);
ALTER TABLE competition
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_competition_teaser_popup
    FOREIGN KEY (teaser_popup) REFERENCES localized_text (id);
ALTER TABLE competition
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_competition_winner_tab
    FOREIGN KEY (winner_tab) REFERENCES localized_text (id);

id                               varchar(32)   NOT NULL,
version                          int4          NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
deleted                          bool          NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
about_me                         varchar(8000),
birth_date                       date,
communicated_to_ticket_corner    timestamp,
conditions_confirm_date          timestamp,
email                            varchar(125)  NOT NULL,
fname                            varchar(50)   NOT NULL,
gender                           varchar(10),
lname                            varchar(50)   NOT NULL,
old_skiline_id                   int4,
photo_upload_date                timestamp,
news_letter                      bool          NOT NULL DEFAULT true,
newsfeed_notification            varchar(20),
preferred_language               varchar(16),
privacy_address                  varchar(10)   NOT NULL DEFAULT 'FRIENDS'::character varying,
privacy_basic_data               varchar(10)   NOT NULL DEFAULT 'FRIENDS'::character varying,
privacy_community_accounts       varchar(10)   NOT NULL DEFAULT 'FRIENDS'::character varying,
privacy_email                    varchar(10)   NOT NULL DEFAULT 'FRIENDS'::character varying,
privacy_fitness_profile          varchar(10)   NOT NULL DEFAULT 'FRIENDS'::character varying,
privacy_phone_numbers            varchar(10)   NOT NULL DEFAULT 'FRIENDS'::character varying,
privacy_race_profile             varchar(10)   NOT NULL DEFAULT 'FRIENDS'::character varying,
privacy_rankings_user_name       varchar(10)   DEFAULT 'NO_DISPLAY'::character varying,
search_email                     varchar(125),
search_name                      varchar(110),
status_points                    int4          NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
ticket_corner_id                 int4,
user_name                        varchar(50)   NOT NULL,
user_name_deleted                varchar(50),
address                          varchar(32)   NOT NULL,
current_fitness_profile          varchar(32),
race_profile                     varchar(32)   NOT NULL,
custom1                          varchar(255),
custom2                          varchar(255),
custom3                          varchar(255),
magento_customer_id              int4,
created_by                       varchar(255),
created_date                     timestamp,
modified_by                      varchar(255),
modified_date                    timestamp,
newsfeed                         varchar(32),
birth_day                        int4,
estimated_gender                 varchar(10),
current_season_statistics        int4          NOT NULL DEFAULT (-1),
statistic_competition_count      int4          NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
statistic_friend_count           int4          NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
statistic_group_count            int4          NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
statistic_skimovie_count_friends int4          NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
statistic_skimovie_count_public  int4          NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
statistic_skimovie_count_all     int4          NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
statistic_photo_count_public     int4          NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
statistic_photo_count_friends    int4          NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
statistic_photo_count_all        int4          NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
privacy_calendar                 varchar(10)   DEFAULT 'FRIENDS'::character varying,
security_info_id                 varchar(32),
statistic_skiing_days            int4          NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
statistic_vertical_meters        int4          NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
conditions_confirm_ip            varchar(30),
doi_click_ip                     varchar(30),
staff                            bool,
origin                           varchar(32),
disqualified                     bool,
statistic_badge_count            int4          NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
time_zone_id                     varchar(32),
old_email                        varchar(125),
handicap                         float4,
previous_handicap                float4,
handicap_calculation_time        timestamp,
last_skiing_day                  date,
admin_disqualification           bool,
admin_disqualification_top100    bool,


-- Indexes ------------------------------------------------------------
CREATE INDEX idx_user_birthdate ON user USING btree (birth_day);
CREATE INDEX idx_user_created_date ON user USING btree (created_date);
CREATE INDEX idx_user_email ON user USING btree (email);
CREATE INDEX idx_user_magento_customer_id ON user USING btree (magento_customer_id);
CREATE INDEX idx_usr_modified_date ON user USING btree (modified_date);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_address_key ON user USING btree (address);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_race_profile_key ON user USING btree (race_profile);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_ticket_corner_id_key ON user USING btree (ticket_corner_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_user_name_key ON user USING btree (user_name);

