Habibollaah Fazaaeli, "Ta`lim-e khatt"

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Connie Bobroff

Oct 9, 2013, 7:47:09 AM10/9/13
to persian-t...@googlegroups.com
Here are some scanned pages from Habibollaah Fazaaeli, "Ta`lim-e khatt":
I did not scan more due to "copyright" concerns.
This work is considered a standard in showing the "look and feel" of Iranian style. In general, I believe Persian style is thought
to be more "rounded" than Urdu or Arabic.
Believe it or not, I scanned and posted these pages as "homework",
back in 2006 with the hopes of reviving this discussion among my Persian-language students and anyone else who was interested. We had even secured DOE funds for a conference to start tackling these issues. Well, that entire project backfired and I barely escaped --"with only my hat and my faith" as Jamalzadeh would say--and here we are now in 2013.
Thanks to Behnam for taking this initiative. Let's see where it will lead!
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