Twitter (and Swarm)importer

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Bryan Fordham

Dec 23, 2020, 9:30:22 AM12/23/20
to Perkeep
Hi folks -

I've been experimenting with perkeep, and I appreciate all the work that's gone into it.

I'm trying to get some of the importers working. I keep running into issues, and since I assume I'm just doing something silly, I'll just use Twitter as the example.

I set up the twitter app, but it kept telling me the callback URL was wrong. So I just hardcoded it in twitter.go. After that it simply dies without outputting anything in the logs.

Is this something that's common? I hardcoded the callback after seeing reference to that elsewhere. But the lack of error message leaves me stumped. I'm happy to share whatever info about my configuration will be helpful but, again, without the error message I'm not sure what would help.


Bryan Fordham

Dec 23, 2020, 5:09:23 PM12/23/20
Well,nevermind :) I moved it off my laptop and to a real server, working great now


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