-- Foreign key constraints -------------------------------------------
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_user_adress
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk36ebcbd93f2254
    FOREIGN KEY (current_fitness_profile) REFERENCES fitness_profile (id);
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_user_newsfeed
    FOREIGN KEY (newsfeed) REFERENCES newsfeed (id);
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk36ebcbd70f10c
    FOREIGN KEY (race_profile) REFERENCES race_profile (id);
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_user_sec_info
    FOREIGN KEY (security_info_id) REFERENCES security_info (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_user_statistics_current_season
    FOREIGN KEY (current_season_statistics) REFERENCES user_season_statistics (id);

Igor Neyman

Apr 2, 2013, 10:55:55 AM4/2/13
From: Dieter Rehbein []
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 4:52 AM
Subject: Join between 2 tables always executes a sequential scan on the larger table
why do you think index-scan on user_2_competition would be better?

Based on huge number of rows returned (41333 out of total ~120000 in the table) from this table optimizer decided that Seq Scan is better than index scan.
You don't show QUERY TUNING parameters from Postgresql.conf, are they default?
Playing with optimizer parameters (lowering random_page_cost, lowering cpu_index_tuple_cost , increasing effective_cache_size, or just setting enable_seqscan = off), you could try to force "optimizer" to use index, and see if you are getting better results.

Igor Neyman

Sent via pgsql-performance mailing list (
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Tom Lane

Apr 2, 2013, 11:45:46 AM4/2/13
Igor Neyman <> writes:
> The output of explain analyze (Postgres 9.2.3):

> Hash Left Join (cost=111357.64..126222.29 rows=41396 width=42) (actual time=1982.543..2737.331 rows=41333 loops=1)
> Hash Cond: ((uc.user_id)::text = (
> -> Seq Scan on user_2_competition uc (cost=0.00..4705.21 rows=41396 width=33) (actual time=0.019..89.691 rows=41333 loops=1)
> Filter: ((competition_id)::text = '3cc1cb9b3ac132ad013ad01316040001'::text)
> Rows Removed by Filter: 80684
> -> Hash (cost=90074.73..90074.73 rows=999673 width=42) (actual time=1977.604..1977.604 rows=999673 loops=1)
> Buckets: 2048 Batches: 128 Memory Usage: 589kB
> -> Seq Scan on "user" u (cost=0.00..90074.73 rows=999673 width=42) (actual time=0.004..1178.827 rows=999673 loops=1)
> Total runtime: 2740.723 ms

> I expected to see an index-scan on user_2_competition with a hash join to user, not a sequential scan on user. I've tried this with Postgres 9.1 and 9.2.3).

According to the numbers, you're fetching about a third of the
user_2_competition table, which is well past the point where an
indexscan is of any use. It's picking the seqscan because it thinks
that's faster, and I'm sure it's right.

The aspect of this plan that actually seems a bit dubious is that it's
hashing the larger input table rather than the smaller one. There's
a thread going on about that in -hackers right now; we think it's
probably putting too much emphasis on the distribution of the join key
as opposed to the size of the table.

One thing that would help is increasing work_mem --- it looks like you
are using the default 1MB. Cranking that up to a few MB would reduce
the number of hash batches needed.

regards, tom lane

Dieter Rehbein

Apr 3, 2013, 4:18:55 AM4/3/13
Hi Igor,

thanks for the reply. The sequential scan on user_2_competition wasn't my main-problem. What really suprised me was the sequential scan on table user, which is a sequential scan over one million rows.

