KidsGardening helps kids play, learn, and grow through gardening.
Garden Activity
Make a Field Journal
Field journals can be ideal tools for prompting kids to document, reflect on, and otherwise extend their garden experiences. And when kids create the books from scratch themselves, they are even more inspired to dig in!
Garden Story
Māla‘ai: The Culinary Garden of Waimea Middle School
Reflection and observation are important values to Māla‘ai’s garden classes, and the garden educators always provide opportunities for students to share their findings with their peers.
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What you Loved in 2022
Check out this list of the resources you loved MOST in 2022! Did you try any on this list? Did you have a favorite KidsGardening resource?
New Resource!
Seeds of Success Toolkit
Design, grow, and maintain an edible school garden as a dynamic teaching space! Download the FREE Seeds of Success Toolkit! To dig deeper into some of the topics presented in the Toolkit, KidsGardening also produced a series of FREE webinars.
Curriculum Book
Books in Bloom
Discover the plant biology in great children's literature! Books in Bloom invites children on a special literary adventure to learn about science while also exploring the garden.
More Literacy in the Garden Resources
Sponsored by The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation.
Join the Kids Garden Community!
Growing great things in 2023? Head on over to the Kids Garden Community for all the ideas and inspiration you need to make this your best year of growing with kids!
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