Re: unstructured mesh generated by vorocrust

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Mahzari, Pedram

Feb 26, 2024, 5:53:18 PMFeb 26
Hi Glenn,

Enclosed please find boundary file as well as the input deck. I have attempted to send zip files but bounced back. 

Apologies if I changed the format to txt as other formats could not be delivered.  

Best regards,
Pedram Mahzari | Jacobs | Subsurface Flow Modelling Consultant
HQ Building, Thomson Avenue, Harwell Campus | Didcot, OXON, OX11 0GD | United Kingdom


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Hammond, Glenn E

Feb 26, 2024, 5:58:09 PMFeb 26

Still need the mesh.h5 file.


From: 'Mahzari, Pedram' via pflotran-dev <>
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2024 2:53 PM
Subject: [pflotran-dev: 6235] Re: unstructured mesh generated by vorocrust


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Mahzari, Pedram

Feb 28, 2024, 11:26:04 AMFeb 28

I have tried to send over my files. I'll be grateful if you could confirm that my files are delivered.

Best regards,

From: Mahzari, Pedram <>
Sent: 26 February 2024 22:53
To: <>
Subject: Re: unstructured mesh generated by vorocrust

Bisht, Gautam

Feb 28, 2024, 11:30:49 AMFeb 28

Hi Pedram,


Maybe you were somehow left out of Glenn’s last email.




Mahzari, Pedram

Feb 28, 2024, 11:39:18 AMFeb 28
to Bisht, Gautam,
Hi Gautam,

Thanks for letting me know. The mesh file was large and the mailbox could not accept zip files. I have uploaded the mesh file onto OneDrive. I hope this helps.

Best regards,

From: Bisht, Gautam <>
Sent: 28 February 2024 16:30
To: <>; Mahzari, Pedram <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: unstructured mesh generated by vorocrust

Mahzari, Pedram

Feb 29, 2024, 6:00:55 AMFeb 29
to Bisht, Gautam,

Hi Gautam and PFLOTRARN team,


Apologies if I have sent numerous repetitive emails. Can you please confirm you have received the required files?


Also, we have tried vorocrust meshes with TOUGH3 1.0V where PETSc version was very old and, it failed due to ParMetis routine failure. The Berkely team reran the model with a recent PETSc (version 3.2) and, it ran smoothly. Can it be a similar issue with PFLOTRAN?


Best regards,


Glenn Hammond

Feb 29, 2024, 11:55:55 AMFeb 29
to pflotran-dev

The below is screen output from the simulation when PFLOTRAN is compiled with PETSc configured for debugging. Notice the statement , "Row 0 has diagonal entry; Parmetis forbids diagonal entry". When I inspect your mesh.h5 file, there is a connection between Cell 1 and Cell 1 (see connection 9 in 0-based indexing viewed with HDFView). Cell 4 is connected to itself at connection 35, and this goes on for 5, 6, etc. There is a bug in your mesh. Cells cannot be connected to themselves.


