Contributing to Perlbal

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Jason Stubbs

Feb 2, 2012, 10:26:53 PM2/2/12
to perlbal

I've been using Perlbal in production for one of our sites for a
little over two weeks, without any apparent problems. Then, a couple
of days ago, we moved a larger site over to perlbal as well. That
revealed a few performance problems and even a small bug, which I've
gone through and fixed, but I'm wondering the best way to get them

All my changes are committed into,
but they're all on the master branch. Also, I only realized that I
should(?) be updating the CHANGES file too after committing the actual
changes, so that's done as a separate commit..

I haven't really used github before - or really used git for any
distributed project for that matter. Looking at other people's forks,
everything seems to be done in branches though. Should I refork and
recommit everything into separate branches and the add some pull

Sorry for asking what's probably the obvious, but I'd like to not find
out after doing the above that I should actually have done something
entirely different.. ;)

Jason Stubbs


Feb 3, 2012, 3:27:03 AM2/3/12
to perlbal

Thanks for considering contributing back :)

The best way is two parts:

1) open a pull request against the perlbal/Perlbal project on github.
2) e-mail this mailing list with a link to the pull request and a summary.
3) optionally your pulls will be in individual branches. This is more for
your own convenience; if you have two independent features or want to work
on a third, it's easiest to keep your "master" branch clear.

That said, we've (mostly hachi actually) been tossing tons of changes into
'master' over the last few days and intend to hurl a cut tomorrow. Make
sure you're up to date with this before submitting your pull request, for
best results :)

have fun,

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