
Contact owners and managers
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This group began as a way for constituents in our Congressional district to discuss topics and each month to pick one issue of concern and write a letter, or send an email or phone our Representative and advise her on how we would like her to vote. The purpose of this google group was to try to improve our democracy by informing our Representative how we feel on the issues of the day.   We did this for FIVE YEARS, but she never paid any attention to our messages to her.

The google group now has the purpose of sharing information about actions of our government that are not mentioned on the major media.  Some of our members read many different web sites.  Sometimes see an article or post that they think people should know about.  This articles have a topic which is never seen on major media.  The members send the group to a link for that post so we can all be better informed as to what is really going on in our government.

Politicians are well know to be liars, and so are the prestitutes on TV and in the newspapers.  This google group will assist you to be better informed and prepared for what may be ahead for our nation.