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If you check the FarsiWeb jalali.c, it's trivial to extract the part that converts Persian <=> Julian day number.
If you check the FarsiWeb jalali.c, it's trivial to extract the part that converts Persian <=> Julian day number.I have gone through that code many times... There is no explicit conversion between JDN and calendar date. There is a variable named `j_day_no' which I take it to be Jalali day number (number of days since Jalali epoch) just like `g_day_no'. Neither can lead us to a JDN<=>Jalali conversion. The `j_day_no' points to some time near 1593-03-21 B.C. (979/01-01 AP) which is 1139660 days after JDN = 0. (JDN epoch is -4713-01-01). Simply applying the offset, the algorithm fails to maintain sanity on day numbers (minus days). Also applying 3120 year offset to final calculations of year number didn't help.
function div(a,b) { return Math.floor(a/b); } function remainder(a,b) { return a - div(a,b)*b; }Hope that helps,
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Reminds me that someone should put all the different jalali versions somewhere on github...
There are PersianCalendar.cs and JulianCalendar.cs in .NET ecosystem. They can be useful inspirations.