Record IDs in PFIF currently use a general schema of <domain>/
<identifier>, and I wonder if it wouldn't be a good idea to move on to
URNs instead, in order to also support domain-independent universal
unique identifiers (namespace uuid:) as of RFC4122
Sure, Eden can handle that schema, no problem at all.
I though wonder what the domain part of the identifier is useful for.
If it is meant as namespace, i.e. in order to avoid collisions between
different ID schemes of different services, then the namespace identifier of
URNs would serve the same purpose (while at the same time URNs are a more
general standard to identify resources on the web, and especially RFC4122 is
implemented in most of the frameworks and therefore easy to generate).
On the other hand, if the domain identifier is meant for verification
purposes, then I wonder how this would work - i.e. how would the domain
identifier be mapped back to the source of information?
Or was it meant to allow a domain service identify their own records, in order
to avoid duplication at import?
Can you clarify?
Thanks a lot,
best regards,
I though wonder what the domain part of the identifier is useful for.