'Jonker Walk' dan the Joker...

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Jun 29, 2013, 7:03:28 PM6/29/13
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'Jonker Walk' dan the Joker...

'Jonker Walk' dan the Joker...

Posted: 29 Jun 2013 11:02 AM PDT

 Apabila Idris Harun Terasa Dirinya Harun Idris...

Isu Jonker Walk terus menggegar Ketua Menteri Melaka, Idris Harun yang sebelum ini menjadi bahan sindiran kerana mahu mempatenkan resepi asam pedas terbaik negeri itu melalui hasil suatu pertandingan bagi memeliharanya sebagai suatu produk warisan negeri yang perlu dipertahankan.

Idris yang baru sebulan lebih menjadi Ketua Menteri menggantikan Ali Rustam sebelum ini dilaporkan mahu menutup Jonker Walk, kawasan perniagaan barangan seperti cenderamata, t shirt dan sebagainya yang mirip seperti kawasan perniagaan Petaling Street untuk mengurangkan masalah kesesakan di negeri itu. Berikutan adanya bantahan atas tindakan itu, Menteri Pelancongan, Nazri Aziz ikut masuk campur dan kemudian dijelaskan bahawa ianya hanya melibatkan pembukaan jalan di kawasan perniagaan itu kerana adanya rungutan orang awam berkenaan kesesakan lalu lintas yang teruk. Kononnya pula, ia hanya percubaan selama empat minggu sahaja dan akan dikembalikan seperti biasa selepas itu.

Dalam masa yang sama, tindakan yang dibuat oleh Idris itu dikecam oleh pelbagai pihak terutama DAP sebagai amalan politik balas dendam terhadap masyarakat Cina berikutan keputusan pilihanraya lalu yang menyaksikan komuniti itu menolak BN.

Sementara tindakan Idris itu terus dibantah, terdapat pula pihak lain termasuk bolgger pro UMNO yang memuji tindakan Idris itu sebagai suatu pengajaran kepada pengundi Cina yang majoritinya tidak menyokong BN. Idris dalam masa yang sama dilihat pemimpin yang berjiwa Melayu yang tinggi atas tindakannya itu kerana majoritinya peniaga di aitu adalah orang Cina dan peniaga Melayu didakwa tidak mendapat manfaat yang besar daripadanya.

Berikutan isu itu terus dimainkan, Idris kemudiannya membuat keputusan yang lain pula dalam mesyuarat Exco Kerajaan Melaka iaitu membuka laluan untuk kenderaan dan di ketika yang sama membuka juga kawasan perniagaan Jonker Walk sebagai suatu keputusan menang-menang kepada para peniaga dan juga kepada para pengguna jalanraya. Namun keputusan ini menyebabkan beliau dikecam juga kerana dianggap tidak tegas dan ibarat menjilat ludahnya kembali.

Bagaimanapun tindakan beliau itu tidak juga meredakan keadaan. Selain peniaga-peniaga, menteri yang menjaga pelancongan negara, Nazri Aziz sekali lagi bersuara membantah. Beliau berkata, pembukaan serentak laluan untuk kenderaan dan kebenaran untuk berniaga sebenarnya lebih menyebabkan kesesakan. Lagi pula, kata Nazri, dengan membenarkan kenderaan lalu lalang di kawasan itu, ia tidak akan dikenali lagi sebagai Jonker Walk, sebaliknya sudah menjadi Jonker Drive.
Demi kepentingan pelancongan dan oleh kerana produk Jonker Walk lebih bernilai tinggi berbanding asam pedas dari segi menggamit kehadiran pelancong ke negeri itu, Nazri juga berjanji akan mengembalikan kawasan itu sebagaimana kedudukan asalnya dalam masa terdekat ini. Terlihat seperti Nazri amat tidak bersetuju dengan Idris dalam isu Jonker Walk ini. Dalam masa yang sama, MCA juga merayu kepada Idris agar menarik balik pembukaan jalan untuk kenderaan itu dan menjadikan kawasan perniagaan Jonker Walk sebagaimana ia diwujudkan dulu.

Isu Jonker Walk seperti mendatangkan malang kepada Idris. Beliau mungkin berniat baik dan mahu menunjukkan jiwa Melayunya yang tinggi sepertimana bekas Menteri Besar Selangor, Harun Idris yang memang terkenal sebagai pemimpin berjiwa Melayu yang tinggi dengan mewujudkan perkampungan Melayu seperti Kampung Baru dan Kampung Pandan di tengah-tengah Kuala Lumpur. Kebetulan pula nama keduanya hanya terbalik nama bapa sahaja.

Tetapi Idris harus menyedari bahawa beliau hidup dalam era 1Malaysia di mana kepimpinan negara termasuk Najib amat berhati-hati dalam perkara-perkara yang melibatkan kaum Cina kerana tidak mahu terus kehilangan sokongan daripada masyarakat itu. Tindakan Idris dalam isu Jonker Walk boleh saja ditafsirkan beliau tidak mempunyai semangat seperti Najib, malah dianggap mengamalkan gaya politik balas dendam.

