Some problems about pfstmo_mantiuk08

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Jinxue Liu

Apr 23, 2018, 7:20:48 AM4/23/18
to pfstools

I have got some HDR images  in openexr format from FairChild Database ( And our lab has a HDR display (SIM2 HDR47ES).
When I showed the HDR images on the screen, the full images were too dark, although the lumiance range is large (display in histogram on pfsview). So I have tried the 
Dispaly Adaptive TMO (pfstmo_mantiuk08) like follows:

pfsinexr 507.exr | pfstmo_mantiuk08 -d g=2.2:l=6000:b=0.5:k=0.01:a=50 | pfsoutexr 507_out.exr

The processed hdr image was also very dark when it is showed on the HDR display. Then I used pfsview to check its lumiance range, found that the lumiance range is smaller
than the initial. The section which is lager than zero on the histogram disappeared.

Could anyone help me to solve the problem or give me some suggestions?
Thank you very much!

Jinxue Liu

Apr 23, 2018, 7:23:08 AM4/23/18
to pfstools
The pfstools version I used is 2.1.0, and the OS is Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS. ( a virtual machine using Vmware 14.0)


Apr 30, 2018, 4:46:33 AM4/30/18
to pfstools
HDR display expects linear, not gamma corrected images as input. The resulting values will be scaled from 0 to 1. HDR display may expect absolute units from 0 to 6000. 

You could try:

pfsinexr 507.exr | pfstmo_mantiuk08 -d g=1:l=6000:b=0.5:k=0.01:a=50 | pfsabsolute 6000 | pfsoutexr 507_out.exr


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