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Problems Installing Parrot

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Mr. Shawn H. Corey

Jul 21, 2006, 10:13:33 AM7/21/06

I am trying to install Parrot and the README file has this:

You'll need a C compiler, a linker and a make program of course. If you
will be linking with the ICU library you have to download and install it
before configuring Parrot.

Get it from

I have downloaded the icu4j_3_4_4.jar but have no idea what to do with
it. Could someone please help?


Just my 0.00000002 million dollars worth,
--- Shawn

"For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by
doing them."

Jonathan Rockway

Jul 21, 2006, 10:48:54 AM7/21/06
to Mr. Shawn H. Corey,

> I have downloaded the icu4j_3_4_4.jar but have no idea what to do with
> it. Could someone please help?
You'll want to get icu4c (icu for C), not icu4j (for java). If you get
the tgz C version, just tar xzvf it, cd source; ./configure; make; make
install. Note that most Linux distros have packages for icu. apt-get
install libicu.* will get everything you need on Debian. (On other
distros, be sure to install the -dev or -devel pacakages).

Anyway, here's where I got it from:

Jonathan Rockway

Chris Dolan

Jul 21, 2006, 1:08:46 PM7/21/06
to Jonathan Rockway, Mr. Shawn H. Corey,

On a related note, I understand that ICU is recommended but not
required for Parrot (right?). After searching in the Parrot docs
subdir a couple weeks ago, I couldn't find more than that. Questions:

1) Is there documentation on how ICU relates to Parrot somewhere
that I missed?
2) How important is ICU?
3) If I build Parrot without ICU, what repercussions should I expect?

This would be a good entry for the FAQs for a cage cleaner.


Chris Dolan, Software Developer, Clotho Advanced Media Inc.
608-294-7900, fax 294-7025, 1435 E Main St, Madison WI 53703

Clotho Advanced Media, Inc. - Creators of MediaLandscape Software
( and partners in the revolutionary
Croquet project (

Mr. Shawn H. Corey

Jul 21, 2006, 2:12:57 PM7/21/06
to Chris Dolan,
Chris Dolan wrote:
> On Jul 21, 2006, at 9:48 AM, Jonathan Rockway wrote:
>>> I have downloaded the icu4j_3_4_4.jar but have no idea what to do with
>>> it. Could someone please help?
>> You'll want to get icu4c (icu for C), not icu4j (for java). If you
>> get the tgz C version, just tar xzvf it, cd source; ./configure; make;
>> make install. Note that most Linux distros have packages for icu.
>> apt-get install libicu.* will get everything you need on Debian. (On
>> other distros, be sure to install the -dev or -devel pacakages).
>> Anyway, here's where I got it from:
> On a related note, I understand that ICU is recommended but not required
> for Parrot (right?). After searching in the Parrot docs subdir a couple
> weeks ago, I couldn't find more than that. Questions:
> 1) Is there documentation on how ICU relates to Parrot somewhere that I
> missed?
> 2) How important is ICU?
> 3) If I build Parrot without ICU, what repercussions should I expect?
> This would be a good entry for the FAQs for a cage cleaner.

If you're collect questions for the FAQ, here are some Andy Lester
answered for me:

> First, my background. I am an experienced programmer having worked with
> Perl since version 4 and worked with C for many years before that. I
> have worked with SCCS and RCS but not CVS nor SVN.

Basically the same stuff.

> 1. Do I need root privileges to install Parrot? Do I need it for Cage
> Cleaners?

You don't even need root at all. You can build in a local directory and
not install.

> 2. How much disk space does this take? What's the best way to get it
> without using too much disk space?

My build directory is 194MB.

> 3. My ISP offers unlimited downloads between midnight and 7 AM (and
> unlimited uploads anytime). Is there away to get CVS/SVN to do its
> updates in this time slot? Or rather is there a way to limit it so it
> doesn't automatically update without permission?

It won't update automatically. Once you have the stuff on your local
system, Subversion is pretty parsimonious with the bandwidth

> 4. Is there a naming convention for Parrot's root directory or can I
> stick it just anywhere?


> 5. What would be the difference between using SVN and SVK
> <> ?

Unless you're a Subversion whiz, stick with Subversion, not svk.

Please sign up for perl6-internals, soon to be renamed parrot-porters,
at That's where our discussions go on, and where all
the cage cleaners are starting to accumulate. There I can talk about
some high-level plans, and people can pick at things that they find most
interesting. Plus, you can share your questions with other developers, too.

Thanks for joining!


Andy Lester => => => AIM:petdance

Patrick R. Michaud

Jul 21, 2006, 3:13:43 PM7/21/06
to Mr. Shawn H. Corey, Chris Dolan,
On Fri, Jul 21, 2006 at 02:12:57PM -0400, Mr. Shawn H. Corey wrote:
> Chris Dolan wrote:
> > 1. Do I need root privileges to install Parrot? Do I need it for Cage
> > Cleaners?
> You don't even need root at all. You can build in a local directory and
> not install.

In fact, for those who are developing parrot the current
recommendation is to *not* install it, as it often produces later
collisions between installed and local copies of parrot.


Chris Dolan

Jul 21, 2006, 11:23:51 PM7/21/06
to Mr.Shawn H.Corey,
On Jul 21, 2006, at 1:12 PM, Mr. Shawn H. Corey wrote:

> Chris Dolan wrote:
>> This would be a good entry for the FAQs for a cage cleaner.
> If you're collect questions for the FAQ, here are some Andy Lester
> answered for me:

I'm not, actually. :-(

Could you do one of the following, in order of preference:
1) Write these up as a patch to the FAQ
2) Write these up as a patch for cage/TODO.pod
3) Submit an RT bug to add these to the FAQ

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