Ahem... Existing project module anyone?

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Evan Wagner

Mar 26, 2012, 9:22:13 AM3/26/12
to PbDev
Hey all,

Check it:



The above (project-based crowd resourcing) +
wadobo timebank +
our gifting app (applying giftflo UX flow & building in reputation tracking functionality based on extensive email string from way back) +
crowd funding functionality (to build) +
user points (to build) +
occupy farms, coops, etc (underway by many) =

I'm finishing the base spec this week & Justine (st.org) is very close to coming on board to be lead dev- she wrote the latest Django security *protocol*, if people don't already know she's a badass.

The next step is building the development budget and getting rolling...

I think we just might finally be happening!

How's this sound to folks?




Mar 26, 2012, 9:59:09 AM3/26/12
to permab...@googlegroups.com
sounds great- thanks so much!

On 3/26/2012 6:22 AM, Evan Wagner wrote:
> Hey all,
> Check it:
> https://github.com/localprojects/Change-By-Us
> changeby.us
> The above (project-based crowd resourcing) +
> wadobo timebank +

> our gifting app (applying giftflo UX flow& building in reputation tracking functionality based on extensive email string from way back) +

> crowd funding functionality (to build) +
> user points (to build) +
> occupy farms, coops, etc (underway by many) =
> PERMAbank.coop

> I'm finishing the base spec this week& Justine (st.org) is very close to coming on board to be lead dev- she wrote the latest Django security *protocol*, if people don't already know she's a badass.

Devin Balkind

Mar 26, 2012, 12:27:28 PM3/26/12
to permab...@googlegroups.com
Fantastic workflow.  Great UX.  I'm surprised it doesn't have a fundraising component for the projects.  We really need to do a full assessment of the options.  Should we set a date for that - maybe a week from Thursday or Friday?
Devin Balkind

Keka Marzagao

Mar 26, 2012, 7:45:51 PM3/26/12
to permab...@googlegroups.com
Sorry to say it's not really a great workflow at all if you are actually trying to use it. It really looks beautiful, it's a great concept, but it doesn't work well. I've had a project in there w/ my sustainability group since it launched. It was very difficult to use and post anything or to keep the communication going. Seems like they've done some updates, but still.. try to really use it before we commit to it.

Regarding the fundraising component, they've partnered with ioby, they have the fundraising component: http://www.ioby.org

Evan Wagner

Mar 26, 2012, 8:48:42 PM3/26/12
to permab...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Keka.  Long time no hear ; )

I, too, was already thinking of modifications I would like to make.  Since you have experience actually using it, could you make some suggestions to start off?

Keka Marzagao

Mar 26, 2012, 10:19:49 PM3/26/12
to permab...@googlegroups.com
Sure! I haven't used it in quite a while (for the reasons above!) but I'll go through it and send you my report soon. :) I was glad to hear it is on github, I had no idea it was open source.

Great to hear from you guys, too! Let me know when the meeting is and I'll join you!

Evan Wagner

Mar 27, 2012, 3:42:44 AM3/27/12
to permab...@googlegroups.com

Oh, look, now here's the LETS/community-currency (user points) component (note date on post): 


He hasn't opened the code yet, but he's looking for a test case...
And then there's this:


And this:

(a django/python crowdfunding site, appears to be strictly closed, but founder says he is "a fan of open source", so perhaps?)

Finally, a great overview of:
(in multiple languages)

David, can we get some feedback from you on this string?

Provided we can get and then cobble all this together, the vital missing component is the reputation/vouching system, the spec for which I am currently distilling down from the old email string.

Last note: A main idea is that the dollars brought in are essentially converted to the 'earned' LETS units with the first earning event (e.g. I build a table, someone compensates me with either these 'purchased' LETS units, presumably at a higher rate to account for the fact this would be a taxable event, or with their 'earned' LETS units, in which case it could conceptually be non-taxable, as all 'earners' would be de facto members of a coop in which everybody owns everything and so no transfer really occurs) and those dollars land in the pooled fund that is invested (decision-making here crowdsourced 'internally', meaning among 'earners' only, as opposed to 'externally', meaning among 'purchasers'- in the direct sense of 'voting' with their dollars or in-kind donations, but 'earners' have equivalent voice in this environment as well) in 'vitals'- food/water security & shelter to start, and so on up Maslow's pyramid, to 'back' the 'earned' LETS units.

There could also be an internal conversion rate: 'earned' LETS units ~ timebank hours.

Of course, this is all just an elaborate generosity training wheel and with it eventually we will generate the abundance and trust such that it is all gifting and reputation is the only currency.  



David Judd

Mar 27, 2012, 7:37:17 AM3/27/12
to permab...@googlegroups.com
Obviously there's a huge amount of stuff we could do here. I haven't had time to really look at any of the options here but I plan to at some point this week. What are the things we would want to include first? Seems to me that it might be simplest to start with non-monetary stuff - gifts/wishes then timebanking. Thoughts?


Evan Wagner

Mar 27, 2012, 5:10:28 PM3/27/12
to permab...@googlegroups.com
By the way, thanks again Keka- I look forward to your input.

David- Yes, but I would say that the reputation/trust functionality should come second- qualitative before quantitative.  At the same time, the crowdfunding aspect should come right away too, so I'd rather focus on increasing development capacity, which is what I have been doing, than making sacrifices on the productivity side.  First things first, however- it would be great if we could get the present app working enough so people can start building profiles, however rudimentary.  Can I ask again on the status of getting the login working?
Evan Wagner

David Judd

Mar 27, 2012, 5:14:38 PM3/27/12
to permab...@googlegroups.com
Unknown - I don't know what the issue is.

If your priority is getting something deployed ASAP, we also need to figure out where it's getting hosted.


Evan Wagner

Mar 27, 2012, 5:36:22 PM3/27/12
to permab...@googlegroups.com
Don't you remember the last time we sat down, in the park?  Was it just the hosting issue that was preventing me from logging in?

David Judd

Mar 27, 2012, 5:44:07 PM3/27/12
to permab...@googlegroups.com
I know there's a bug of some kind, but I don't know what's causing it. It might be a simple fix to the single sign-on OpenID logic, or something more dramatic, like switching OpenID libraries or ripping that out completely and going back to regular Django auth.


Evan Wagner

Mar 27, 2012, 5:55:45 PM3/27/12
to permab...@googlegroups.com
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