status of ShareTribe setup...

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☮ elf Pavlik ☮

Dec 5, 2012, 6:32:05 AM12/5/12
to permabank-dev, Devin Balkind
ahoy o/

ATM I have basic installation running on
still waiting for Devin to send me last piece of the SSL puzzle, so for now you'll get SSL error if you go there!

this server should handle this setup for next few weeks so we have quite some time to find a new home for it!

I will also need some email accounts for this setup, ex: for system notifications etc. as contact to people who admin server.

I also think about for now keeping it manually in sync with so ask people to request new tribe with a link to their listing in occupy directory:
(yes! i removed all this pricing related stuff which ShareTribe shows by default and still didn't make any fixes to styling!)

One of the possible ways to simplify things would involve transferring domain from account on (why do you use it?) to, this way you could add my gandi account as technical admin which would allow me to easily modify DNS if needed and for now crate needed mail accounts... I may send email to tech mailing list with suggesting evaluation of various registars for domains, in I like their motto "no bullshit!" and they also support some cool projects:

I would also like to share admin responsibilities with at leas one other person, so we can make sure that always at least one of us can fix problems if they arise! maybe i should also ask on tech mailing list?


Leah Feder

Dec 5, 2012, 2:10:04 PM12/5/12
This is so exciting! Thanks Elf & Devin!

I would love to set up a Permabank for Occupy Sandy as that is the most pressing need. However, it's not in the directory, and when going to add it, I noticed this:

"Occupations in this context are defined as geographically based. Organizations that don't hold physical space, like Occupy the Environment, or organizations in solidarity to the movement, like Occupy Air Force, will be considered in their own right after the initial directory is up and running. We will also soon be adding listings for broader geographies, like state and country-wide "occupations." Further down the line, we will be incorporating groups also. That's big. That's awesome. BUT –– that's the future (not the present; please don't submit your group yet)!"

For this reason, I don't think that the Directory is the best source onto which to map tribes, especially at this stage.  As the directory matures, I think it could become a good source.  If we want to start out with a "directory", we could use InterOccupy hubs. Instead of linking to their Directory listing, groups could link to their InterOcc hub URL. 

What do you think?

Devin Balkind

Dec 5, 2012, 3:35:16 PM12/5/12
First off, a big thanks to Elf!  PermaBank lives!

Second, SSL and cryptography are tricky, but I should have it all figured out in the next few hours.

Third, I'll transfer the domain to the gandi account managed by techops folks and ask them to add you as a technical admin.

Fourth, I likde the idea of using for authentication but I don't think the data is as relevant as it once was.  InterOccupy's hubs would be a better choice as they more recently active communities and their contact info is managed by allies who could easily email all hub admins an invitation to create permabanks (?) for their communities.
Devin Balkind

☮ elf Pavlik ☮

Dec 5, 2012, 3:52:20 PM12/5/12
to Devin Balkind, permabank-dev
Excerpts from Devin Balkind's message of 2012-12-05 20:35:16 +0000:
> First off, a big thanks to Elf! PermaBank lives!
my pleasure, I really enjoy supporting efforts which empower people to share more and build stronger community relations!

> Second, SSL and cryptography are tricky, but I should have it all figured
> out in the next few hours.
great news!
since I stay at UTC+1 I may go to sleep soon but should have it all running tomorrow if I get this cert :)

> Third, I'll transfer the domain to the gandi account managed by techops
> folks and ask them to add you as a technical admin.
yeah! that will make things easier :)

> Fourth, I likde the idea of using for authentication
> but I don't think the data is as relevant as it once was. InterOccupy's
> hubs would be a better choice as they more recently active communities and
> their contact info is managed by allies who could easily email all hub
> admins an invitation to create permabanks (?) for their communities.
let's discuss it bit further, for now i would prefer to make a simple manual tie to existing infrastructure and at least in first few weeks that we moderate creation of new communities by asking people to request them over email.

once we get this first setup and people can start using it I would like to come back to topic of *community supported hackatons* where we could further develop this project :D

