Firstly, please may I respectfully suggest that you add a prefix to the
subject line of messages from this group - it will make it easier for
peeps with lots of incoming messages.
Secondly, hello! I'm Spike (real name Chris Foote) and I've been part of
CrisisCampLondon since January this year.
I'm not a developer but wish to lurk on this group to see what's going
on ;-)
> �Ping
> Google Crisis Response
I'm Peter Kaminski. I'm interested in helping people communicate and
collaborate, and I also have had long experience in structuring and
moving data and information. The events of 9-11 (and living in
earthquake-prone California) spurred my interest in crisis response.
I am here because I have a lot of respect for Ping and what he does, and
because I enjoy collaborative brainstorming about communication,
collaboration and information.
I'm also from the Sahana Software Foundation. I'm also an individual non-voting member of the OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee.
As Mark mentioned, I am also very keen on seeing PFIF eventually become part of the Emergency Data eXchange Language (EDXL) suite of XML standards that are managed by OASIS.
As you may or may not be aware, there is currently a phase 1 extention to EDXL for Tracking of Emergency Patients (EDXL-TEP). There are already plans a-foot to extend this to a more broad Tracking of Emergency Clients (EDXL-TEC) and this will move beyond the current medical patient approach and turn it into something more generic and broadly applicable that can be used for missing persons, as well as managing information about evacuees and those at welfare centres.
I think it is vitally important that as much as possible we consider working towards a more robust approach that not only deals with missing persons, but also evacuees etc in an integrated manner.
Cheers Gavin