Upcoming Actions Jan 30 & Feb 20 (save the dates!)

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gan golan

Jan 17, 2013, 8:34:42 PM1/17/13
to occupy-wall-stre...@googlegroups.com, performa...@googlegroups.com
Howdy friends, 

First off, just want to say that I miss you guys terribly and have been keeping track of all your efforts from afar. Awesome stuff. Wish I could be there. I have migrated to the Bay Area for January, both for paid work and for the weather. I am trying to line up more funding and resources so that we can do our work more sustainably heading into the future. I'll keep you posted. 

Second off, I wanted to let you know that are some actions coming up where artists, particularly puppet guild, could do some great stuff around the upcoming Battle Royale over the budget, in which social security, medicare, medicade and just about every other part of the social safety net is on the chopping block, with all the usual corporate villains behind it. It's gonna be an all out throw down, drag out fight lasting through February, March and then heading into Tax Day. 

The first action popping up on the radar is on Jan 30, and will be local in NY. Our friends at United NY are organizing it and so are putting together some great ideas and a budget. It's probably going to be similar in scale to the Job Cremator action last year. We should set up a call soon to see if you guys are interested. 

The second will be on Feb 20 and may involve thousands in many cities. More details to follow.  

In any case I just wanted to wish you all well and let you know that I am rooting for y'all from here. 

Love from Oakland (aka The Other Brooklyn),
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