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Will Coleda

Jul 24, 2006, 8:32:02 AM7/24/06
Here are some issues regarding basic types, in no particular order,
some of them inter-related. (while the phrasing is short, please
don't consider the tone short. =-)

o Undef vs. None vs. null? Only one of these types is mentioned in
the PDD. Need to document the rationale and expected use for each type.

See also: :
Undef != Undef.

o Floats - are we sure about the platform default for
stringification? And are we sure we want to limit ourselves? see:

o BigNum - note dependence on external library... should this be a
basic type?

o Arrays - Can we have some rationale here to explain the large
number of array types?

o Binary Math Operations - this section needs more explanation.
Perhaps a table of :multi listings for all the basic types.

o What makes a type basic? (static vs. dynamic, core vs. language, etc.)

o There are 71 pmcs in src/pmc types. Only 21 are documented in the
PDD. Are they not basic? (If not, what makes them not basic? where
are they/will they be described?)

o How can I use my own types in place of these types? (e.g. if I want
more precision by default than parrot gives on stringification (like
Tcl does with TclFloat)).

o Morphing is not mentioned. This was a contentious issue the last
time it came up on list.

o Need to mention 'does', which is not the same as:

o the type hierarchy.

Will "Coke" Coleda

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