On Jan 9, 2015, at 13:34, Graham Booker wrote:
> Apple has changed their QuickTime architecture.
> Perian doesn't work under the new architecture since they changed
> the plugin mechanism.
> Apple has not documented how to create plugins in the new architecture
> Therefore, Perian cannot be updated for the new architecture.
Just to clarify. You are saying that since apple has essentially
deprecated QTKit in favor of AV Foundation [1] and that while it is
possible to create custom CoreAudio components (A52Codec.component is
one example), there is no public documentation for creating custom
CoreVideo components therefore anything that uses the new CoreAudio/
CoreVideo playback cannot work with Perian video codecs since they are
QTKit only.
And furthermore, even if the API for creating a custom CoreVideo
component were reverse engineered or otherwise somehow documented,
since it's not a published apple API, even a minor OS update
(potentially even just a security update) could break it. Therefore
there really is no way forward to sustainably supporting Perian video
codes via the new AV Foundation [2].
Is that a correct interpretation?
[1] <
[2] <