I expect that 'make realclean' will return my Parrot sandbox to the
'pre-Configure.pl' status, i.e., it should contain only files listed
in the MANIFEST and, since each of those files came from the Parrot
repository, each such file should have a defined 'svn status'. All
files created by 'Configure.pl' and 'make' should be deleted.
Today, however, I noticed in a couple of different sandboxes that one
file created when Configure.pl was run was not being cleaned up when
I called 'make realclean': compilers/pirc/Makefile.
[recon] 567 $ perl Configure.pl
[recon] 571 $ make realclean
/usr/local/bin/perl -MExtUtils::Command -e rm_f \
"t/compilers/*/*.out" \
"t/compilers/*/*.pasm" \
[snip output of 'make realclean']
[recon] 572 $ ls -l compilers/pirc/Makefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 jimk jimk 2536 Mar 25 12:53 compilers/pirc/Makefile
[recon] 573 $ svn status -v compilers/pirc/Makefile
? compilers/pirc/Makefile
This is how compilers/pirc/Makefile begins:
[recon] 574 $ rhead compilers/pirc/Makefile
# Generated by Parrot::Configure::Step from config/gen/makefiles/pirc.in
Can someone explain why this file is not cleaned up, and provide a
patch to do so?
Thank you very much.
realclean: clean
$(RM_RF) Makefile
$(RM_RF) pirc$(EXE)
When I type 'make realclean' (in compilers/pirc dir.) it does delete the
I don't know what causes the problem you describe.
> Can someone explain why this file is not cleaned up, and provide a
> patch to do so?
> Thank you very much.
> kid51
> hi, I'm maintaining compilers/pirc. The pirc.in file (from which the
> Makefile is generated) does contain:
> realclean: clean
> $(RM_RF) Makefile
> $(RM_RF) pirc$(EXE)
> When I type 'make realclean' (in compilers/pirc dir.) it does
> delete the
> Makefile.
> I don't know what causes the problem you describe.
[I posted earlier to RT but it didn't show up on p-p (yet).]
Please try the patch attached.
It more closely follows the pattern in config/gen/makefiles/root.in
-- specifically it categorizes your Makefile as a STICKY_FILE.
It does remove the Makefile when doing make realclean. (I'm on windows,
can't check on linux). However, the executable (pirc.exe in my case)
and obj. files are not removed. (but the Makefile's listed in realclean
Could you please do the following: (a) make sure that any errant files are manually removed;
(b) do a 'make realclean'; (c) then do an 'svn status' and post the results.
Any Makefile experts out there who could help us out?