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Dashavatar Tamil Movies

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Loreen Nejaime

Dec 8, 2023, 2:21:46 PM12/8/23
Dashavatar Tamil Movies: A Guide to the Films Based on the Ten Incarnations of Vishnu
Dashavatar Tamil Movies are a genre of films that depict the ten incarnations of Vishnu, the supreme god of Hinduism. Vishnu is believed to descend on earth in various forms to restore order and justice whenever evil prevails. These forms are known as Dashavatar, which means ten avatars. Dashavatar Tamil Movies are popular among the Tamil-speaking audience, as they showcase the rich culture and mythology of Hinduism. In this article, we will give you an overview of some of the best Dashavatar Tamil Movies that you can watch and enjoy.

Dasavathaaram (2008)
Dasavathaaram is a science fiction action film that stars Kamal Haasan in ten distinct roles. The film revolves around a bio-weapon that is developed by a US-based company and is sought by a terrorist group. The film also connects the lives of several individuals from different eras, starting from the 12th century to the 21st century. The film explores the concept of chaos theory and the butterfly effect, and how a small event can have a huge impact on the future. The film also features Asin in a double role, and Jaya Prada and Mallika Sherawat in supporting roles. The film was directed by K. S. Ravikumar and written by Kamal Haasan. The film was a huge success at the box office and received positive reviews from critics.

Dashavatar Tamil Movies
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Dashavatar (2008)
Dashavatar is an animated film that narrates the stories of the ten incarnations of Vishnu from the perspective of Narad Muni, a divine sage. The film follows two children who travel through time with Narad Muni and witness the avatars of Vishnu in action. The film covers the avatars of Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Parashurama, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, and Kalki. The film was produced by Phoebus Media and directed by Bhavik Thakore. The film features the voices of Vinay Apte, Kenneth Desai, Rupali Ganguly, Sachin Khedekar, Shishir Sharma, Shreyas Talpade, Tom Alter, and Ashish Vidyarthi.

Dasavatharam (1976)
Dasavatharam is a historical drama film that depicts the life of Rangarajan Ramanuja Nambi, a Vaishnavite priest who lived in the 12th century. The film portrays his devotion to Vishnu and his resistance to the persecution of Vaishnavites by Chola Emperor Kulothunga II, who was a Shaivite. The film also shows how Nambi was executed by being submerged into the sea with an idol of Vishnu. The film was directed by K. S. Gopalakrishnan and starred Sivaji Ganesan in nine roles and Jayalalithaa in one role.

Dashavatar Tamil Movies are a fascinating genre of films that showcase the ten incarnations of Vishnu and their significance in Hinduism. They also reflect the culture and history of Tamil Nadu and India. Dashavatar Tamil Movies are entertaining and enlightening for both adults and children. You can watch these films online or download them from various sources for free. If you are interested in Dashavatar Tamil Movies, you should not miss these films.

How to Download Dashavatar Tamil Movies for Free?
If you want to watch Dashavatar Tamil Movies for free, you might be wondering how to download them from the Internet. There are several ways to download Dashavatar Tamil Movies for free from various online sources. Here are some of them:

You can download Dasavathaaram (2008) from Wikipedia at This is an online encyclopedia that offers free information on various topics. You can find the link to download the film in the external links section of the article.
You can download Dashavatar (2008) from at This is a digital library that offers free access to millions of books, movies, music, and more. You can choose to watch the film online or download it in various formats, such as MP4, OGG, or Torrent.
You can also search for other online sources that offer free download of Dashavatar Tamil Movies using your favorite search engine. However, be careful about the quality and legality of the sources you use. Make sure they are reputable and do not contain viruses or malware.
What are the Reviews and Ratings of Dashavatar Tamil Movies?
If you want to know what other people think about Dashavatar Tamil Movies, you might want to check out the reviews and ratings of these films from various sources. Here are some of them:

You can check out the reviews and ratings of Dasavathaaram (2008) from IMDb at This is an online database that provides information on movies, TV shows, actors, and more. You can find user reviews and ratings, as well as critic reviews and ratings, for this film.
You can check out the reviews and ratings of Dashavatar (2008) from Rotten Tomatoes at This is an online aggregator that collects reviews and ratings from critics and audiences for movies and TV shows. You can find the Tomatometer score and the Audience score for this film.
You can also check out the reviews and ratings of Dashavatar Tamil Movies from other sources, such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, forums, etc. However, be aware that these sources may not be reliable or unbiased.
What are the Themes and Messages of Dashavatar Tamil Movies?
Dashavatar Tamil Movies are not only entertaining and enlightening, but also convey some important themes and messages that are relevant and meaningful for the audience. Some of these themes and messages are:

