Projek gomen memperbodohkan cikgu2...

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Jun 30, 2013, 7:02:54 PM6/30/13

Projek gomen memperbodohkan cikgu2...

Projek gomen memperbodohkan cikgu2...

Posted: 30 Jun 2013 12:03 PM PDT

Kenyataan Pengarah Pelajaran Johor, Mohd Nor Ghani bahawa guru besar dan guru di negeri itu tidak dibenarkan mengeluarkan kenyataan mengkritik kerajaan di facebook adalah tindakan tidak demokratik.

“Dahulu, golongan inilah yang paling ramai masuk politik. Tujuan mereka hanya mahu berkhidmat untuk masyarakat.

“Namun sekarang jika menyokong dan berpihak kepada Pakatan, ia dihalang. Ini berat sebelah,” kata ketua penyelaraws Jingga 13, Fariz Musa kepada Keadilandaily.

Semalam, Pengarah Pelajaran Johor, Mohd Nor Ghani dalam sebuah forum pendidikan mengingatkan guru besar dan guru di negeri ini supaya tidak mengeluarkan kenyataan mengkritik kerajaan di Facebook.

Ia kononnya bagi mengelakkan mempengaruhi pelajar dan mengelak dari mencipta ‘masalah untuk diri sendiri’.

Lapor Sin Chew Daily hari ini, Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Johor akan membentuk pasukan khas dan memantau kandungan yang dimuat naik di laman Facebook atau sosial mereka.

“Sepatutnya beliau bersikap lebih profesional. Lupakah beliau bahawa golongan guru lah yang bakal mencorak anak-anak murid?

“Bila guru tidak lagi bebas mengkritik, maka kualiti seorang guru itu merosot dan ini terkesan kepada anak muridnya,” kata Fariz yang juga merupakan bekas guru.-keadilandaily

Spying the teachers? wow...Freedom? Democracy?apa dah jadi...

Gov't to monitor Johor teachers' online activities...

The Johor education department has established a team to monitor the social media activities of the state's teachers and headmasters.

According to Sin Chew Daily, the plan - which covers Twitter and Facebook posts - aims to discourage teachers from being too political.

The daily quoted Johor Education Department director Mohd Nor Ghani stating that educators should not post any anti-government material to avoid influencing their students.

"I don't want any political or racial element in education, this will affect the students," he said at an education forum yesterday.-malaysiakini


Kereta ADUN DAP disimbah cat dan rumah Menteri Belia dan Sukan dirompak...

Posted: 30 Jun 2013 05:08 AM PDT

Kereta ADUN disimbah cat, dilontar batu...

Keganasan politik nampaknya tidak reda-reda walaupun pilihan raya umum ke-13 sudah berlalu.

Dalam insiden terbaru, Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Ayer Keroh Khoo Poay Tiong pula mendapati keretanya disimbah dengan cat merah dan dilontar batu.

Khoo berkata, pada jam 7.30 pagi tadi, beliau dapati bahagian belakang Honda CRV yang mempunyai logo ketiga-tiga parti gabungan dalam Pakatan Rakyat dilitupi cat merah.

"Cermin belakang juga retak kerana dibaling dengan batu," katanya ketika dihubungi.

Khoo berkata, beliau dan keluarganya berada di rumah dan tidur kira-kira jam 1 pagi tanpa mengesyaki sesuatu.

"Memang kami ada dengan sesuatu pada masa itu tetapi kami tidak jangkakan perkara macam ini," katanya.-malaysiakini

Pencuri sasar rumah KJ...

Rumah seorang Menteri di Jalan Setiabistari, Bukit Damansara di sini telah dipecah masuk oleh tiga orang lelaki petang semalam.

Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Bandaraya, Ku Chin Wah berkata, dalam kejadian jam 5.30 petang, ketiga-tiga mereka, telah datang dengan sebuah kereta Proton Waja, lalu memanjat dinding pagar lalu masuk ke dalam rumah melalui pintu hadapan yang tidak berkunci.

Ku berkata, suspek melarikan diri dengan beberapa buah komputer riba dan jam tangan.

"Menteri dan isterinya tidak ada di rumah ketika kejadian ,kecuali pembantu rumah mereka ada ketika itu.

"Pembantu rumah menyedari kehadiran perompak apabila melihat pintu depan terbuka tetapi dia tidak berani menentang mereka," katanya di Kuala Lumpur, hari ini.

Ku berkata pembantu rumah itu juga sempat melihat suspek menyelongkar bilikvutama sebelum mereka melarikan diri.

