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[patch] S04: CATCH blocks

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Gaal Yahas

Jul 25, 2006, 10:50:53 AM7/25/06
(This paragraph may need some more treatment but I won't attempt
it until I grasp the content better.)

* agentzh++ noticed confusing language regarding two kinds of scope
in S04.

--- design/syn/S04.pod (revision 10465)
+++ design/syn/S04.pod (working copy)
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
of the C<CATCH> block. Handled exceptions break out past this implicit

-A C<CATCH> block sees the lexical scope in which it defined, but the
+A C<CATCH> block sees the lexical scope in which it is defined, but the
dynamic scope in which it is called, that is, as if it were called
from the dynamic location that threw the exception. That is, the
stack is not unwound until some exception handler chooses to

Gaal Yahas <>

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