Lebih-lebih lagi dalam rekodnya menjadi pemimpin, bermula daripada menjadi Exco Pemuda UMNO, sekejap sebagai Timbalan Menteri Pengajian Tinggi dan Pengerusi Syarikat Perumahan Negara, jiwa dan perjuangan Melayunya tidak tergambar langsung di mata umum walaupun dalam ucapannya suatu ketika dulu, beliau pernah juga memperkenalkan dirinya secara bergurau dengan menyebut, "nama saya Idris Harun, kalau diterbalikkan jadi Harun Idris."

Terlihat ada kecenderungan untuk menjadi popular dan gah seperti Harun Idris, bekas Menteri Besar Selangor itu, walaupun karektor dan wibawanya jauh berbeza. Isu Jonker Walk ini menjadikan beliau lagi jauh berbeza. Tindakannya bukan saja menjadi kecaman ramai, malah tidak dipersetujui oleh seorang menteri kabinet, Nazri Aziz yang jauh lebih senior dan mempunyai hubungan yang lebih rapat dengan Najib.

Dalam mengurus sebuah kerajaan negeri seperti Melaka, kalau pun tidak mahu berguru dengan Rahim Tamby Chik yang juga pernah memimpin negeri itu, Idris seharusnya banyak belajar daripada pendahulunya, Ali Rustam yang dikenali sebagai antara Ketua Menteri Melaka yang hebat, tenang dan disukai ramai serta mempunyai keghairahan yang tinggi memajukan negeri itu. Walaupun kalah di Bukit Katil dan tidak memegang apa-apa jawatan dalam kerajaan, beliau terus bekerja dan berjumpa dengan rakyat seperti biasa.

Jika idea Idris mengenai asam pedas mengundang ketawa dan Jonker Walk pula meletakkannya ke lembah pertikaian ramai, cabaran di hadapannya jauh lebih besar lagi. Sekiranya berterusan begini, kedudukannya di Melaka tentunya bakal mengundang rasa tidak senang di hati Perdana Menteri dan hayatnya di Melaka mungkin hanya sepenggal saja.-SH 29/06/2013.

Idris Haron mahu jadi wira segera dengan Jonker Walk

Idris Haron trying to score points with Jonker Walk closure...

DAP has asked if Malacca Chief Minister Idris Haron was attempting to score points for the coming Umno party elections in suggesting the closure of the popular Jonker Walk night market.

“(The closure) can serve three objectives. (One of them is) to make Idris Haron an instant hero and top vote-getter in the Umno party elections at the end of the year.

NONE“Idris is probably trying to pick a leaf from (former Malacca chief minister) Abdul Rahim Thamby Chik, who some 30 years ago became an instant hero by getting the highest votes in the elections for the Umno supreme council, because of his proposal to demolish the ancient Bukit Cina cemetery grounds,” DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang said in a statement today.

The other two objectives in closing the popular street market, Lim mused, are to punish Malaccans for not voting for BN in the recent 13th general election, as well as a continuation of the  Chinese-bashing rhetoric of “Apa Lagi Cina Mahu?” (What more do the Chinese want?) initiated by Umno-owned daily Utusan Malaysia.

'Cutting the nose to spite the face'

Lim said the state government's claim that Jonker Walk was among the causes of traffic snarl leading up to the Ayer Keroh toll plaza and hence needed to be solved, was “utterly baseless”.

“Like the 'Save Bukit Cina' campaign three decades ago, the 'Save Jonker Walk' is not a Malaccan issue, but a national and even international issue, affecting not just the Chinese, but all Malaysians regardless of race or religion.

“This is because Jonker Walk is undoubtedly an international tourist attraction and what Idris is trying to do is nothing less than 'cutting the nose to spite the face',” he added.

He said it was clear BN's “national retaliation plan”, beginning with Jonker Walk, was targeted at Malays as well.

The shutdown of the state's Chempaka Ramadan market following the defeat of then Batu Katil MP Mohd Ali Rustam, was evidence of that claim, he said.

The Malacca government's decision to shut down the historic city's popular weekend night market was described as "political retaliation against Chinese voters" who backed the opposition in the May 5 general election.

Idris had reportedly argued that the decision passed by the Malacca executive council on June 12 to close the night market - which has been attracting tourists for 13 years – followed the intention of the people since they supported DAP.

The opposition party, Idris recalled, had protested against the state government's decision to cordon off Jonker Street from road users to make way for the night market when the idea was first mooted.-malaysiakini



Mutalib MD

Posted: 29 Jun 2013 07:35 AM PDT

We met at the First Malaysia-Asean Bloggers Forum in Kuala Lumpur in April 2012. Mutalib MD was then facing a lawsuit by a Cabinet Minister so everybody was looking forward to meet him. His news portal, the Sabahkini, had then become the main reference site for us here when it came to socio-political news concerning Sabah. Throughout the forum, Mutalib was engaging and unexpectedly soft-spoken. Those who had read his articles or one of his books would have expected to be talked down to by a loud, forceful character.  
We'd met again several times in Bangsar and a couple of months before the May 5th general election I bumped into him at Lowyat, still as fearless as ever, still writing a few books at the same time, still trying to bring down the "bad guys".
This morning, sadly, Mutalib, just 51, returned to Rahmatullah.

