t/pmc/complex........................ok 32/53
# Failed test (t/pmc/complex.t at line 1024)
# got: '
# ln(0+0i)
# got -INF+NaNQi
# not -inf+0.000000i
# done
# '
# expected: 'done
# '
t/pmc/complex........................ok 34/53
# Failed test (t/pmc/complex.t at line 1110)
# got: '
# sqrt(0+0i)
# got NaNQ+NaNQi
# not 0.000000+0.000000i
# done
# '
# expected: 'done
# '
t/pmc/complex........................ok 41/53
# Failed test (t/pmc/complex.t at line 1409)
# got: '
# asin(-1+0i)
# got NaNQ+NaNQi
# not -1.570796-0.000000i
# asin(1+0i)
# got NaNQ+NaNQi
# not 1.570796-0.000000i
# done
# '
# expected: 'done
# '
t/pmc/complex........................NOK 42
# Failed test (t/pmc/complex.t at line 1452)
# got: '
# acos(-1+0i)
# got NaNQ+NaNQi
# got NaNQ+NaNQi
# acos(1+0i)
# got NaNQ+NaNQi
# not 0.000000-0.000000i
# done
# '
# expected: 'done
# '
t/pmc/complex........................ok 45/53
# Failed test (t/pmc/complex.t at line 1576)
t/pmc/complex........................NOK 46# got: '
# asec(-1+0i)
# got NaNQ+NaNQi
# not 3.141593-0.000000i
# asec(1+0i)
# got NaNQ+NaNQi
# not 0.000000-0.000000i
# done
# '
# expected: 'done
# '
# Failed test (t/pmc/complex.t at line 1618)
# got: '
# acsc(-1+0i)
# got NaNQ+NaNQi
# not -1.570796-0.000000i
# acsc(1+0i)
# got NaNQ+NaNQi
# not 1.570796-0.000000i
# done
# '
# expected: 'done
# '
t/pmc/complex........................ok 53/53# Looks like you failed 6 tests of
Summary of my parrot 0.4.5 (r13183) configuration:
configdate='Fri Jul 7 00:08:51 2006'
osname=dec_osf, archname=alpha-dec_osf
jitcapable=0, jitarchname=nojit,
jitosname=dec_osf, jitcpuarch=alpha
cc='cc', ccflags='-std -D_INTRINSICS -fprm d -ieee -I/p/include -DLANGUAGE_C -pthread -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=500',
Linker and Libraries:
ld='ld', ldflags=' -L/p/lib',
libs='-lm -lutil -lpthread -laio -lrt -lgmp'
Dynamic Linking:
share_ext='.so', ld_share_flags='-shared -expect_unresolved "*" -O4 -msym -std -L/p/lib',
load_ext='.so', ld_load_flags='-shared -expect_unresolved "*" -O4 -msym -std -L/p/lib'
iv=long, intvalsize=8, intsize=4, opcode_t=long, opcode_t_size=8,
ptrsize=8, ptr_alignment=8 byteorder=12345678,
nv=double, numvalsize=8, doublesize=8
That is very true, and very worthy of a separate ticket, but isn't
the failure I'm seeing something a bit different -- expecting non-NaNs
(mostly zeros) but getting NaNQs?
> thanks for your report.
> ~jerry
Jarkko Hietaniemi <j...@iki.fi> http://www.iki.fi/jhi/ "There is this special
biologist word we use for 'stable'. It is 'dead'." -- Jack Cohen