some starting points - to Permaculture Unconference discussion

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Nicholas Roberts,

Nov 9, 2010, 2:16:07 AM11/9/10
to Permaculture Unconference,
hi all

some useful resources

The basic idea is to have regular meetups hosted at various
stakeholder locations, working toward hosting a Permaculture
Unconference in the Bay Area early in 2011. The tentative theme is
Liberation Industrial Permaculture which would be a synthesis of
Grassroots organising, Worker-cooperatives, Open source appropriate
technology, Commons-based peer production. An emphasis on Pathways to
Sustainable Self-Governance i.e. Worker-cooperatives, Green union
jobs, Small-business, Community led development etc

Permaculture Unconference BLOG

Permaculture Unconference Bay Area 2011

Concept: Horizontal Transfer from Oakland to Richmond

Transfer horizontally knowledge, tools, techniques, projects,
patterns, pathways between Oakland's vibrant sustainability,
permaculture, transition scene and Richmond. Richmond and Oakland act
as two centers of the Permaculture Unconference pattern. Create a
generative sequence of events, projects, people, movements, ideas
between Oakland as sponsor and Richmond as host. Oakland is more
advanced in many ways in terms of density of projects and people, so a
horizontal transfer of memes or culture between Oakland and Richmond
could help both places enormously. Other regions within the Bay Area
obviously are invited and encouraged, but they are channeled firstly
into participating in the first two days in Oakland and then a day in
[edit] Possible Format

4 days: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday
DAY 1 Friday. Oakland, Industry Day: practioners day, invitees and
registered users, permaculture unconference, permaculture tech swap
DAY 2 Saturday, Oakland, Public Day: open-public unconference,
permaculture bike tours, open house/gardens, permaculture market /
swap meet
DAY 3 Sunday, Richmond, Action Day: permaculture unconference,
permaculture blitzes, permaculture site installations, public planting
days and education sessions
DAY 4 Monday, Richmond, Industry Debrief Day: permaculture
unconference de-brief, documentation, archive, NEXT STEPS

Bay Area Permaculture News Map

Pathways to Sustainable Self-Governance
vision for a democratic, worker-owned, advanced industrial ecology
society. We seek pathways to provide the burgeoning food education/
justice movement with the tools to become economically sustainable,
and to link the emerging green industrial worker cooperatives with
them into sovereign networks. Once active, such networks can become
the basis for sustainable, socially just communities that revitalize
locales via open source sustainable agriculture and manufacturing
methods. Our panel -- with academic, commercial, and school of hard
knocks experience -- will frame the demonstrated solutions, numerous
pieces of the puzzle that we as a society need to put together.

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