We Got Cincalok No Need Jonker Walk

Posted: 29 Jun 2013 08:36 AM PDT

We thought that the morons are aplenty in the corridors of power in Putrajaya and also those appointed by Her Majesty sitting in their EC comfy office there too! The food colour ink fiasco still wins hands down for the most incredibly unbelievable 10 to the power of n BN official version of truths and facts.

Next comes this joke on closing the weekend night market in Unesco heritage Jonker Walk supposedly to punish the Chinese and other ethnic groups who peddle their wares there for not voting MCA. Wah we didn't know that the UMNO fellows felt so insulted over MCA and is protecting their pride and face of MCA to close the market to punish those red bean supporters hah!

But then the new CM should be thankful to the RB voters for kicking out the ole CM so he could be the next CM hah!

But was this political vengence the real reason or was it misquoted? Isn't it committing sedition and treason to do something to sabotage the economic welfare of the State? Or is it that UMNO and BN feels it is OK if other ethnic group's economic lifelihood is destroyed just to teach these red bean supporters a lesson and to assure the BN fellows stay in power huh? If it's true, then the Cina apek are indeed treated like second class and pendatangs. Even those illegal migrants from the Indian subcontinent and in Southern Philippines are treated better if what we hear about them getting instant ICs and fast track ala NEP or NEM privileges over the cina apek huh?

Of course this closing down has got nothing to do with political vengeance or sabotage because the newly minted CM has the benefit of that foolproof only reserve for BolehLand politicians especially defence word, i.e., - misquoted! hah

So it has nothing to do with politics or destroying cina apek livelihood! It's heeding the call of the rakyat, and this seems the new mantra of the newly elected BN government of explaining their action or inaction as a caring response to rakyat's request.

Close the night market because of complaints of traffic congestion by the residents and the tourists huh? Tourists would be the last to complain about night markets! They love night markets and their complain is that heritage sides should not have traffic ie motor traffic at all! This rationale stinks stinkier than the cincalok we can supposed eh?

Anyone can shed light on the weekend nite market closure fiasco?
Does Jonker Walk have such lively night life that millions of locals and the tourists want to flock there and chill out and complaining the weekend night market block them from reaching there or their view of the Malacca River huh?

Having visited countless night markets in my travel, like the one in Hue, Vietnam a Unesco heritage site, the local authorities don't allow traffic into the place till after 8 pm I recall. It allows the people to walk freely and check out the stalls and shops!

Petaling Street is a dangerous place to enjoy the night market or day time stalls especially when traffic is allowed to pass through. You have to make way for those lazy fellows driving their pick up truck through the narrow street!!! Hey they should close Petaling Street nite market as well as the one at Little India or Jalan Tuanku Rahman or even Chow Kit. The traffic is so bad because of the night markets!!!

So what has experimenting closing it for a week or so prove? Didn't our municipal fellows travel the world over to study best practice of traffic management and also tourism? Or is it our newly minted CM hasn't got that overseas exposure to know the closure has wider implications than manage traffic hah!!!

Perhaps it's the new CM way of promoting cincalok and asam pedas as the saviour and magic economic products to make Malacca rich. No need for the Khan to promote it or depend on the Bollywood movie attraction right? The cincalok and asam pedas would be the saviour for Melaka we can supposed.

And doesn't the newly minted CM knows you need a nite market to give some life to Jonker Walk which is practically a ghost town when the sun sets hah!

Just as we are shafted to believe the umpteen truth versions of the indelible ink fiasco, we are also expected to accept all the BN's truths and facts behind the short lived closure of the weekend night market in Jonker Walk ...what a joke over this Jonker night market fiasco hah! We thought we have jokers in Putrajaya and those appointed by His Majesty. In Malacca we too have jokers appointed by His Excellency. Jokers must run in the UMNO / BN family hah!

Why act now just because a red bean politician got voted? Does it mean an MCA politician is more cina apek and less a pendatang to be tolerated and allowed the nite market to exist over a red bean one huh?

The Unesco heritage fellows must be shaking their head over the third world low class mentality of the CM's reasoning and decision to close the weekend nite market!

Latest is the ban decision has been revoked. Let's hope it's not a hasty and hazy decision like us guessing if the haze will be back or not to make us suffer hah! Jonker Walk can do without the Drive and certainly not a Joker trying to solve its traffic problems hah! Let's hope too we won't have any more donkeys trying to do the Jonker shuffle to punish the people.

Have warned before on the GE13, if BN returns to power, it's payback time and boy oh boy... is UMNO and BN having a field day with their payback time programmes. Giving Pakatan nightmares!

And the fellows who are rather unaffected or couldn't care less is the MCA. They have the best job being in the sideline.They did warn the cina apek that if they choose the red beans over them, they got the power to punish those red bean supporters - by doing nothing at all hah - don't you envy MCA for telling us they are relevant and yet no need to do anything - Memang Cool Association right?

What more will the 4th floor bois have planned to continue their payback time huh?

Oh forgot they have and the latest is in the form of the Administration of the Religion of Islam (Federal Territories) Bill, right?

