GSOC 2012 is upon us. If any members of the Parrot community are
enrolled as students and want to get paid to hack on parrot for the
summer, please consider applying. You need to be over 18 and enrolled
as a student somewhere. "Non-traditional" older students may apply as
well. Students who have done GSOC in previous years are welcome to
participate again.
I've heard from a handful of prospective students so far, but would
really like to hear from more. The proposal deadline is April 6 (Next
Friday). The best proposals are drafted, receive feedback and are
iterated upon before final submission, so now is the time to get
Also please put the word out. Let friends, families, coworkers and
neighbors know about the program. People get money and Parrot gets
code, so more applicants and more projects create benefit for
everybody involved. Feel free to send any interested students to me
(or any other mentor) for information.
Also since TPF didn't get into GSOC this year, Parrot is willing to
host Rakudo-related projects.
As an ecosystem there is lots of work that we need and lots more than
we want, so we can definitely find projects to suit most student
interests and skill sets.
--Andrew Whitworth