Hash Left Join (cost=111357.64..126222.29 rows=41396 width=42) (actual time=1982.543..2737.331 rows=41333 loops=1)
Hash Cond: ((uc.user_id)::text = (
-> Seq Scan on user_2_competition uc (cost=0.00..4705.21 rows=41396 width=33) (actual time=0.019..89.691 rows=41333 loops=1)
Filter: ((competition_id)::text = '3cc1cb9b3ac132ad013ad01316040001'::text)
Rows Removed by Filter: 80684
-> Hash (cost=90074.73..90074.73 rows=999673 width=42) (actual time=1977.604..1977.604 rows=999673 loops=1)
Buckets: 2048 Batches: 128 Memory Usage: 589kB
-> Seq Scan on "user" u (cost=0.00..90074.73 rows=999673 width=42) (actual time=0.004..1178.827 rows=999673 loops=1) <-- This sequential scan is strange.

IMHO the reason for the sequential scan on user is, that it is faster than an index-scan for 41333 rows. I've tried the same query using a different competition id with much less participants (about 1700). That query has a query plan as expected:

Nested Loop Left Join (cost=0.00..21385.59 rows=1684 width=42) (actual time=1.317..147.781 rows=1757 loops=1)
-> Seq Scan on user_2_competition uc (cost=0.00..7026.93 rows=1684 width=33) (actual time=1.262..92.339 rows=1757 loops=1)
Filter: ((competition_id)::text = '3cc1cb963b988f12013bc737b4590001'::text)
-> Index Scan using user_pkey on "user" u (cost=0.00..8.51 rows=1 width=42) (actual time=0.030..0.031 rows=1 loops=1757)
Index Cond: ((id)::text = (uc.user_id)::text)
Total runtime: 148.068 ms

Happy Skiing!

Dieter Rehbein
Software Architect |

Skiline Media GmbH
Lakeside B03
9020 Klagenfurt, Austria

fon: +43 463 249445-800
fax: +43 463 249445-102

"Erlebe Skifahren neu!"

CONFIDENTIALITY: This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the designated recipient, please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and destroy all copies (digital and paper). Any unauthorized disclosure, distribution, copying, storage or use of the information contained in this e-mail or any attachments is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.
LEGAL: Skiline Media GmbH - Managing Director: Michael Saringer

Dieter Rehbein

Apr 3, 2013, 4:24:54 AM4/3/13

thanks for your reply. It was the sequential scan on table user (about 1 million rows), which really surprised me. But a sequential scan over 1 million users seems to be more efficient than an index-Scan for 41.000 rows.

If a execute the query with the ID of a competiton with less participants, the query has a plan as expected:

Nested Loop Left Join (cost=0.00..21385.72 rows=1684 width=42) (actual time=1.300..138.223 rows=1757 loops=1)
-> Seq Scan on user_2_competition uc (cost=0.00..7026.93 rows=1684 width=33) (actual time=1.253..90.846 rows=1757 loops=1)
Filter: ((competition_id)::text = '3cc1cb963b988f12013bc737b4590001'::text)
-> Index Scan using user_pkey on "user" u (cost=0.00..8.51 rows=1 width=42) (actual time=0.026..0.026 rows=1 loops=1757)
Index Cond: ((id)::text = (uc.user_id)::text)
Total runtime: 138.505 ms

Happy Skiing!

Dieter Rehbein
Software Architect |

Skiline Media GmbH
Lakeside B03
9020 Klagenfurt, Austria

fon: +43 463 249445-800
fax: +43 463 249445-102

"Erlebe Skifahren neu!"

CONFIDENTIALITY: This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the designated recipient, please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and destroy all copies (digital and paper). Any unauthorized disclosure, distribution, copying, storage or use of the information contained in this e-mail or any attachments is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.
LEGAL: Skiline Media GmbH - Managing Director: Michael Saringer

Vasilis Ventirozos

Apr 3, 2013, 4:50:06 AM4/3/13
Hello Dieter,
If you are asking more than about 20% of the rows the optimizer will choose to do a seq scan and actually that's the right thing to do. On the second example of yours the rows here less and that's why it chose to go with the index.
you can force an index scan by changing the optimizer parameters as other guys already mentioned

Vasilis Ventirozos
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