Ku berkata jumlah kerugian masih disiasat.- Bernama

 Malacca DAP rep's car splashed with red paint...

The political violence which marred the run-up to the May 5 general election appears to continue unabated with DAP's Ayer Keroh state assemblyperson Khoo Poay Tiong this morning discovering that his car was splashed with red paint and pelted with a rock.

When contacted, Khoo said he discovered the back part of his Honda CRV, which bore the symbol of all three Pakatan Rakyat component parties, was covered in red paint at 7.30am.

DAP Ayer Keroh state assemblyperson Khoo Poay Tiong car splashed with red paint 2"The back screen also cracked because it was thrown at with a rock," he said, whose car was parked in front of his home.

The porch of his Bukit Beruang residence was also stained in red paint.

Khoo said he and family were at home and they had gone to bed at around 1am but had not suspected anything amiss.

"We did hear something at that time but we did not expect something like this," he said.

'Possible political motives'

Khoo said he will lodge a police report later today and urged the cops to investigate the matter.

NONE"As a politician, we handle many things. I'll let the police to investigate but I do not discount the fact that the attack was politically motivated," he said.

Khoo added that he did not rule out the possibly that the attack may also be linked to his involvement in the protest against the controversial closing down of Jonker Walk, a major tourist spot in Malacca.

In May last year, Khoo and several other state DAP leaders were also pelted with eggs and stones at an event that was supposed to feature Bersih co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan.

Ambiga cancelled her appearance following the threat against her safety.-malaysiakini

Thieves strike KJ's home in broad daylight...

Kuala Lumpur police has confirmed that a minister's home was ransacked by thieves yesterday.

Although the minister was not named, it is believed that the bungalow home belonged to the mother of Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin.

It is also understood that the Khairy and his wife were residing there, but were not around during the incident.

According to Kuala Lumpur CID chief Ku Chin Wah, the incident happened at 5.30pm incident.

There were three suspects, who arrived in a Proton Waja car, scaled the perimeter wall before barging into the house through the front door which was unlocked.

He said the suspects ran off with several laptops and watches.

"The minister and his wife were not at home and only their maid was around.

"The maid was too terrified to do anything. She said they also ransacked the master bedroom," he said in a press release, according to Bernama.

He added that total losses were still being investigated.

In May, the house of Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin's sister in Petaling Jaya was broken into. Losses were estimated at RM300,000.

A few days later, a younger sister of Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar and her family were robbed at their home in Mantin, Negeri Sembilan. The robbers escaped with RM5,000 in cash and valuables.


Jonker Walk and Jonker Drive will leave Jonker Mess

Posted: 30 Jun 2013 03:57 AM PDT

Yesterday evening, I had joined Members of Parliament for Gelang Patah, Seremban, Rasah, Bakri and of course, Kota Melaka and Bukit Katil to visit and protest the UMNO’s political vengeance against Malaccans by opening Jonker Walk to motor traffic.

The visit and protest has attracted hundreds who unanimously demanded that the Melaka state government withdraw the order to the Melaka City Council to open Jonker Walk which has become a celebrated tourist landmark in Malaysia, famed for its weekend night market.

The protests expressed over the past week by various parties have resulted in the Melaka Chief Minister backtracking and twisting the rationale and decisions to open up Jonker Walk.

While initially Datuk Idris Haron had told Kwong Wah Daily that the move was to “fulfil the people’s wishes” in reaction to MCA candidates being defeated by DAP, now he claims that the move has nothing to do with political retaliation, and everything to do with easing traffic congestion in Melaka City.

The twist and turn was so fantastic, he claimed that he has to resolve the severe congestion caused by Jonker Walk which results in up to a 4-hour journey from the city to the Ayer Keroh toll plaza. We would like to inform the Melaka Chief Minister that our journey from the city to the toll plaza yesterday, despite the crowded Jonker Walk, took us all of 30 minutes.

In addition, despite the ban on street traders which was explicitly stated in the state government directive to the City Council on 12 June 2013, Datuk Idris Haron declared 2 days ago that there was no decision to stop the street market and the 300 or so traders can continue their activities.

The above decision is not only a shocking half-reversal, it’s completely irresponsible.  Datuk Idris has only retracted the decision to “ban” the night market traders, he did not retract the decision to open up the road.  This means that all the market traders who are displaying their wares and goods on the road side as well as the tourists and customers will be facing the risk of being knocked down by on-coming traffic.

The visit to Jonker Walk also reaffirmed our fear for the safety of the people when it is clear that there is no way a car can pass through the road with the traders on the streets, what more reopening the road to two-way traffic!

Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz had rightly ticked off the Melaka Chief Minister that the road is named “Jonker Walk” and not “Jonker Drive”, and insisted that the tourist destination be kept as such.  In fact, Melaka government’s convoluted and senseless decision to make it both a “Walk” and a “Drive” puts at risk the safety of tourists, residents and traders.  We will hold Datuk Idris Haron fully responsible for any untoward accidents happening as a result of opening Jonker Walk to motorised traffic.

The new Melaka Chief Minister must act like a leader and not a petty, cowardly politician.  We are more than happy to fight “politics” with BN in the state assembly or in parliament.  However, let’s keep politics out of the interest, safety and livelihood of the people of Melaka and Malaysia.  The Melaka state government must immediately withdraw the order to re-open Jonker Walk to traffic during weekend evenings, and not wait for someone to get seriously hurt.

45 Groups saya 'DRB HICOM MUST RESPECT THE CITIZENS’ RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS IN MALAYSIA – Stop disciplinary action against workers for exercising their political rights.

Posted: 30 Jun 2013 02:34 AM PDT

Joint  Statement – 25/6/2013 (now 45)

– Stop disciplinary action against workers for exercising their political rights.

We, the undersigned 45civil society organizations, trade unions and concerned groups, are appalled by the actions of two DRB Hicom companies based in Pekan, namely HICOM Automotive Manufacturers (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd and ISUZU HICOM Malaysia Sdn Bhd for taking disciplinary action against 18 workers who merely exercised their rights (outside working hours), as citizens, to participate in the democratic process.  Pursuant to a decision by the Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC), which was also supported by the National Union of Transport Equipment and Allied Industries Workers (NUTEAIW),  to extract commitments on workers' rights from contesting candidates and political parties involved in GE13, workers throughout Malaysia, including in Pekan, met or attempted to meet  contesting candidates from all parties before election day, being on 5/5/2013. 

Accordingly, on 3/5/2013, a group of 18 workers submitted the MTUC memorandum to one of the contesting candidates in the Pekan parliamentary constituency, which also happens to be the constituency that the Prime Minister of Malaysia was contesting.

On account of this act, disciplinary action has been initiated by 2  DRB HICOM companies based in Pekan against these 18 workers. 

First, HICOM Automotive Manufacturers (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, which assembles automobiles for Suzuki, Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen, has issued show cause letters on  22/5/2013 to 16 workers, and speedily proceeded with the 'Domestic Inquiry' which began on 11/6/2013. At present the Domestic Inquiry is yet to end and there is no decision.

Second, ISUZU HICOM Malaysia Sdn Bhd, that assembles automobiles for Isuzu, also issued show cause letters to 2 workers. They, too, are awaiting the decision of the Domestic Inquiry. Significantly, the workers were NOT allowed the right to be represented by lawyers or representatives of the National Union, only by representatives from the work site committee. 

We consider the action taken by the two DRB Hicom companies not only a gross violation of worker rights. It is also a violation of the right of citizens to participate in the democratic process of Malaysia, especially during elections. No employer should have the right to dictate directly or indirectly the political choices, activities and/or actions of their workers, more so outside employment hours. Workers, as citizens, of Malaysia must have the freedom to join and participate in any political party of their choice, offer themselves as candidates if they so wish, and involve themselves in campaigning in general elections.

Hence DRB Hicom's taking disciplinary action against these 18 workers for exercising their rights as citizens in the run-up to GE13, is completely uncalled for. It is a gross violation of the rights of these 18 workers. Under the circumstances, we demand that DRB Hicom stop all disciplinary actions being taken against these 18 workers immediately. If any of these 18 workers have already been terminated,  they should be reinstated immediately.

We understand that the charges leveled against the workers are (1) undermining the image or good name of the company orally, in writing or by action, and (2) bringing about or trying to bring about any form of influence or outside pressure to submit or support any external claim that is related to service be it an individual claim or claims of other employees. 

We further understand that the employer DRB Hicom is trying to rationalise its action against the said 18 workers - in seeking a commitment on workers rights from the Pekan parliamentary candidate – by claiming that the workers might have given the 'false impression' that 'the company was involved in politics' which is contrary to the company's stance. 

We find such an explanation laughable! Indeed, it is hypocritical given the fact that during the electoral campaign period, on 25/4/2013, the company had encouraged workers to go and meet the Barisan Nasional Paliamentary candidate for Pekan, Mohd Najib Abdul Razak, also the incumbent Prime Minister. Indeed, workers were allowed to go for the meeting during working hours! This event was also highlighted in Najib’s 13th General Election Pekan Constituency candidate website (, and the posting was entitled ‘Dato’ Sri Najib Beramah Mesra Dengan Warga DRB-Hicom Pekan’(Dato’ Sri Najib Socialize with DRB-Hicom citizenry). Later that very day women workers were also allowed by the company to meet up with Najib’s wife.  