An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel

Posted: 29 Jun 2013 03:55 AM PDT

Heads-up from here. Filed under: Awakening, World Watch Tagged: Miko Peled, The General's Son

SPR umpama katun, letak jawatan sebelum PRK Kuala Besut...

Posted: 29 Jun 2013 12:13 AM PDT

Anggota Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) digesa meletak jawatan sebelum pilihan raya kecil Parlimen Kuala Besut kerana pengendali pilihan raya itu jelas Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim telah gagal memastikan Pilihan Raya 2013 berjalan dengan bebas dan adil.
Menurut Anwar, anggota SPR sedia ada juga tidak lagi perlu diberi tanggungjawab mengendali pilihan raya kecil (PRK) Kuala Besut, lebih-lebih lagi selepas SPR mengesahkan dakwat kekal akan tetap digunakan.

"Tolonglah jangan berperangai umpama pelawak ... mandat diberikan rakyat kepada SPR telah disalahgunakan, jadi apa perlunya kepercayaan (rakyat) lagi?" kata Ketua Umum PKR itu apabila ditemui The Malaysian Insider.

Anwar, yang juga ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh menegaskan, SPR juga tidak lagi perlu mengeluarkan kenyataan seumpama "wira" untuk menambah baik dakwat kekal berkenaan.

"Penambahbaikan boleh dilakukan, namun lebih baik mereka meletak jawatan kerana dilihat seumpama 'mempermainkan mahkamah' daripada melaksanakan tanggungjawab mereka," katanya ketika ditemui selepas majlis kutipan dana untuk Pakatan Rakyat (PR) memfailkan petisyen, di ibu negara lewat malam tadi.

PR juga turut mengatakan akan mengambil tindakan undang-undang untuk memastikan keseluruhan kepimpinan SPR dipecat.

Majlis kutipan dana itu menyaksikan beberapa pemimpin utama pembangkang seperti ahli Parlimen Batu, Chua Tian Chang, ahli Parlimen Seputeh, Teresa Kok, ahli Parlimen Pandan Rafizi Ramli memberikan ucapan mereka, yang rata-ratanya mengkritik SPR dengan gesaan sama agar kesemua anggota badan berkenaan melepaskan jawatan mereka.

Majlis yang dihadiri hampir 500 penyokong tegar PR berpakaian serba hitam itu berjaya mengutip wang sejumlah RM18,447 bagi PR memfailkan petisyen pilihan raya mereka.

PR telah mengesahkan akan memfailkan 26 petisyen di 25 kawasan Parlimen, dengan kos setiap petisyen dianggarkan sekitar RM50,000.

Timbalan Pengerusi SPR Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar sebelum ini mengesahkan dakwat kekal akan digunakan dalam PRK Kuala Besut walaupun ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai Nurul Izzah Anwar wakil rakyat PR mengugut untuk mengambil tindakan undang-undang pengendali pilihan raya itu berhubung isu dakwat kekal yang boleh dicuci.

"Ya ... dakwat kekal akan digunakan," kata Wan Ahmad kepada The Malaysian Insider.

Beliau bagaimanapun berkata akan membincangkan berhubung penggunaan dakwat kekal yang sama semasa Pilihan Raya 2013 pada 5 Mei lalu atau tidak.

DUN Kuala Besut kosong berikutan kematian wakil rakyat Barisan Nasional (BN) Dr A. Rahman Mokhtar, 55, akibat kanser paru-paru.

Ketika Pilihan Raya 2013, A. Rahman menewaskan calon PAS Napisah Ismail dengan majoriti 2,434 undi, dengan BN pada ketika ini menguasai 17 kerusi DUN, berbanding 15 kerusi milik PR.

Kuala Besut dijangka akan menerima perhatian penuh parti politik kerana ia bakal menentukan parti mana yang akan membentuk kerajaan negeri Terengganu, memandangkan kematian A.Rahman menyebabkan BN hanya mempunyai 16 kerusi, dan sekiranya parti pemerintah itu gagal mempertahankan Kuala Besut, ia menyaksikan DUN Terengganu tergantung.

Isu berhubung penggunaan dakwat kekal tercetus ketika pilihan raya umum ekoran banyak pihak mendakwa dakwat berkenaan mudah hilang selepas dibasuh, bercanggah dengan jaminan SPR bahawa dakwat berkenaan akan kekal sehingga dua minggu bagi mengelakkan pengundi daripada mengundi lebih dari sekali.

Menteri Di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim ketika sesi sidang Dewan Rakyat pada Rabu berkata isu dakwat kekal yang tidak kekal itu timbul ekoran dakwat yang digunakan SPR menggunakan pewarna makanan.

SPR bagaimanapun sebelum itu berkata atas alasan kesihatan, kandungan silver nitrat dalam dakwat kekal tersebut dikurangkan bagi mengelakkan pengundi terdedah kepada risiko kanser.

Setiausaha Agung Umno Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor ketika ditemui pemberita di Parlimen pada Khamis dilihat mempertahankan SPR apabila berkata Malaysia pada dasarnya tidak memerlukan penggunaan dakwat kekal, sebaliknya cukup menggunakan kad pengenalan untuk mengenal pasti individu tertentu sebagai pengundi.

Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan itu berkata penggunaan dakwat kekal itu adalah atas permintaan pembangkang dari PR di Parlimen yang kemudiannya telah dipersetujui.

"Kita tak perlukan dakwat kekal ... untuk apa? Kita bukan negara (dunia) ketiga. Kita ada kad pengenalan yang boleh dikenal pasti.

"Dakwat kekal ini pembangkang yang minta di Parlimen dan kita setuju dan ikut," katanya. – 29 Jun, 2013.-Malaysian Insider.

EC and that ink are a joke, so where’s the trust in the by-election? says Anwar

Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has demanded that the Election Commission (EC) make no more "heroic" statements pledging to improve the quality of the indelible ink. The issue, he said, is beyond repair.

"The EC have been behaving like court jesters rather than performing their due tasks," Anwar said. That was a jab at all the EC’s comments and attempts to justify the problems arising from the use of the indelible ink in the general election last month.

He added that based on the EC deputy chair's statement that the same ink will be used in the upcoming Kuala Besut by-election, it just goes to show that there will be no foolproof way to run the by-election.

"The mandate given by the public to the EC has been gravely abused, so what trust is there left anymore?" Anwar said.

Anwar said that given the meek manner in which the government has handled the issue so far, the EC should not be allowed to play the role at which it had failed so miserably in the general election.

He was speaking to The Malaysian Insider after delivering his speech at the Black 505 fund-raising dinner held at the Selangor and Federal Territory Hainan Association Hall in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.

The event was also attended by top opposition leaders including Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli, Batu MP Tian Chua, Seputeh MP Teresa Kok, Subang MP R Sivarasa and youth activist Adam Adli. A total of RM18,447 was raised.

TMI was made to understand that the cost per petition filed against each contested result in the recent general election was about RM50,000, hence the need to raise funds.

Tian Chua also expressed dissatisfaction, saying the EC “had failed to conduct the general elections transparently”.

"I feel the EC need not be there any more since Putrajaya parliamentarian and Umno secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor has himself said that Malaysia does not need indelible ink."

"I would like to ask, why then bother having an Election Commission still, to oversee developments on the matter?"

He said that the EC must be dissolved before the Kuala Besut by-election. PR and BN are expected to be embroiled in a close fight for the state seat which became vacant after the death of BN's Dr A. Rahman Mokhtar, 55, earlier this week from lung cancer.

The by-election is seen as critical as it could possibly decide the next Terengganu state government. This is because a win for PR would lead to a hung state assembly with both BN and PR having 16 seats each.

After the general election, the state seat count stood at 17 for BN and 15 for PR (PAS with 14 and PKR with one). A PAS candidate stood against Dr Rahman on May 5. - June 29, 2013.-Malaysian Insider.


Rahsia datang masjid awal

Posted: 28 Jun 2013 10:27 PM PDT

Teringat Husin gambat Ahmadenijad bergambar tidor sempoi di masjid. Ada pula kisah seorang yang tidor di Masjid. Ramadan pun nak datang maka jenaka kita pun mula cerita masjid.

Ada seorang penuntut ilmu melihat gurunya sangat awal datang ke masjid menunaikan solat Subuh. Setiap kali dia datang ke masjid pada awal pagi, dia akan mendapati gurunya sudah lebih dahulu sampai.

Maka si murid bertanya kepada gurunya, "Wahai Tuan Guru, bolehkah Tuan Guru beritahu kepada saya teknik dan resepi datang ke masjid awal?"

Maka Sang Guru menjawab soalan muridnya dengan bertanyakan soalan, "Adakah kamu sudah berkahwin? "

Si Murid menjawab, "Belum Tuan Guru"

Maka Sang Guru lalu berkata : "Berkahwinlah "

Mengikut arahan Tuan guru maka si murid tersebut terus berkahwin. Namun yang menghairankan dirinya, bukanlah dia semakin awal ke masjid, malah semakin lambat ke masjid. Maka , setelah beberapa hari keadaan berlarutan, dia lalu mengadu kepada gurunya tersebut .

"Tuan Guru menyuruh saya berkahwin, dan saya telah pun berkahwin dengan harapan akan semakin cepat ke masjid namun yang berlaku sebaliknya. Saya bukan semakin awal ke masjid malah semakin lambat".

Maka Tuan Guru menjawab : "Berkahwinlah satu lagi"

Terkejut dengan jawapan gurunya tersebut. Kalau seorang isteri sudah lambat ke masjid apatah lagi berkahwin dua. Namun , disebabkan patuh dengan arahan gurunya maka dia berkahwin pula dengan isteri yang kedua. Namun keadaan masih berterusan sedemikian. Malah lebih lambat. Dia tetap terkalah dengan gurunya yang sentiasa lebih awal berada di masjid.

Sekali lagi dia mengadukan perkara ini kepada gurunya. Maka jawapan yang diberikan oleh gurunya sangat memeranjatkan dirinya.

Kata Tuan Guru, "Kalau begitu, kahwinlah seorang lagi."

Maka beliau sekali lagi melaksanakan arahan gurunya tersebut. Pada satu pagi, ketika Tuan Guru datang ke masjid. Beliau terkejut melihat muridnya sudah berada di masjid. Lebih awal daripada dirinya.

