I found some nits while copying Perl 6 Synopsis 2 by hand. The patch
created by my TortoiseSVN for S02 has been pasted at the end of the
Index: D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S02.pod
--- D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S02.pod (revision 10313)
+++ D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S02.pod (working copy)
@@ -743,8 +743,8 @@
$args = \3; # same as "$args = \(3)"
$$args; # same as "$args as Scalar" or "Scalar($args)"
- @$args; # same as '$args as Array" or "Array($args)"
- %$args; # same as '$args as Hash" or "Hash($args)"
+ @$args; # same as "$args as Array" or "Array($args)"
+ %$args; # same as "$args as Hash" or "Hash($args)"
When cast into an array, you can access all the positional arguments; into a
hash, all named arguments; into a scalar, its invocant.
@@ -789,7 +789,7 @@
Whitespace is not allowed before the parens, but there is a
corresponding C<.()> operator, plus the "long dot" forms that allow
-you to insert optional whitespace and comments between dots:
+you to insert optional whitespace and comments between the backslash and dot:
&foo\ .($arg1, $arg2);
@@ -1064,7 +1064,7 @@
not see any lexical variables or their values, unless you copy those
values into C<%*ENV> to change what subprocesses see:
- temp %*ENV{LANG} = $+LANG; # may be modifed by parent
+ temp %*ENV{LANG} = $+LANG; # may be modified by parent
system "greet";
=item *
> I found some nits while copying Perl 6 Synopsis 2 by hand. The patch
> created by my TortoiseSVN for S02 has been pasted at the end of the
> mail.
Thanks, applied as r10314.