Fwd: [OFSSGN] 2024 Oregon Farm to School Network Spring Newsletter

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Amoreena Guerrero

May 31, 2024, 3:03:45 PMMay 31
to Portland Farm & Garden Educators Network
Here is Quarterly news from Oregon Farm to School and School Garden Network- please note there is an advocacy action you might want to act on below!


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From: Melina Barker via ofssgn list <ofs...@npogroups.org>
Date: Fri, May 31, 2024 at 9:57 AM
Subject: [OFSSGN] 2024 Oregon Farm to School Network Spring Newsletter
To: <ofs...@npogroups.org>

Connect with Oregon's Farm to School network!

Quarterly Newsletter | Spring 2024

A Note from Our Director

Summer is just around the corner!

This is such a fun and busy time of year for school gardens, kitchens and food producers. With the onset of spring and early summer produce, we are able to enjoy the fruits of our labors. While the school year is ending, school meals in many places are ongoing, and summer is a perfect time to procure local produce and experiment with new recipes when meal counts are lower than during the school year. Lots of child nutrition programs find summer to be a great time to test out new local ingredients and recipes. This newsletter is packed with resources, training opportunities and other ways to engage with farm to school during the coming months. We hope you will take some time to check it all out! We also know that summer is a time for school year staff to rest and rejuvenate - so please do so! And, farmers and food producers are so busy this time of year, we hope you are energized and feeling supported this growing season!

Melina + the Oregon Farm to School Network Team

Table of Contents

I. Featured Topic
II. Federal + State Policy Advocacy
III. Oregon Harvest for Schools Directory: Producer Spotlight
IV.. Regional Farm to School Hub updates
V. Seasonal School Gardens
VI. Announcements: Funding, Webinars and Job Opportunities

Featured Topic - Seafood in Schools

Building the Swell of Sea to School Efforts in Oregon:

OCI’s Seafood Butchery Pilot Program

Maggie Michaels & Lynne Jacks

The seafood industry is a vital part of the Oregon Coast’s economy, but it faces a critical challenge: a lack of skilled workers. The Oregon Coast Visitors Association’s (OCVA) Oregon Ocean Cluster Initiative (OCI) wants to change that, so they created the High School Seafood Butchery Pilot Program.

This innovative program equips high school students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the “Blue Economy” –  the sustainable use of ocean resources.

After an outpouring of interest from high school students, teachers, and school leadership, in April 2024, this program was piloted in five high schools along the coast: Neah-Kah-Nie High School (Tillamook County), Eddyville K-12 School (Lincoln County), Siletz (Lincoln County), Siuslaw High School (Lane County), and North Bend High School (Coos County), introducing these skills to nearly 200 high school students.

The program offers:

  • Hands-on learning: Students practice filet skills in class using Oregon-landed fish and seafood, after which they prepare the seafood for an in-class Sea to Table meal.

  • An online “Seafood Literacy” curriculum through Rouxbe - an online learning platform developed by world-class chef educators and former culinary school executives - that covers topics like sustainable seafood practices, proper handling, fabrication techniques.

  • Transferable skills:  Students practice their butchery skills by preparing a meal for a health and wellness class. These skills then transfer over to science classes to dissect and identify different species.

The next steps in this program will be to create internship opportunities with local businesses so students can gain real experience in various sectors of the seafood industry, from producers and processors to restaurants, charter boats, and seafood counters.

The funding of this pilot has truly been a collaborative effort thanks to the support of the Builders Initiative, Economic Development Alliance of Lincoln County (EDALC), Dexter Russel, Chelsea Rose Seafood, Barnacle Bills Seafood Market, The Spot in Garibaldi, Sea Q Fish, J’Andy Oyster, South Beach Fish Market, Port Orford Sustainable Seafood,  Pacific Seafood, Uline, Englund Marine, NoCry, and Roby’s Newport, who provided materials including filet knives, cutting boards, aprons, chest freezers and seafood.

If you are interested in learning more about the program or collaborating, please email mag...@thepeoplescoast.com.

Seafood to Schools Working Group

The Seafood to Schools working group has been busy supporting more Oregon seafood in school meals. If you are interested in learning more or getting involved, email Melina. Also, check out the culinary training videos and recipe cards for using local seafood - child nutrition approved recipes include: Sesame Tuna sandwich, blacked dover sole tacos, teriyaki rockfish bowl, and pink shrimp chowder- yum!

If you are a child nutrition director interested in increasing local seafood on your menu, please fill out this demand survey so we can have a better understanding of what products schools are interested in so we can communicate to seafood harvesters.