pflotran card:: STRATA
pflotran card:: STRATA
pflotran card:: END_SUBSURFACE
[0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message --------------------------------------------------------------
[0]PETSC ERROR: Invalid argument
[0]PETSC ERROR: Row 0 has diagonal entry; Parmetis forbids diagonal entry
[0]PETSC ERROR: WARNING! There are unused option(s) set! Could be the program crashed before usage or a spelling mistake, etc!
[0]PETSC ERROR:   Option left: name:-tran_snes_trdc_auto_scale_max value: 2.e8 source: code
[0]PETSC ERROR:   Option left: name:-tran_snes_trdc_auto_scale_multiphase value: TRUE source: code
[0]PETSC ERROR:   Option left: name:-tran_snes_trdc_delta0 value: 0.1 source: code
[0]PETSC ERROR:   Option left: name:-tran_snes_trdc_deltaM value: 0.5 source: code
[0]PETSC ERROR:   Option left: name:-tran_snes_trdc_eta1 value: 1.e-3 source: code
[0]PETSC ERROR:   Option left: name:-tran_snes_trdc_eta2 value: 0.25 source: code
[0]PETSC ERROR:   Option left: name:-tran_snes_trdc_eta3 value: 0.75 source: code
[0]PETSC ERROR:   Option left: name:-tran_snes_trdc_t1 value: 0.25 source: code
[0]PETSC ERROR:   Option left: name:-tran_snes_trdc_t2 value: 2.0 source: code
[0]PETSC ERROR:   Option left: name:-tran_snes_trdc_tol value: 1.e-13 source: code
[0]PETSC ERROR:   Option left: name:-tran_snes_trdc_use_cauchy value: TRUE source: code
[0]PETSC ERROR: See for trouble shooting.
[0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.20.2, unknown
[0]PETSC ERROR: /home/hamm495/software/pflotran/src/pflotran/pflotran on a gnu-c-debug named sugarbee by hamm495 Thu Feb 29 08:48:07 2024
[0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options --PETSC_ARCH=gnu-c-debug --with-cc=mpicc --with-fc=mpif90 --with-cxx=mpicxx --COPTFLAGS="-g -O0" --CXXOPTFLAGS="-g -O0" --FOPTFLAGS="-g -O0 -Wno-unused-function" --with-clanguage=c --with-shared-libraries=no --with-debugging=yes --download-hdf5=yes --with-hdf5-fortran-bindings=yes --with-valgrind=yes --download-parmetis=yes --download-metis=yes --download-hypre=yes --download-fblaslapack=yes --with-c2html=no
[0]PETSC ERROR: #1 MatPartitioningApply_Parmetis_Private() at /home/hamm495/software/lib/petsc-3.20/src/mat/partition/impls/pmetis/pmetis.c:78
[0]PETSC ERROR: #2 MatPartitioningApply_Parmetis() at /home/hamm495/software/lib/petsc-3.20/src/mat/partition/impls/pmetis/pmetis.c:228
[0]PETSC ERROR: #3 MatPartitioningApply() at /home/hamm495/software/lib/petsc-3.20/src/mat/partition/partition.c:312
[0]PETSC ERROR: #4 /home/hamm495/software/pflotran/src/pflotran/grid_unstructured_aux.F90:1072
[0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message --------------------------------------------------------------
[0]PETSC ERROR:   It appears a new error in the code was triggered after a previous error, possibly because:
[0]PETSC ERROR:   -  The first error was not properly handled via (for example) the use of
[0]PETSC ERROR:      PetscCall(TheFunctionThatErrors()); or
[0]PETSC ERROR:   -  The second error was triggered while handling the first error.
[0]PETSC ERROR:   Above is the traceback for the previous unhandled error, below the traceback for the next error
[0]PETSC ERROR:   ALL ERRORS in the PETSc libraries are fatal, you should add the appropriate error checking to the code
[0]PETSC ERROR: Invalid pointer
[0]PETSC ERROR: Invalid Pointer to PetscObject: Argument 'part' (parameter # 1)
[0]PETSC ERROR: WARNING! There are unused option(s) set! Could be the program crashed before usage or a spelling mistake, etc!
[0]PETSC ERROR:   Option left: name:-tran_snes_trdc_auto_scale_max value: 2.e8 source: code
[0]PETSC ERROR:   Option left: name:-tran_snes_trdc_auto_scale_multiphase value: TRUE source: code
[0]PETSC ERROR:   Option left: name:-tran_snes_trdc_delta0 value: 0.1 source: code
[0]PETSC ERROR:   Option left: name:-tran_snes_trdc_deltaM value: 0.5 source: code
[0]PETSC ERROR:   Option left: name:-tran_snes_trdc_eta1 value: 1.e-3 source: code
[0]PETSC ERROR:   Option left: name:-tran_snes_trdc_eta2 value: 0.25 source: code
[0]PETSC ERROR:   Option left: name:-tran_snes_trdc_eta3 value: 0.75 source: code
[0]PETSC ERROR:   Option left: name:-tran_snes_trdc_t1 value: 0.25 source: code
[0]PETSC ERROR:   Option left: name:-tran_snes_trdc_t2 value: 2.0 source: code
[0]PETSC ERROR:   Option left: name:-tran_snes_trdc_tol value: 1.e-13 source: code
[0]PETSC ERROR:   Option left: name:-tran_snes_trdc_use_cauchy value: TRUE source: code
[0]PETSC ERROR: See for trouble shooting.
[0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.20.2, unknown
[0]PETSC ERROR: /home/hamm495/software/pflotran/src/pflotran/pflotran on a gnu-c-debug named sugarbee by hamm495 Thu Feb 29 08:48:07 2024
[0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options --PETSC_ARCH=gnu-c-debug --with-cc=mpicc --with-fc=mpif90 --with-cxx=mpicxx --COPTFLAGS="-g -O0" --CXXOPTFLAGS="-g -O0" --FOPTFLAGS="-g -O0 -Wno-unused-function" --with-clanguage=c --with-shared-libraries=no --with-debugging=yes --download-hdf5=yes --with-hdf5-fortran-bindings=yes --with-valgrind=yes --download-parmetis=yes --download-metis=yes --download-hypre=yes --download-fblaslapack=yes --with-c2html=no
[0]PETSC ERROR: #1 ISPartitioningToNumbering() at /home/hamm495/software/lib/petsc-3.20/src/vec/is/is/utils/iscoloring.c:523
[0]PETSC ERROR: #2 /home/hamm495/software/pflotran/src/pflotran/grid_unstructured_aux.F90:1138
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Mahzari, Pedram

Mar 5, 2024, 9:44:37 PMMar 5
to, Bisht, Gautam



I wondered if you had a chance to review the issue of using the unstructured mesh (generated by vorocrust) with multi-processors.

Bisht, Gautam

Mar 5, 2024, 10:50:02 PMMar 5
to Mahzari, Pedram,

Hi Pedram,


Glenn found the issue with the mesh and replied a few days ago and maybe you were mistakenly left out of the email thread. Glenn’s response is available at





From: Mahzari, Pedram <>
Date: Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 6:44 PM
To: <>
Cc: Bisht, Gautam <>
Subject: RE: unstructured mesh generated by vorocrust



I wondered if you had a chance to review the issue of using the unstructured mesh (generated by vorocrust) with multi-processors.


Best regards,



From: Mahzari, Pedram
Sent: Thursday, February 29, 2024 11:01 AM
To: Bisht, Gautam <>;
Subject: RE: unstructured mesh generated by vorocrust


Hi Gautam and PFLOTRARN team,


Apologies if I have sent numerous repetitive emails. Can you please confirm you have received the required files?


Also, we have tried vorocrust meshes with TOUGH3 1.0V where PETSc version was very old and, it failed due to ParMetis routine failure. The Berkely team reran the model with a recent PETSc (version 3.2) and, it ran smoothly. Can it be a similar issue with PFLOTRAN?


Best regards,



From: Mahzari, Pedram <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2024 4:39 PM
To: Bisht, Gautam <>;
Subject: Re: unstructured mesh generated by vorocrust


Hi Gautam,


Thanks for letting me know. The mesh file was large and the mailbox could not accept zip files. I have uploaded the mesh file onto OneDrive. I hope this helps.


pedram mahzari

Mar 6, 2024, 8:34:15 AMMar 6
to pflotran-dev
Hi Glenn,

Apologies for not checking this group. 

I removed the dodgy connections and now, the model runs using multiple processors. Many thanks for reviewing the mesh file. 


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