performance PERPETUAL OMENS OF POETRY de Marina Barsy Janer x Isil Sol Vil en Sofia Underground. Sofía (Bulgaria))

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Marina Barsy Janer x Isil Sol Vil

May 1, 2023, 3:22:59 PM5/1/23
to PERFORMANCELOGÍA: Performance Art Mailing List / Lista de Correo

Invitadxs a participar en Sofia Underground International Performance Art Festival, Sofía (Bulgaria) con la pieza PERPETUAL OMENS OF POETRY.

Acto poético deviene invocación perpetua;
reconexión con la ancestralidad.
Magia en la existencia cotidiana,
donde las cuerpas son espacio esotérico de conocimientos comunales.
Desfronterizar la piel
transmutar en animalidad.

aquí más información>>>

xxx abrazos de ternura radical xxx

Isil Sol Vil x Marina Barsy Janer

artistas de performance / performance artists

   vimeo · facebook · instagram


We have been invited to participate in the Sofia Underground International Performance Art Festival, Sofia (Bulgaria) with the performance PERPETUAL OMENS OF POETRY.

Poetic act becomes perpetual invocation;
reconnection with ancestry.
Magic in quotidian existence,
where bodies are esoteric space for communal knowledge.
Deborder the skin
transmute into animality.

more information>>>

xxx hugs of radical tenderness xxx

Isil Sol Vil x Marina Barsy Janer

artistas de performance / performance artists

   vimeo · facebook · instagram
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