> On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 2:10 PM, Leah Feder <> wrote:
> > This is so exciting! Thanks Elf & Devin!
> >
> > I would love to set up a Permabank for Occupy Sandy as that is the most
> > pressing need. However, it's not in the directory, and when going to add
> > it, I noticed this:
> >
> > "Occupations in this context are defined as geographically based.
> > Organizations that don't hold physical space, like Occupy the Environment,
> > or organizations in solidarity to the movement, like Occupy Air Force, will
> > be considered in their own right after the initial directory is up and
> > running. We will also soon be adding listings for broader geographies, like
> > state and country-wide "occupations." Further down the line, we will be
> > incorporating groups also. That's big. That's awesome. BUT –– that's the
> > future (not the present; please don't submit your group yet)!"
> >
> > For this reason, I don't think that the Directory is the best source onto
> > which to map tribes, especially at this stage. As the directory matures, I
> > think it could become a good source. If we want to start out with a
> > "directory", we could use InterOccupy hubs <>.
> > Instead of linking to their Directory listing, groups could link to their
> > InterOcc hub URL.
> >
> > What do you think?
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 6:32 AM, ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ <
> >> wrote:
> > >
> > > ahoy o/
> > >
> > > ATM I have basic installation running on
> > > still waiting for Devin to send me last piece of the SSL puzzle, so for
> > now you'll get SSL error if you go there!
> > >
> > > this server should handle this setup for next few weeks so we have quite
> > some time to find a new home for it!
> > >
> > > I will also need some email accounts for this setup, ex:
> > for system notifications etc. adm...@permabank.netas contact to people who admin server.

☮ elf Pavlik ☮

Dec 5, 2012, 3:56:14 PM12/5/12
to Leah Feder, permabank-dev
Excerpts from Leah Feder's message of 2012-12-05 19:10:04 +0000:
> This is so exciting! Thanks Elf & Devin!
> I would love to set up a Permabank for Occupy Sandy as that is the most
> pressing need. However, it's not in the directory, and when going to add
> it, I noticed this:
please tell me what subdomain you would like to use for Occupy Sandy and I will create a permabank for you tomorrow... -> what do we put instead of this SOMETHING? :)

Leah Feder

Dec 5, 2012, 5:00:55 PM12/5/12
to ☮ elf Pavlik ☮, permabank-dev sounds good to me. 


Evan Wagner

Dec 5, 2012, 5:09:42 PM12/5/12
to, ☮ elf Pavlik ☮
Yes, Elf- thank you so much for keeping up with this!  I am so glad things are getting moving again.

That url sounds good to me too, and there is one minor change that I think you can do (please correct me if I'm wrong)- The call to action currently reads "join a tribe near you", which still carries the old brand, obviously.. So, we can say "join a sphere near you" ( as in, "spheres of trust"- see wiki) Does this sound good to everyone? Small thing I think, but important to me...


Evan Wagner

☮ elf Pavlik ☮

Dec 5, 2012, 6:08:45 PM12/5/12
to Evan Wagner, permabank-dev
Excerpts from Evan Wagner's message of 2012-12-05 22:09:42 +0000:
> Yes, Elf- thank you so much for keeping up with this! I am so glad things
> are getting moving again.
> That url sounds good to me too, and there is one minor change that I think
> you can do (please correct me if I'm wrong)- The call to action currently
> reads "join a tribe near you", which still carries the old brand,
> obviously.. So, we can say "join a sphere near you" ( as in, "spheres of
> trust"- see wiki) Does this sound good to everyone? Small thing I think,
> but important to me...
could you please start a wiki page with sort of glossary of terms we would like to use?

also let's please keep in mind that once people start using it worldwide and translating to languages of their preference we better have clear explanations of terminology we use so they can pick similar wording in their languages... luckily ShareTribe platform has already solid foundation for handling multiple languages :)

Evan Wagner

Dec 5, 2012, 6:19:01 PM12/5/12
to ☮ elf Pavlik ☮, permabank-dev
Gotcha- will do. Thanks for the good advice. The terminology is definitely key to Pb, at least for me, so I have been fine tuning it for a while now...

