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[perl #39552] Segfault on FreeBSD during make

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Chip Salzenberg via RT

Jul 6, 2006, 3:24:28 PM7/6/06
Is this bug still reproducible this even after removing everything
Parrot-related from /usr/local? (Also /usr/bin and /usr/lib if you
happen to have installed e.g. Debian's parrot packages.)

David Landgren

Jul 19, 2006, 8:31:03 AM7/19/06

I deleted /usr/local/{bin,doc,include,lib}/parrot (or something very
close to that), rsynced from the repo and rebuilt. This time the install
went perfectly, although the test suite issued a certain amount of smoke.

Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail List of Failed
t/dynoplibs/dan.t 6 1536 6 6 1-6
t/dynoplibs/myops.t 7 1792 7 7 1-7
t/dynpmc/dynlexpad.t 6 1536 6 6 1-6
t/dynpmc/foo.t 9 2304 9 9 1-9
t/dynpmc/gdbmhash.t 13 3328 13 13 1-13
t/dynpmc/perlarray.t 32 8192 32 32 1-32
t/dynpmc/perlenv.t 1 256 1 1 1
t/dynpmc/perlhash.t 37 9472 38 37 1-31 33-38
t/dynpmc/perlint.t 75 19200 76 75 1-60 62-76
t/dynpmc/perlnum.t 53 13568 60 53 1-47 54 56-60
t/dynpmc/perlscalar.t 2 512 3 2 2-3
t/dynpmc/perlstring.t 69 17664 69 69 1-69
t/dynpmc/perlundef.t 13 3328 13 13 1-13
t/dynpmc/sparse_perlarray.t 4 1024 4 4 1-4
t/dynpmc/sub.t 2 512 2 2 1-2
t/examples/past.t 1 256 1 1 1
t/pmc/eval.t 1 256 19 1 19
t/pmc/mmd.t 9 2304 39 9 1 14-20 23
t/pmc/sub.t 3 768 55 3 44-46
8 tests and 387 subtests skipped.
Failed 19/242 test scripts. 343/6028 subtests failed.
Files=242, Tests=6028, 2249 wallclock secs (521.95 cusr + 201.22 csys =
723.16 CPU)
Failed 19/242 test programs. 343/6028 subtests failed.

Thus the bug may be closed. I see that the install process now says

Installing Parrot may interfere with developing Parrot
on the same machine. This is a temporary flaw in the
Parrot build system. If you are not sure this is OK,
press ^C (or your interrupt key) in the next ten seconds.

It might be worth pointing out here what the work-around is:
if the install dumps core, remove the installed version (and what files
in question are).

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