Is pf4j-update dead?

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Jan 26, 2018, 4:12:31 PM1/26/18
to pf4j
It looks like pf4j-update hasn't been updated in a long time and it still refers to PF4J classes in the ro.fortsoft.pf4j packages rather than the newer org.pf4j.

Will pf4j-update be updated soon?


Decebal Suiu

Jan 26, 2018, 5:01:05 PM1/26/18
to pf4j
pf4j-update is an important part of the PF4J ecosystem. 
A pull request for update to PF4J 2 already exists (see It's a small technical problem described by me in one comment of the PR.
Due to lack of time, I focused my attention on PF4J but I will try to finish the migration of pf4j-update to PF4J 2 ASAP.

Decebal Suiu

Jan 27, 2018, 1:43:44 PM1/27/18
to pf4j
I updated pf4j-update to PF4J 2.x. After I released PF4J 2.2.0 I will merge PR-26 (the pull request with modifications) to master and I will release a new pf4j-update version.

If you want to help. please use the branch "org" from pf4j-update and test it in your project. Thanks!
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