I'm also trying to make it amenable to the Payswarm RDF schema as well, for the possibility that that may become the backbone for the hard currency side- thoughts on that?


☮ elf Pavlik ☮

Dec 7, 2012, 10:48:31 PM12/7/12
to Leah Feder, permabank-dev
Excerpts from Leah Feder's message of 2012-12-05 22:00:55 +0000:
> sounds good to me.
you can go to and find it on a map, let's hold on until monday with going fully public and first polish few more things :)

Devin Balkind

Dec 7, 2012, 11:17:41 PM12/7/12
to, Leah Feder
Well this is exciting.  It's quite a slick experience.

So I'm in and can quickly see stuff we should change to make it consistent with Occupy values and uses: ex. when I'm requesting housing it gives me two "types": buying or renting.  People aren't coming on this site to spend money, they're looking for free stuff from their community.  More useful for types would be: short term, medium term, long term.

As I go through this service I'm sure I'll find lots of things like this.  What would be a good place to document this stuff out, write copy for the about section, etc - a notepad or somewhere else?  I assume customizations require experience with Ruby.  Is that an accurate assumption?  If so, we need to go out and onboard folks into this project.  I guess a good start would be inviting them to join the list? 

Also wondering if we should allot a bit more time to going through the application, changing settings and what not.  I assume changing fields and words on the fly will make things less stable?

It's amazing that this thing has materialized.  Yay for Elf!

Evan Wagner

Dec 8, 2012, 12:23:31 AM12/8/12
to, Leah Feder
Amen to that!

However, I am not prepared to launch this by Monday.  Devin- you and I (and whoever else can make it) should talk after the Store meeting- I imagine it wouldn't be too hard to link the two, anyway. 

This brings me to the next point: I think the buy/rent option should remain (though perhaps hidden for now)- because Permabank values do include those of quantitative currency (i.e. 'money').  Besides, its not really apparent Occupy has any values in its latest manifestation as OS- especially not qualitative, beyond that of unaccountable autonomy, that is.  So, in other words- I'm not trying play the whole "Gee, I hope Occupy likes it!" game- anyway, Sandy restoration isn't even really about Occupy.  Its about these communities finding real economic viability, which most definitely includes money!

I'm sorry, but being able to live without money, at this point in time of society, ironically reflects a rather high degree of privilege (or holiness ; ).  To that note, the other project I am pursuing is the formation of construction worker cooperatives in order to get people paid for work in their community.  The idea that Respond and Rebuild touts that they "work for free" is great for immediate disaster relief, but starts getting real problematic for a local economy pretty quick.

So, yeah- this site isn't going public on Monday ; b


☮ elf Pavlik ☮

Dec 8, 2012, 6:23:34 AM12/8/12
to Devin Balkind, permabank-dev, Leah Feder
Excerpts from Devin Balkind's message of 2012-12-08 04:17:41 +0000:
> Well this is exciting. It's quite a slick experience.
> So I'm in and can quickly see stuff we should change to make it consistent
> with Occupy values and uses: ex. when I'm requesting housing it gives me
> two "types": buying or renting. People aren't coming on this site to spend
> money, they're looking for free stuff from their community. More useful
> for types would be: short term, medium term, long term.
> As I go through this service I'm sure I'll find lots of things like this.
> What would be a good place to document this stuff out, write copy for the
> about section, etc - a notepad or somewhere else?
for now i started project on Pivotal Tracker, BTW it seams like someone picked up maintenance of Bettermeans source code so maybe one day we can migrate it over there if code will get more stable...

Devin & Leah, I've already invited you there and anyone else who would like to use this tracker just please let me know!

