Your task, if you're interested, is to thump it such that forth.pasm
*can* be loaded in as a compiler module such that you can do:
compile P5, ForthCompiler, "1 2 + ."
and have 3 print out. Should be easy, relatively speaking.
--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski even samurai have teddy bears and even
teddy bears get drunk
> Your task, if you're interested, is to thump it such that forth.pasm
> *can* be loaded in as a compiler module such that you can do:
> compile P5, ForthCompiler, "1 2 + ."
> and have 3 print out. Should be easy, relatively speaking.
Three Notes WRT that:
1) examples/assembly/nano_forth2.pasm uses PCC to implement such a
compiler. No address hacks, but likely a bit slower.
2) I've checked in the "compreg Sx, Py" opcode, where Py is a Parrot Sub.
3) I'll check in an example soon, how to load and run a compiler
written in C and residing in a shared lib.
I'm just waiting for some ok WRT the platform patch, which I've pending