Is the character of a president important anymore?

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Bob Gorringe

Dec 25, 2023, 7:41:58 AM12/25/23
When I was a kid and played sports, we always looked up to the Willie Mays', Hugh Mclhenny's, the greats in their field of sport. And there was always this understanding that came with fame, and that was that they were to be examples to young kids in their personal behaviors.
And in our fourth grade history lessons, more myth than truth, we were taught that American presidents don't lie. Did George Washington chop down the cherry tree? Remember?
We've come a long way, haven't we in our real politic concerning these expectations of our heroes and public figures. Incrementally through the years they've been violated to the point where character, even, is not a requirement for a presidential candidate. 
What have we lost? And though Meryl Streep's focus in this video is on Donald Trump, it's equally true of All the other candidates.

Frank Scafani

Dec 25, 2023, 8:50:33 AM12/25/23
Where have all the heroes gone? As we age we realize that there are no heroes in government
just smooth talking con-men, even that was shattered with the election of Bush and Trump.
america is a giant bordello run by the whore masters who treat every citizen like a 2 dollar street
Merry Christmas.

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If voting changed anything, it would be illegal.
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