Tuan Guru bertanya sambil tersenyum, "MasyaAllah, apa rahsia kamu datang awal ke masjid pada pagi ini?"

Jawab Si Murid, "Bukan setakat datang awal Tuan Guru, malah saya tidur di masjid terus. Rahsianya kahwin nombor tiga. Pening kepala saya dengan semua, akhirnya masjidlah yang terbaik utk bermalam."

Tuan Guru tersenyum lalu berkata, "Alhamdulillah, kamu dah jumpa teknik dan rahsia datang awal ke masjid."

Adakah itu sebab Ahmaedinijad tidor di Masjid? Hehehe ... 

Sebut pasal Ahmaedinijad yang kelihatan begitu zuhud, sedih mendapat tahu syiah Iran dan Syria bersama bersekongkol dengan Yahudi wan Nasrani membunuh Sunni di Syira. Mengapa sampai demikian?  Bukankah orang Islam bersaudara?

Ini yang membuat ada pihak mengatakan ada mazhab tertentu syiah sesat dan menyelimpang jauh dari ajaran Islam. Ada kata ada Imam syiah yang mengina nabi, sahahat dan isteri nabi. Malah sedia bersekongkol dengan musuh Islam, Yahudi dan Nasrani [lihat You Tube sini]?

Wallahu alam ...  Sekarang ni, Husin hanya harap ada kekuatan dan kesungguhan untuk banyak tidor masjid Ramadan ini.

Wow! Berniaga tak untung, kahwin lagikah?

Incredible Indelible Edible Unedible Inky Liars?

Posted: 29 Jun 2013 03:55 AM PDT

Knew it all along that the whatever was smeared onto the millions of fingers on that May 5 was a gay rainbow colour combination that didn't stay as long as the dirt caught in one's fingernail hah!

First when we queried about the easily washable chemical nitrate, we were given an earth shattering and shaking explanation by His Majesty's appointed servants of the Election Commission, of civil servants who didn't follow the instruction, not sure if it was written in the bottle or box - you need to shake it stupid that's why it didn't stick or stain the finger...Hmm makes the civil servant who did the smearing but not the shaking a rather moronic stupid juvenile for not knowing - to shake or not to shake - that is the question right?

This need to shake it reasoning by His Majesty's servants left many a shaking their head in disbelief. This  rather incredible unbelievable reasoning like many things in BolehLand if you didn't get it endorsed by the experts it is not real or believable, then sought sought medical advice.

So to substantiate their Act1 truth and as a matter of fact, His Majesty's appointed top servants sought to make his truth and fact doubly sure truth and fact next turned to government institutions, the Ministry of Health.

You can't have more cc or mico percentage of that chemical... which in this Act 2 His Majesty's two top EC's servants insisted silver nitrate is a metal - the reason for the dilution of this metal is becoz of the Ministry of Health fellows advising if you have more than the permissible it would probably poison the voter's blood and cause a slow death perhaps? So you combine Act 1 shake theory to the Ministry of Health % rule you get a trusted factual believable reason why it can be washed off right? After all, what the government including His Majesty's appointed top EC fellows must be believable because they are after all the government's experts who must be trusted right?

But then the medical fellows claim no such claim or advice was given.

So Act 1 and Act 2 says nothing about if the ink in indelible or even halal. Even the veteran butt shakers who did the buns shaking at Bersih leader's front gate didn't move a butt to believe or disbelieve this lack of shaking or certain percentage tales.

Some how in Act 3, God seemed to get into the picture and got blamed for doubting their unshakeable need to shake theory and also the accepted 'metal' amount to stain your finger.

In Act 4, the rakyat, especially those who washed off the ink were blamed for doubting the indelible silver nitrate-ness of the ink and it's halalness we can supposed. But our Majesty's appointed EC two heads that didn't prove better than one at all, should have insisted and put it into law to charge those who washed it off for committing fraud and cheat - a seditious and act of treason that threatens the security of the ruling government - simply because they can get to vote again and cause the opposition to win right?

In Act 5 when pressed in Parliament, this time in the thick of the haze fiasco no thanks to our friendly neighbour who has perhaps 1 million of their countrymen illegally in BolehLand which His Majesty's civil servants can't detect to deport home - the rakyat are told 'Eat your heart out! it's edible food colour, hah the vegie is to be blamed!

WTF = What Totally Fantastic revelation that the indelible now becomes edible with an over RM7million price tag. Now that is the perfect fingering the rakyat was given by His Majesty's EC servants!!! And are we supposed to swallow this veggie truth huh?

At least my vegan friends can sleep in peace knowing that His Majesty's EC and servants have fingered them with vegan than chemical or metal or some adulterated non halal substance hah!!! They could have told the water hit Selangor voters earlier so they could have sucked it off than waste precious water trying to wash it!

We all know to hide a tiny lie, you need to use a bigger one hah!

And even with this food colour tutti frutti truth, Act 6 was already at the door ready to enter in to confirm the truth or is it the lies, the reason for the change of ink substance, was the change of heart of our beloved BN government who cares so much for our well being- that they can't bear the thought of fingering you...opps painting your finger with dangerous lethal, non halal metal..hah!

