Re: Moving forward with ShareTribe

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Devin Balkind

Nov 23, 2012, 3:17:17 PM11/23/12
to, Leah Feder, Rachel Larson, Drew Hornbain
PS.  Also want to give a big shout out to Evan, who's been writing great content about the subject of collaborative sharing that you can find here and here, Elly who took a few swings at getting us all to collab more efficiently, and Katie who helped with design.

On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 2:45 PM, Devin Balkind <> wrote:
Hi folks.

First, an apology.  David, Ori, Keka, Marc and others spent a serious amount of time turning PermbaBank into a pretty cool software project.  I feel like I let folks down in the project management/ownership department as I got sucked into the work of providing OWS with more basic solutions such as the CiviCRM, Wiki's, etc.

Sharetribe is a free/libre/opensource software solution built in Ruby that performs much of the same tasks as many of us envision for PermaBank: gifts, wishes, reputation tracking and location-specific communities.  You can see the code here.

The creator of the software wrote a fantastic article called "An API for Sharing" and seems philosophically aligned with us.

Elf, on this list, has put a demo of the software together here and has offered to bottomline getting the software deployed on our servers. 

The Occupy Sandy Effort has also gotten more people interested in helping get communities to adopt a permabank like solution - so I've cc'ed Leah, Rachel and Drew on this message. 

How does this sound to everyone?

Devin Balkind

Devin Balkind

Evan Wagner

Nov 23, 2012, 4:11:40 PM11/23/12
Thanks Devin.

Sharetribe looks great, and thanks Elf for setting it up- should be really useful.  However, in as far as my conceptualization of it goes, Permabank is defined by the combination of these qualitative currency functions that sharetribe offers, AND the quantitative aspects that are currently monopolized by central bank notes, but can be supplanted by use of a BitCoin reboot, or an RDF schema like Payswarm.  The point is- if there is no quantitative aspect, then it's not Permabank, as far as I am concerned. That's all, carry on. ; )


David Judd

Nov 24, 2012, 12:38:36 PM11/24/12
Hi folks,

I think it makes a lot of sense to start with Sharetribe. After a quick look at a couple of the example installations, it looks like it does just about all the things v1 of Permabank was meant to, but with a much more mature codebase. And because it's also open source, we can contribute quantitative currency functions to Sharetribe itself, as a module or a fork.

So maybe it's time to make it official: at least for now, we're shelving the Django project that's the current representation of Permabank. No development's been done in a while, and it doesn't seem like that's about to change. I owe everyone an apology of my own here, I think - when I had the time to try to re-launch development when I first moved out to California, I didn't take the initiative, and now I'm working enough hours that at least for the moment I've lost the opportunity to take leadership. On the upside, I'm learning Rails, so maybe I'll be able to help with Sharetribe in the future...

If we are going to officially shelve the Django project, that doesn't change much, but it would be nice of us to document online to avoid confusing people.


Evan Wagner

Nov 24, 2012, 2:08:59 PM11/24/12

Thank you for the thoughtful response, and no apologies necessary- I'm glad to hear you may be able continue contributing, as its a pleasure working with you.

Devin & I spoke last night, and I agree that Sharetribe + quantitative aspect (LETS and $-convertible-to-LETS unit crowdfunder, as per wiki)= Permabank. So, yes, I see the Django route as shelved. It was a valuable dress rehearsal, just like Zuccotti was for this massive rebuilding effort. 

Shit just got real.

Solidarity & Peace


Evan Wagner

Nov 24, 2012, 2:12:05 PM11/24/12
(LETS unit presumably being secured by a BitCoin reboot)


Nov 24, 2012, 5:39:34 PM11/24/12
Thanks all; let's keep moving forward. Happy holidays

Sent from my iPhone


Nov 25, 2012, 4:02:35 PM11/25/12
to, Evan Wagner
ok with me. it also shows how bringing things down, like Trump, the 1%, corporate power, require more effort than we might have thought. but, continuing to grow, progress, and working together is where it's at.

Evan Wagner

Nov 26, 2012, 9:42:54 PM11/26/12
to elly,
Hello all,

So, this is interesting: Does anybody remember me talking about how great the project page was at (in Django)? Well, take a look at this project there-,home - it's a Rockaway recovery project that people in the community started- there's actually a bunch of them- how do we connect to this?

We're definitely gonna need to have something like that in our sharetribe fork, no?

Please advise!

Evan Wagner

☮ elf Pavlik ☮

Nov 27, 2012, 4:36:07 AM11/27/12
to permabank-dev
Excerpts from Evan Wagner's message of 2012-11-27 02:42:54 +0000:
> Hello all,
> So, this is interesting: Does anybody remember me talking about how great
> the project page was at (in Django)? Well, take a look at this
> project there-,home - it's a
> Rockaway recovery project that people in the community started- there's
> actually a bunch of them- how do we connect to this?
> We're definitely gonna need to have something like that in our sharetribe
> fork, no?
> Please advise!
> E
looks great!

in last 2 weeks i did bit more hitchhiking again Berlin -> Munich -> Rome -> Bologna -> Munich -> Berlin and now plan to catch up with various tasks including setting up sharetribe for

in Rome, where i went for summit of community i got to meet Juho (one of 2 main shareteribe developers) in person. it looks like people from OuiShare express strong enthusiasm for Open Source and would like to give more attention to ShareTribe

myself i consider starting arranging a week long hackathons every couple of weeks to work on it. would also like to see if #occupy groups around europe would like to start hosting more hackathons and help with arranging food, accomodations, transportation and working spaces. for bit different project i started drafting a page for such hackathons at: (note: *needed support from community*)

as i have mentioned in one of previous emails Juho and Antti have aspirations to make it 'a WordPress of sharing'

btw i haven't seen anyone on #permabank IRC for quite a while ;)

let's keep this ball rolling!

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