The trunk wasn't compilling in my machines...
After digging into Makefile I found missing depencies linking
miniparrot and parrot
Here's the patch that solved it
server parrot # diffstat imcc_dependency.diff
CREDITS | 5 +++++
config/gen/makefiles/ | 2 ++
2 files changed, 7 insertions(+)
Will work for bandwidth
+ $(IMCC_DIR)/imclexer$(O) $(IMCC_DIR)/parser_util$(O)
This isn't correct either. These object files are already part of libparrot
(see also IMCC_O_FILES).
There must be some other problem elsewhere.
Found the problem... it was MY problem... I had rests of an old instalation
of parrot in my /usr/local/lib, and gcc was pulling libparrot from there,
making the hole process borked...
Removed the old instalation, and parrot compiles fine now :) sorry for this
wrong patch :)
Strange. I tried hard to resolve:
and didn't see any bad interaction of an installed Parrot (albeit there are a
lot of such reports, that there is one).
I don't really know how to solve this problem... AFAIK gcc pulls by default
libs from /usr/local/lib or /usr/lib as soon as you do -l<lib>... You can
pass -L/path to gcc, but maybe the deafult search paths has priority over
the hand-defined ones. Guess I'll have to digg it more...
I think that the comments in this entry are still valid.
There's was also a stab at a patch in r11320, but I botched it (in the
embedded interface) and it was reverted. It's still a good starting
point for anyone that would like to run with it,
I see this in my generated Makefile:
LINKFLAGS = -L/usr/local/lib -Wl,-E
LDFLAGS = -L/usr/local/lib
So gcc is pulling libraries from that dir, and if i got an old
libparrot there, it will probably broke the make process.... is this