Companies and businesses should never terminate a worker for reasons other than matters that relate to work performance and/or their conduct as a worker save in very exceptional cases, for eg, like when a worker is convicted of a criminal offence. 

These 18 workers have families and children, and a termination would cause great hardship to their well-being and livelihood. Amongst the 18 are also trade union leaders, including also the current chairperson of MTUC Pahang Division. We hope that the termination of worker leaders does not occur and that the two DRB HICOM companies are not resorting to ‘union busting’.

We call on DRB Hicom, HICOM Automotive Manufacturers (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd and ISUZU HICOM Malaysia Sdn Bhd to immediately discontinue disciplinary action against the said 18 workers, and if any be already terminated to immediately reinstate them without loss of benefits.

We call on Prime Minister Mohd Najib Abdul Razak, being also the Member of Parliament for Pekan, to intervene and ensure that the rights of his constituents, as workers and as citizens, are not violated by employers. 

Charles Hector
Mohd Roszeli bin Majid
Pranom Somwong

For and on behalf the 45 organisations listed below

Asia  Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development ( APWLD)
Asian Migrant Centre (AMC)
Association of Maybank Executives
Building and Wood Workers International Asia Pacific
Burma Campaign Malaysia
Clean Clothes Campaign
Community Action Network (CAN), Malaysia
Dignity International
Group of Concerned Citizens
Persatuan Sahabat Wanita Selangor
Human Rights Ambassador for Salem News , UK 
Jawatankuasa Sahabat Rakyat (人民之友)
Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja Polyplastics Asia Pacific
Kesatuan Sekerja Industri Elektronik Wilayah Selatan Semenanjung Malaysia
Kesatuan Pekerja Pekerja Kelab Semenanjung Malaysia
Legal Aid Commission, Sri Lanka
MADPET (Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture)
Malaysians for Beng Hock
Malaysian Physicians for Social Responsibility
Migrante International
Migrants Rights Council,India
MTUC(Malaysian Trade Union Congress) Melaka
MTUC(Malaysian Trade Union Congress) Pahang
MTUC(Malaysian Trade Union Congress) Penang Division
Network of Action for Migrants in Malaysia(NAMM)
NUBE (National Union of Banking Employees), Malaysia
NUHBRW (National Union of Hotel, Bar and Restaurant Workers), Malaysia
Parti Rakyat Malaysia(PRM)
Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti, Selangor (EMPOWER)
Persatuan Masyarakat Selangor & Wilayah Persekutuan (PERMAS)
Sarawak Dayak Iban Association
SUARAM (Suara Rakyat Malaysia)
Tenaganita, Malaysia
Think Centre, Singapore
Tenaga Nasional Berhad Junior Officers Union (TNBJOU), Malaysia
WARBE Development Foundation-Bangladesh
Women's Aid Organisation (WAO), Malaysia
Workers Assistance Center, Inc, Philippines
Workers Hub For Change (WH4C)

Additional Endorsements:
NLD LA Malaysia
Yayasan LINTAS NUSA - Batam Indonesia
IMA Research Foundation, Bangladesh
WARBE Development Foundation-Bangladesh

A problem of perception?

Posted: 30 Jun 2013 02:18 AM PDT

This is what happens when public perception gets too close for comfort. Don’t worry, everything is under control. Rising crime is just your perception. Move on, nothing to see here. The talk is that this is KJ’s home. This is a Bernama report in The Star: Minister’s home robbed KUALA LUMPUR: The home of a [Read more]

Landmark judgment on NCR land – but Masing doesn’t sound happy

Posted: 30 Jun 2013 01:11 AM PDT

Another watershed judgment: On 21 June, the Court of Appeal dismissed an appeal by the Sarawak state government and recognised pemakai menua as native customary land (NCR) in a victory for native land rights. The verdict affirmed a decision in the Sibu High Court in the Tuai Rumah Sandah Tabau case. Costs were awarded against [Read more]

Kuala Besut: Kalau kedudukan 16-16, mu tanyo bos SPR la wey...

Posted: 30 Jun 2013 12:03 AM PDT

Ketua Penerangan PAS Pusat, Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man menyalahkan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) jika selepas Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Kuala Besut ini Dewan Undangan Negeri Terengganu (Dun) berkedudukan 16-16 sehingga menyulitkan kedudukan kerajaan negeri itu.