Gosh that fellow who flew in and spoke of BN's caring loving concern for our finger made himself look like a Man of Steal - stealing the truth from the rakyat and possibly stealing the elections hah! The haze must have clogged the lungs and the air to the brains to have come up with this irksome 'I am for you' care to use veggie colour... this food colour makes my foot laugh and also made my onions weep too!

And when Act 6 failed they brought out Act 7 to blame the third world mentality Pakatan fellows for wanting the third world ink! But Pakatan fellows have also asked for a zillion other wants and our caring BN didn't even bother to listen or give in. So why this ink thingy they gave into Pakatan's request? So blame the Pakatan fellows for the fiasco because they the ones arm twisted the BN government to use the ink issit huh?

What will Act 8 be to bring the truth out and punish the liars huh?

And why is revealing the supplier considered sensitive secret and a national security issue? Is the supplier supplying silver bullets or deadly ink that can kill our enemies? Is the supplier beholden to national secret like the coca cola formula to protect our national interest?

In business, often times many vendors want to put out a litany of their customers to give them that competitive edge yes? In this case, the vendor is afraid to reveal his client list because his client is a cheat, untrustworthy liar huh?

Will we be surprised that the next 'truth' and 'fact' from our caring loving BN government is the ink was made from residues left by burning satay huh? Or the left over kopi kau kau residues liquidised into the black vegan product hah!

What has using the ink got to do with we are first world and first class don't need third world technology huh? It's the third world mentality of His Majesty's civil servants that make us rakyat looking and forced to be laughed at as stupid gullible moronic rakyat hah!

The colours that made the ink!
My gender same-same preference friends have their theory that the ink is actually a combination of their rainbow colour identity hah! After  all, black or white is a combination of colour of sorts they said convincingly showing off their pink intellectual power hah!

To resolve the true organic or inorganic nature of the ink if it ever is used again is perhaps to provide a single scent even if after washing you can still detect the scent you have voted eh? Say petai smell? or cincalok what about nangka or ikan masam, maybe belacan... not durian as our neighbours also are durian lovers.

And for those who want the ink off now that it is edible vegan, why not employ a line of lovely lass to suck it off for a ringgit or so. At least it keeps the unemployed grads with some extra cash for bj on the inked finger eh?

In the vampire stories, a silver bullet is supposed to kill it off. In our silver nitrate fiasco, those culpritsi.e. His Majesty's appointed EC servants involved in defrauding the rakyat will be given Eternal Complements for being able to use a 'third world' method or technology to install a 'third world' minority popular government eh? Hah

When football fever comes, we hear Eat Sleep Sh*t Football. In BolehLand, thanks to His Majesty's EC appointed servants, when it is election fever, we get, Eat, Sleep Sh*t Election Liars hah!

Don't be surprised the supplier who supplied the ink has stocks in bookshops selling the stock to unsuspecting students using it for their ink pen or calligraphy hah or your colourful cake and beverage you consume is supplied by them hah!

When will the ink dry over this inky ink fiasco is anyone's guests. As long as those responsible continue to defend their lies, it will drag on till GE14 huh?

If the rakyat can be tricked by just a smear on their fingers, they are in for more BN fingering in the next 4 plus years hah! Hmmm it's finger licking good feeling to the BN fellows we can supposed while the 51 over percent including yours truly have to endure their fingers up our derriere hah!

Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA): Why we should be wary

Posted: 28 Jun 2013 08:43 PM PDT

Much of the negotiations surrounding the TPPA have been shrouded in secrecy, and there has been little media analysis even though the stakes are high. Lim Mah Hui discusses what the TPPA all about. On 14 June, news portal Malaysiakini reported that Malay Economic Action Council representatives walked out of a meeting with the Ministry [Read more]

Melaka Travelogue Photos by Mahaguru58

Posted: 28 Jun 2013 11:26 PM PDT

I have to admit that I am a huge fan of Melaka, the historical city state of Malaysia.

Whenever I have the time and means, I would love nothing more than to drive down to visit Melaka which I still have lots more of its historical places to visit and carry out some photography.

The Melaka State Government should capitalize on Melaka's heritage and open up new areas especially in event management.

The authorities can re-enact the historic Melaka Sultanate's glorious era by allowing Malay theatrical groups to stage plays at the Melaka Sultanate Museum featuring the times of Sultan Mansor Shah receiving foreign traders at his palace. 

Instead of the RM2 entrance ticket fee, charge RM10 a head. That will cover the costs of engaging the theatrical group and generate more income for the state government!

Learn from other countries such as the United States of America, who regularly stage the re-enactment of their Civil War. Complete with actors and volunteers who dress up as Confederate and Republican soldiers! They are a huge tourist attraction. They generate lots of tourist dollars for the state.

Melaka can surely find willing theatrical groups who can dress up as the Sultanate of Melaka warriors, Portuguese soldiers, Indian Gujerati merchants, Chinese traders, etc.

If those in charge of Melaka wanna find out more, they are welcome to contact  me. I'll be more than happy to cooperate on this money making program.

Where there's a will, surely there'll be a way!