The concept of karma and reincarnation, which implies that every action has a consequence and that the soul transmigrates from one body to another until it attains liberation.
The idea of dharma and adharma, which means that there is a cosmic order and a moral duty that everyone should follow and that there is also a force of evil and chaos that opposes it.
The role of Vishnu as the preserver and protector of the universe, who descends on earth in various forms to restore balance and harmony whenever there is a threat or a crisis.
The diversity and unity of Hinduism, which encompasses various sects, traditions, beliefs, practices, and cultures that are different but also share a common heritage and faith.
The relevance and significance of Hindu mythology, which is not only a source of entertainment and inspiration, but also a way of understanding the nature of reality and the purpose of life.
What are the Similarities and Differences between Dashavatar Tamil Movies?
Dashavatar Tamil Movies are based on the same theme of the ten incarnations of Vishnu, but they also have some similarities and differences in terms of their plot, style, genre, and presentation. Some of these similarities and differences are:

Dasavathaaram (2008) is a science fiction action film that connects the lives of several individuals from different eras through the concept of chaos theory and the butterfly effect. Dashavatar (2008) is an animated film that narrates the stories of the ten incarnations of Vishnu from the perspective of Narad Muni, a divine sage. Dasavatharam (1976) is a historical drama film that depicts the life of Rangarajan Ramanuja Nambi, a Vaishnavite priest who lived in the 12th century.
Dasavathaaram (2008) features Kamal Haasan in ten distinct roles, each representing a different character and personality. Dashavatar (2008) features various voice actors for the ten incarnations of Vishnu, each representing a different form and power. Dasavatharam (1976) features Sivaji Ganesan in nine roles and Jayalalithaa in one role, each representing a different aspect and emotion.
Dasavathaaram (2008) is a modern and contemporary film that deals with issues such as bio-terrorism, global warming, religious intolerance, and natural disasters. Dashavatar (2008) is a traditional and classical film that deals with issues such as good versus evil, justice versus injustice, devotion versus persecution, and karma versus destiny. Dasavatharam (1976) is an ancient and historical film that deals with issues such as faith versus reason, loyalty versus betrayal, sacrifice versus survival, and love versus hate.
How to Watch Dashavatar Tamil Movies with Subtitles?
If you want to watch Dashavatar Tamil Movies with subtitles, you might be wondering how to find them and enable them on your device. There are several ways to watch Dashavatar Tamil Movies with subtitles. Here are some of them:

You can watch Dasavathaaram (2008) with English subtitles on YouTube at This is an online video platform that offers free streaming of various videos. You can find the option to turn on subtitles in the settings menu of the video player.
You can watch Dashavatar (2008) with English subtitles on at This is a digital library that offers free access to millions of books, movies, music, and more. You can find the option to turn on subtitles in the media player of the website.
You can also search for other online sources that offer Dashavatar Tamil Movies with subtitles in various languages using your favorite search engine. However, be careful about the quality and legality of the sources you use. Make sure they are reputable and do not contain viruses or malware.
What are the Best Dashavatar Tamil Movies to Watch?
If you want to watch Dashavatar Tamil Movies, you might be wondering which ones are the best and worth your time. There are many Dashavatar Tamil Movies that you can choose from, but some of them are better than others in terms of their quality, popularity, and impact. Here are some of the best Dashavatar Tamil Movies that you can watch and enjoy:

Dasavathaaram (2008) is one of the best Dashavatar Tamil Movies because it is a unique and innovative film that combines science fiction and action with mythology and philosophy. It also showcases Kamal Haasan's versatility and talent as an actor and a writer.
Dashavatar (2008) is one of the best Dashavatar Tamil Movies because it is a beautiful and captivating film that narrates the stories of the ten incarnations of Vishnu in an animated format. It also features a stellar voice cast and a mesmerizing soundtrack.
Dasavatharam (1976) is one of the best Dashavatar Tamil Movies because it is a classic and epic film that depicts the life of Rangarajan Ramanuja Nambi, a Vaishnavite priest who lived in the 12th century. It also features Sivaji Ganesan's and Jayalalithaa's brilliant performances and a powerful script.
Dashavatar Tamil Movies are a genre of films that depict the ten incarnations of Vishnu, the supreme god of Hinduism. They showcase the rich culture and mythology of Hinduism and also reflect the history and society of Tamil Nadu and India. Dashavatar Tamil Movies are entertaining and enlightening for both adults and children. You can watch these films online or download them from various sources for free. You can also find subtitles, reviews, ratings, themes, messages, similarities, and differences for these films from various sources.

If you are interested in Dashavatar Tamil Movies, you should not miss these films. They will provide you with a fascinating and enjoyable experience of watching the avatars of Vishnu in action. They will also help you understand the nature of reality and the purpose of life from a Hindu perspective. So what are you waiting for? Watch Dashavatar Tamil Movies today and immerse yourself in the world of Hindu mythology.
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