=head1 NAME
tools/dev/run_indent.pl - Check indentation in C files
% perl tools/dev/run_indent.pl file1 [file2 ...]
This script ensures that the specified C source files have correct
this is part of the coding standards, and should be a test under
t/codingstd/. if necessary, it should be updated to follow the coding
standards laid out in PDD07.
from the looks of it, the indentation tests in t/codingstd/ seem to
surpass the tests in this script, but there are other checks here that
are not represented in t/codingstd/. so, until those checks are
implemented as tests, this ticket should remain open to track that
effort, and this file should stick around so we have a reference.
Is there any reason why we can't close this ticket?
Yes; the file tools/dev/run_indent.pl is still in the repository,
still relies on the non-core C::Scan, and is still likely[1] obsoleted
by the codingst test.
> kid51
[1] I haven't compared how the two files do.
Will "Coke" Coleda
+1, please do.
> kid51
Will "Coke" Coleda