Shout out to Umpqua Valley Farm to School for offering tasting tables of Oregon pink shrimp ceviche in school cafeterias! Kids loved it!

Serving seafood as part of a promotional month is a fun way to feature a new food and get students excited about trying it! May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month- a great time to feature seafood on the menu! Also, consider planning for November- Native American Heritage month, a great time to serve salmon!

Federal and State Policy Advocacy

Calls to action from our partners at the National Farm to School Network

Take Action: Push for Farm to School Grant Funding!

Last fall, the Patrick Leahy Farm to School Grant Program awarded $10.7 million to 103 projects across the U.S. But did you know that only $5 million in annual funding is actually guaranteed to this program? Any additional (“discretionary”) funds have to be allocated by Congress every year in their budget process. We need you to reach out to your Member of the House of Representatives today to let them know the important impacts of farm to school, and urge them to prioritize at least $14m in discretionary funding for FY2025. Take action here.

Farm Bill on the Horizon

The House Agriculture Committee may consider a draft Farm Bill proposal as soon as May 14. That means now is a crucial time to reach out to your federal legislators in the House and the Senate to let them know we need a Farm Bill that works for all farmers, and that invests in food security, equity, and resilience. Take action here to contact your legislator or here to easily submit a Letter to the Editor of your local press.

State Policy Advocacy

While the legislative session is still six months away, there is a lot to engage with leading up to session!

Oregon Farm to School Network Policy workgroup

Help prepare to advocate for improvements (and maybe expansion) of the Oregon Farm to School Grant Program! We’ll start meeting in August- Join our Google Group here to get involved.

School Meals for all Coalition

The Oregon Farm to School Network is part of a broad coalition led by Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon to advocate for a values-aligned School Meals for All policy in Oregon! We're thrilled to be supporting a values-aligned school meals for all policy concept for the 2025 legislative session. We're hoping to hear from the folks that will be most impacted by this program: child nutrition professionals, students, and families! We'd like to hear what is most important to you as we craft this policy! Sign up here to participate in a virtual listening session. Registros para la conversación comunitaria de Comidas escolares para todos.

Oregon Harvest for Schools Directory Spotlight!

Port Orford Sustainable Seafood

Port Orford Sustainable Seafood delivers wild, line-caught seafood direct from Port Orford to fish-loving communities throughout Western Oregon. All their seafood is sustainably caught with hook & line.

Photo credit: Port Orford Sustainable Seafood

Our Table Cooperative

Our Table Cooperative is a cooperative farm specializing in blueberries and mixed vegetable production. They are on a beautiful 65 acre spot in Sherwood OR. They offer frozen blueberries year round!

Photo credit: Our Table Cooperative.

Visit the Oregon Harvest for Schools Directory

Regional Roundup - Eastern Oregon

Regional Hub Coordinators in Eastern Oregon share updates from their counties!
The OFSSGN coordinates and supports Regional Hubs around the state to provide assistance, training and networking opportunities to educators, child nutrition professionals, food producers and community members. To connect with the Regional Hub in your area click here.

Education Regional Hub Coordinator

Carrie Caselton Lowe has begun partnering with a local youth center and locally owned compost business to bring awareness to food waste in Union County schools. She also works with Eastern Oregon HeadStart by providing farm to school training for early childhood educators and working with their nutrition services team to highlight local food in their HeadStart classrooms, lunchrooms, and communities. This summer, Carrie is excited to begin coaching for the Oregon Farm to School Institute and will be working with the Athena - Weston School District team.

Education Regional Hub Coordinator

Betsy Russell Carroll has been working to maintain and expand the Farm to School network in the Columbia Plateau region by co-chairing, with Carrie Caselton Lowe, bimonthly virtual Community of Practice meetings where folks interested in and/or working within the Farm to School movement in NE Oregon come together and share their successes and challenges. This group is building momentum in our communities for Farm to School and sharing our collective voice with the state to advocate for our region. Additionally, Betsy has been supporting school gardens currently in place and eagerly awaiting inquiries about establishing new programs.

Eastern Oregon Gathering

On May 10th the OF2SN hosted its first regional Farm to School Gathering in Eastern Oregon! Melina and Regional Procurement Coordinator, Kristy Athens, joined nutrition directors and farmers in Ontario (on the Idaho border), hosted by Ontario School District Child Nutrition Director Pam Suyematsu. Huge thanks to Pam and her staff for supporting this convening. Kristy worked with Pam to plan a day filled with connection and information, and of course a delicious lunch featuring Columbia River steelhead and Ontario asparagus!