In the meantime, come and see what I managed to capture of the sights and scenes during my unplanned day trip over there in Melaka recently.

Along the Melaka River.

The weather was still hazy when I was visitiing Melaka so that stopped me from staying out too long.

Insya Allah if the situation permits, I'd return once more to Melaka and take more photos to be shared here with you, my readers.

Till then, here's wishing you all the best in Iman, health and wealth!

Jonker Walk Jinx ~ Nazri Aziz now promoting the Counterfeit Trade Night Market?

Posted: 28 Jun 2013 07:41 PM PDT

Jonker Walk (Photo Source)
I am referring to the recent brouhaha created by Dato Seri Nazri Aziz, the Malaysian Tourism Minister over the decision by the Chief Minister of Melaka, Dato Wira Ir.Haji Idris Haron to close down Jonker Walk to facilitate a smoother traffic flow in the historical city!

The question is why Nazri Aziz seems to be so gung ho about Jonker Walk's closure?

Nazri seems to be encroaching into the  Melaka Chief Minister's power and authority in deciding as to what is good for YAB Dato Wira Ir. Haji Idris Haron's Melaka State Government's official affairs?

Jonker Walk is infamous as the 'counterfeit centre' in historical Melaka! There is nothing that the people of Melaka can be proud of especially when we all know about the type of business that goes on in the night market there!

Fake goods and imitation products are being sold to the travellers and tourists who flock to the night market. Read about enforcement officers raiding the night market and confiscating counterfeit goods here

Is Nazri Aziz supporting the counterfeiters by demanding the Melaka State Government to rescind its decision to close down the night market?

Is Jonker Walk the only tourist attraction that Melaka has to offer?


Melaka is our nation's most historical state and the real attractions that we should be promoting about Melaka is its history and the heritage left behind by the world famous history of the Sultanate of Melaka!

The glorious 'Empayar Kesultanan Melayu Melaka' had been the major reason why the Portuguese, the Dutch and the British colonial powers came to conquer the historical city in the first place!

That is what the Tourism Ministry should focus upon and help the Melaka State Government promote it's heritage!

Not the 'Jonker Walk's infamous night market where the mainly Chinese traders tout counterfeit goods and rip off the unsuspecting tourists by selling fake goods branded as original

Read about another case concerning the counterfeiting trade that takes place there in Jonker Walk, here!

Nazri Aziz seems to have a penchant to champion anti-establishment negativity! He supported the notorious uncouth Namewee, the rapping rascal who insulted Islam and the Malays plus insulting the Malaysian national anthem with his own parody!

Despite the many protests from pissed off Malaysians who demanded that action be taken against the foul mouthed Chinese chauvinist  Nazri Aziz continued to give the troublemaker his total support! 

Even the Malaysian Cabinet rejected the fella but Nazri Aziz supports him!
Nazri Aziz needs to seriously look at the consequences of supporting such detrimental issues and instead look towards supporting the Melaka Chief Minister YAB Dato Wira Ir.Haji Idris Haron in promoting rightful attractions that the entire nation can be proud of in Melaka, the Historical State!

YAB Dato Wira Ir.Haji Idris Haron, the Chief Minister of the Melaka State Government surely has taken into consideration the various implications of allowing the Jonker Walk night market to continue!

The counterfeit trade that has been flourishing at the night market will surely be brought to a halt when the Melaka State Government puts a stop to it and brings back the state's tourism activities to focus on legitimate and authentic heritage based tourist attractions.

If the Melaka Chief Minister capitulates to the demands of Nazri Aziz, then he is in danger of getting to be known as the 'Flip Flop Chief Minister of Melaka'.

Let's all hope that Idris Haron sticks to his guns and see to it that Jonker Walk Counterfeit Trade is no more!

Nazri Aziz should know better than to give support to any such illegal trade and let His Excellency, YAB Dato Wira Ir. Haji Idris Haron run Melaka on his own.

The Tourism Ministry ought to focus on highlighting our country's legitimate tourist attractions and other heritage based events instead of going on to support contraband trade areas such as Jonker Walk over there in Melaka!

How about Petaling Street here in KL?

Does Nazri Aziz not know that Petaling Street is another notorious counterfeit items trading center? Counterfeit Capital of KL!

Maybe he would like to go endorse that notorious street market too?

A probable dialogue from a Cinabeng fake goods trader :

'Psst! Wanna buy an original 'copy' Rolex?' 

Shop at Jonker Walk or Petaling Street!

Pirated DVD's? XXX VCD's?

We are supported by the Tourism Minister himself! :D'

Counterfeit fragrances?

Countries such as France take steps to put a stop to the counterfeiters trade by destroying confiscated fake goods but here in Malaysia we have a Minister who is prone to supporting it inadvertently by asking that the night market which supports such piracy remain open!

Nazri Aziz surely couldn't be that naive to overlook the fact that most of the traders there in Jonker Walk are selling counterfeit goods produced in China?

Read the report here.

By keeping Jonker Walk open, he will in a way be supporting such illegal trade!

Stop the counterfeit trade by closing down Jonker Walk! Melaka has much more legitimate attractions to offer!

Malaysia seriously needs to have wiser ministers than what we currently have!
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