Tuan Ibrahim(kanan) berkata, SPR sendiri yang mengatur kawasan pilihan raya secara genap sehingga memungkinkan kedudukan menjadi seri antara kerajaan dan pembangkang.

“Takdirnya kedudukan menjadi 16-16 selepas PRK nanti, kita salahkan kegagalan SPR kerana mengatur kerusi secara genap. Sepatutnya jumlah kawasan pilihan raya mestilah angka ganjil, baru boleh dapatkan kemenangan,” katanya dalam sidang media sejurus selepas mesyuarat Badan Perhubungan PAS Pahang hari ini.

Kerusi Kuala Besut kosong berikutan kematian Adunnya, Dr A Rahman Mokhtar baru-baru ini. Pada PRU lalu Allahyarham memperolehi  8,809 undi, manakala calon PAS mendapat 6,375 undi.

Kedudukan dalam Dun Terengganu selepas PRU13 lalu hanya berbeza dua kerusi antara BN dan Pakatan Rakyat di mana BN mempunyai 17 kerusi manakala Pakatan 15 kerusi.

Jika calon Pakatan menang dalam PRK Kuala Besut ini bermakna bilangannya akan menjadi sama banyak iaitu 16:16 dalam Dun yang mempunyai 32 kerusi itu.

Tuan Ibrahim berkata, PRK ini bukan sahaja sangat penting dan kritikal kepada kepada PR dan BN, malah tumpuan yang lebih utama ialah kepada SPR sendiri.

“Penting juga bagi rakyat untuk melihat SPR yang mengendalikan PRK tersebut nanti sama ada berkeras untuk menggunakan dakwat kekal yang dianggap kontroversi dan penipuan itu atau bagaimana.

“Bagi kita jika SPR kehilangan idea, kita cadang gunakan inai saja nanti,” katanya.

Sementara itu, Tuan Ibrahim yang juga Pesuruhjaya PAS Pahang, berkata PAS negeri ini akan menghantar 1,000 petugas melalui tiga fasa dengan Pengarah Jabatan Pilihan Raya Negeri (JPN) dilantik sebagai ketua kotingen PAS Pahang.

“PAS Terengganu meletakkan PAS Pahang bertugas di unit peti undi (UPU) Kampung Nangka. Peti undi tersebut pernah dimenangi PAS dengan majoriti lebih 700 undi pada PRU 1999. Kerajaan PAS dulu banyak memberikan kelulusan hak milik tanah kepada penduduk.

“Bagaimanapun dari segi peluang PAS Pusat meletakkannya 50:50 berikutan kawasan yang kalah pada PRU lepas ialah di Pulau Perhentian, pesisir pantai dan kem tentera di Gong Kedak sementara kawasan bandar dan pinggir bandar semuanya dimenangi PAS,” ujarnya.

Mengenai isu, Tuan Ibrahim berkata pada masa ini penduduk di Kuala Besut sendiri sudah membangkitkan janji-janji yang dibuat BN semasa PRU dulu.-harakahdaily 

PAS:No 'kerajaan perpaduang'(unity govt) even if 'hung state' after Kuala Besut polls...

There will be no unity government with UMNO even if PAS wins the Kuala Besut state seat resulting in a hung state assembly in Terengganu, said PAS secretary general Mustafa Ali.

Mustafa, a veteran party leader in Terengganu who once served in the Federal cabinet participated by PAS, said the Islamic party had "enough of BN".

“No unity government with UMNO anywhere in Malaysia. We have enough of BN,” Mustafa was quoted as saying by Malay Mail Online.

The by-election follows the death of BN's Dr Abdul Rahman Mokhtar on Wednesday, two months after he defeated PAS's Napisah Ismail by a majority of 2,434 votes.

Mustafa’s call echoed strong statements in recent times by PAS Murshidul Am Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat vowing to oppose any effort from within the party to forge cooperation with UMNO.

Some analysts have said that the east-coast state, which BN narrowly secured by a two-seat lead in the May 5 general election, could see fresh elections in the event PAS wins Kuala Besut, resulting in an equal share of seats between BN and PR.

But Terengganu MCA chief Toh Chin Yaw reminded PR not to be too excited about the possibility of having fresh elections if BN is defeated, saying the state Speaker can ultimately decide who forms the government.

PKR vice president Tian Chua echoed Toh’s view, saying the Speaker would have the final vote.

“Speaker will give his vote and BN will continue to rule,” he was quoted as saying by Bernama.-harakahdaily

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