School district and early child education staff and farmers from all over the region discussed how to support local producers in a region that is drier and has more extreme winters than Western Oregon. Beef to School programs are robust in Eastern Oregon: many producers (and FFA and 4H students) donate animals and nutrition directors use ODE Farm to School funds to offset transportation and processing fees. The group shared best practices, scratch cooking techniques and recipes; discussed distribution challenges; and brainstormed future networking opportunities.

It never ceases to amaze us how valuable a few hours of in-person connection can be! We’re thrilled to work alongside all of these amazing people dedicated to growing or serving local products to students in Eastern Oregon.

School Gardens In Late Spring

We all know spring is a busy time in the garden.. but don’t lose track of summer planning! Between the sprouting, blooming, and harvesting it's an exciting time in our school gardens! Here are a few resources to help you through the coming busy months!

•Planning for summer. Even though it feels like many gardens are just breaking ground, now is a great time to make garden plans for the summer. Check out the OFSSGN website for guides to summer garden plans and planting guides to help you get the most out of your gardens!

Make a plan to engage the community in the garden year-round! Engaging with families and local organizations in garden activities can be both educational and enjoyable during the summer break. Organize family gardening days or workshops where parents and children can learn about plant care, harvesting, and healthy eating together. Encourage families to adopt a section of the garden to tend to during the summer, fostering a sense of community involvement and pride in the school garden.

•Need a break from the garden? That’s okay! Another approach is to focus on crops that can be planted and reach harvestable size by late spring while school is still in session - think radishes, spinach, lettuce, beets, and sprouts! You need a rest, and the garden could likely use one too!

Funding, Webinars, Job opportunities!

2024 Grand Ronde Education Summit

On August 23rd learn from Tribal experts, and share innovative ideas that will take your teaching to the next level at Spirit Mountain Casino.

Webinar: Youth Internship Programs

June 26 at 11AM PT

Internships are a great way to involve youth more deeply in garden programming while giving them important job skills. Learn how educators from Durham, NC and Victoria, BC structure their programs!

Tahoma Peak Solutions Tend, Gather, Grow training

August 7th & 8th

This K-12 curriculum focuses on native and naturalized plants of the Pacific Northwest. Northwest Native plant knowledge and stories are woven throughout the curriculum.

Location: Wapato Island Farm. 15115 NW Gillihan Rd. Portland, OR 97231

Pricing: $150. Includes lunch each day; does not include lodging *Financial assistance may be available! Message us for more info!

SGSO Network Open House

May 30th at 1:30PM PT

Whether you're brand new or just wanting to know how to get more involved or more deeply understand SGSO resources, join in to learn more about SGSO’s programs and how they can help your school garden programming.

Kids Garden Community: Growing Together, Open Forum

This forum is an incredible resource for all things related to school gardens! Peruse the resources, share resources, and get your questions answered by this extensive network!

Webinar: Bilingual Family Engagement

July 31st at 11:30AM PT

Having a strong family support base is key to the longevity of a garden program. Join us in learning how Wasatch Community Gardens in Utah involve their language-rich community!

Farm to ECE Institute application- deadline extended May 31

Together with a group of regional partners, Ecotrust is launching a Farm to ECE Institute in Oregon and Washington to grow comprehensive farm to ECE programming in both states. Apply today!

Spend your Local Food For Schools (LFS) Grant by August 31st!

The USDA has given Oregon $2 million to purchase Local Unprocessed Foods! Through the USDA Local Food for Schools Cooperative Agreement Program, (or, the LFS Grant for short), child nutrition programs participating in the National School Lunch Program have received extra funding for local foods. If you’ve received this grant, don’t miss out on using your funds!

The Competitive Reimbursement Grant is LIVE!

The Farm to CNP Competitive Reimbursement Grant (CRG) is intended to provide eligible Farm to CNP grantees with additional funding once their initial Farm to CNP Noncompetitive Reimbursement Grant (NCRG) award amount has been expended.

To be eligible to apply for CRG funding, applicants must have been awarded a Farm to CNP Noncompetitive Reimbursement Grant for the 23-25 biennium and be at a $0 balance.

Want more frequent information on funding, webinars, job opportunities, and more?
Check the OFSSGN Facebook and sign up for our Listserv

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Do you have farm to school content you want featured in the next quarterly newsletter? Send it to: na...@oregonfarmtoschool.org


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Our mailing address is:
Cascade Pacific RC&D
PO Box 2630
Corvallis, OR 97339

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Oregon Farm to School & School Garden Network · 847 NW Monroe Ave · Corvallis, OR 97330-6352 · USA

Melina Barker
Oregon Farm to School and School Garden Network

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