☮ elf Pavlik ☮

Dec 8, 2012, 6:33:45 AM12/8/12
to Devin Balkind, permabank-dev, Leah Feder
Excerpts from ☮ elf Pavlik ☮'s message of 2012-12-08 11:23:34 +0000:
> Excerpts from Devin Balkind's message of 2012-12-08 04:17:41 +0000:
> > Well this is exciting. It's quite a slick experience.
> >
> > So I'm in and can quickly see stuff we should change to make it consistent
> > with Occupy values and uses: ex. when I'm requesting housing it gives me
> > two "types": buying or renting. People aren't coming on this site to spend
> > money, they're looking for free stuff from their community. More useful
> > for types would be: short term, medium term, long term.
> >
> > As I go through this service I'm sure I'll find lots of things like this.
> > What would be a good place to document this stuff out, write copy for the
> > about section, etc - a notepad or somewhere else?
> for now i started project on Pivotal Tracker, BTW it seams like someone picked up maintenance of Bettermeans source code so maybe one day we can migrate it over there if code will get more stable...
> Devin & Leah, I've already invited you there and anyone else who would like to use this tracker just please let me know!

also folks from ShareTribe use PT so for some request we could use 'Stories -> Move To Project' feature ;)

Evan Wagner

Dec 8, 2012, 9:53:01 AM12/8/12
to, Devin Balkind, Leah Feder
Please invite me to PT, elf... Why would you not do that automatically?

☮ elf Pavlik ☮

Dec 8, 2012, 10:20:19 AM12/8/12
to Evan Wagner, permabank-dev
Excerpts from Evan Wagner's message of 2012-12-08 14:53:01 +0000:
> Please invite me to PT, elf... Why would you not do that automatically?

Evan Wagner

Dec 8, 2012, 1:05:18 PM12/8/12
to ☮ elf Pavlik ☮, permabank-dev
Thanks!  Also, elf- I'd really like to hear your thoughts on some of the other stuff I wrote (re: payswarm, use of money, etc)

☮ elf Pavlik ☮

Dec 10, 2012, 5:22:53 AM12/10/12
to Evan Wagner, permabank-dev
Excerpts from Evan Wagner's message of 2012-12-08 05:23:31 +0000:
> This brings me to the next point: I think the buy/rent option should remain
> (though perhaps *hidden *for now)- because *Permabank *values *do* include
> those of quantitative currency (i.e. 'money'). Besides, its not really
> apparent Occupy has *any *values in its latest manifestation as OS-
> especially not qualitative, beyond that of unaccountable autonomy, that
> is. So, in other words- I'm not trying play the whole "Gee, I hope Occupy
> likes it!" game- anyway, Sandy restoration isn't even really about Occupy.
> Its about these communities finding real economic viability, which most
> definitely includes money!
I would like to help make platform flexible enough that people can configure their *spheres* however they like, so some of them will only support gifts and other ones can use various forms of currencies. At the same time I would like to stay pragmatic about what ShareTribe offers out of the box and start using existing features ASAP!

I also don't like idea of cluttering codebase with transactions related logic especially if we want to support big number of possible systems. Instead I would prefer looking at open APIs/protocols which can delegate doing transactions to specialized services. Recently I've met people working on who work on service (code also Ruby on Rails) which integrates with existing *p2p marketplaces*, not open source at this moment but they stay open for such possibility.

When it comes to I find it very interesting concept + have very high appreciation to know how of people who work on it. At the same time I haven't dive myself into specs yet so can't share my opinion about its technical details...

> I'm sorry, but being able to live without money, at this point in time of
> society, ironically reflects a rather high degree of privilege (or holiness
> ; ). To that note, the other project I am pursuing is the formation of
> construction worker cooperatives in order to get people *paid *for work in
> their community. The idea that Respond and Rebuild touts that they "work
> for free" is great for immediate disaster relief, but starts getting real
> problematic for a local economy pretty quick.
sounds interesting, in general I like to take approach of not looking for *THE soulution* but always see things we work on as *one of options for people to choose from* and stay comfortable that different people prefer choosing different options and many will simply not find those we work on attractive :)
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