'Debt Clock' shows how much corporations and The 1% owe the US

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gan golan

Jan 30, 2013, 3:54:27 PM1/30/13
to gan golan
Hello Friends,

Though you'd get a kick out of this. 

Today some friends and I launched this cool, new 'Debt Clock' in support of actions that are taking place in 50 cities across the country where seniors, veterans and Occupy Wall St. activists were demanding that we don't slash social support programs like Social Security and Medicare.

Here it is

Unbelievably, superwealthy corporations and their CEO's have formed an influential, deep pocketed Wall St. front group called 'FIX THE DEBT' that is calling for cuts in the social safety net in order to reduce the deficit, ignoring the fact it is superwealthy Corporations and their 1% CEOs who have been racking up the national debt by paying little or no taxes. That's right, many corporations pay less in taxes than YOU!

So in response to FIX THE DEBT, today we are going to FLIP THE DEBT, and put the focus of the debate where it should be: on making wealthy pay their fair share.

So...how much do they owe? Watch the number grow before your very eyes..


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Tax Dodging, Corporate Front Group known as ‘FIX THE DEBT’ challenged by new website called ‘FLIP THE DEBT’

A new website www.flipthedebt.org reveals how much corporations and the top 1% owe the US. The answer: far more than what Congress is trying to cut from Social Security and Medicare.

The launch of the website follows a nationwide day of action in 50 cities today, including a protest outside of New York City’s famous National Debt Clock on 44th and 6th  near the IRS Building. There, the “Flip The Debt” gathering of seniors and community groups (including organizations like United NY & NY Communities for Change) unveiled their own giant clock prop, showing the trillions of dollars that corporations and the wealthiest Americans should be paying the federal government in taxes.

Here are photos of today's street action - http://www.facebook.com/FlipTheDebt

Here is the oline Debt Clock - www.flipthedebt.org  

These actions target the high-profile “Campaign to Fix the Debt”, the latest incarnation of a multi-decade effort by wealthy Wall Street investors to slash social support programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, all in the name of cutting the deficit.

Meanwhile, many of these very same corporations and their CEOs have contributed mightily to the national debt. The US has had to borrow over $1 trillion to pay for the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts for the rich (incomes over $250,000). Additionally, since 2001 global corporations (many of them members of Fix The Debt, like GE) have dodged about $100 billion in taxes a year, thanks to using the "off shore tax system." This $2.3 Trillion in “debt” that the super wealthy owe to the US is far greater than the $1.6 Trillion that Congress is now trying to cut from the deficit and which threatens the programs that support working families.

To view the online Debt Clock: www.FlipTheDebt.org

twitter: #flipthedebt  | http://www.facebook.com/FlipTheDebt <- action photos


Hieger Zosike Joanie

Jan 30, 2013, 8:04:55 PM1/30/13
to performa...@googlegroups.com
Thanks indeed for sharing these! So powerful.
Joanie Fritz Zosike

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