505 rally Perlis...Zahid belanja lebih RM200,000 masa kempen PRU-13...

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Jun 10, 2013, 7:02:33 PM6/10/13
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505 rally Perlis...Zahid belanja lebih RM200,000 masa kempen PRU-13...

505 rally Perlis...Zahid belanja lebih RM200,000 masa kempen PRU-13...

Posted: 10 Jun 2013 11:22 AM PDT

505 rally Perlis...

A few thousand people attended the Blackout 505 rally here tonight in defiance of warnings from police that it was illegal as the organiser did not comply with the Peaceful Assemblies Act.

Most of those who turned up at a vacant lot on Jalan Raja Syed Alwi here were dressed in black and some came with their children.

The Blackout 505 rally in Kangar, Perlis.

The assembly began at 8pm and among those who gave speeches were de facto Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, PKR’s Indera Kayangan assemblyman Chan Ming Kai, Pas deputy president Mohamad Sabu, Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia chairman Badrul Hisham Shaharin and PKR vice-president Tian Chua.


Perlis police chief Datuk Zull Aznam Haron had earlier said the rally was illegal as the organiser did not get permission from the property owner – the Perlis State Economic Development Corporation – and the police were not informed 10 days before the event.-ABN News
 gambar - ehsan anilnetto

Zahid belanja lebih RM200,000 masa kempen PRU-13...

Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi melanggar Akta Kesalahan Pilihan Raya 1954 dengan membelanjakan melebihi jumlah yang ditetapkan, iaitu RM200,000 dalam kempennya menjelang pilihan raya umum ke-13, dakwa PKR.

Pengarah Strateginya Rafizi Ramli berkata, seperti dalam video yang diedarkan di Internet, Zahid(kiri) dikatakan mengedarkan RM100 dan 5kg beras kepada 24,000 orang di Bagan Datoh, yang jika dikira melebihi RM200,000.

Bercakap di sidang media di ibu pejabat PKR di Petaling Jaya, Rafizi berkata, berdasarkan itu, partinya akan memfailkan petisyen pilihan raya berhubung perkara itu minggu ini.

Beliau berkata akan mendedahkan lebih lanjut bukti berkaitan dalam sidang media yang lain pada Rabu ini.

PKR memberi isyarat memfailkan 18 petisyen manakala Pakatan keseluruhannya sebanyak 35 petisyen.

Malaysiakini masih belum boleh dapat menonton video itu atau menghubungi menteri berkenaan atau pembantunya bagi mendapatkan penjelasan berhubung dakwaan itu.-malaysiakini

 Zahid accused of breaking election laws...

PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli today alleged that Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi had violated election laws while campaigning in the general election.

He said this while making an announcement that the party would file 19 election petitions nationwide, starting today till Wednesday, which is the deadline to file the petitions.

“From the 19 petitions, we will file two petitions for the Bagan Datok parliamentary constituency alone.
“One is to challenge the electoral results and the other is on allegation that the winner, Zahid Hamid had spent about RM2 million there during polls,” said Rafizi, at a press conference today.

Rafizi claimed that he is in possession of a video where the minister himself had admitted to giving RM100 and a packet of rice to 24,000 voters in Bagan Datok.

The Pandan MP announced that he would release the video and further details on the matter come Wednesday.

According to the Elections Offences Act 1954, an individual contesting for a parliamentary seat is only allowed to spend a maximum RM200,000 for campaigns.

FMT failed to reach Zahid for comments on the matter.

On the election petitions, Rafizi said that among other parliamentary constituencies’ results the party is challenging are Kulim Bandar Bahru, Machang, Balik Pulau, Tapah, Sabak Bernam, Segamat, Beaufort, Pensiangan and Baram.

The petitions, Rafizi said, would be filed at the high courts in its respective states.

On top of the petitions, the PKR leader also said that the party would file three other civil suits, mainly targetting on electoral irregularites.

The first suit, Rafizi said, would focus on suing the Elections Commission (EC) commissioners for failing to conduct a free and fair election, using the indelible ink fiasco as a case.

“We will use the police reports lodged on the indelible ink problems to support our suit. It is the constitutional duty of the EC to maintain a good election system.

“The haphazard manner they dealt with the indelible ink problem points to the EC’s own failure,” he said.

The second suit would involve the courts to scrutinise the electoral roll in Sabah, where the royal commission of inquiry on illegal immigrants had pointed out that there are about 60,000 dubious names in the electoral roll.

“The third suit will involve us challenging the constitutionality of Section 9A of the Elections Act 1958 which disallows judicial review on the electoral roll.

“PKR’s team of legal experts, lead by constitutional expert Aziz Bari, is now looking into the matter,” said Rafizi.

Also present in the press conference were PKR MP Imran Abd Hamid and party supreme council member Khalid Jaafar.-fmt



Why the Deliberate Trashing of Planet Earth? ~ by Zen Gardner

Posted: 10 Jun 2013 11:02 AM PDT

"Entropy" by Alexiuss

Ultimately those who awaken invariably come up against the big question: why would the so-called “elite” self-appointed rulers of this planet bring the house down around their own ears?

Don’t they get irradiated, chemtrailed and ultimately modified like the rest of us? Aren’t their children in peril just like ours?

Underground bunkers or not, the rapid deterioration of our environment is leading toward a dead planet if their machinations aren’t halted some time very soon.

What these manipulators are up to is not life giving, it is death dealing. For humanity and all of nature. Why would anyone/anything do such a thing? To answer that, people first need to realise that that’s what they’re doing. Deliberately trashing our planet.

Utter Insanity

It’s beyond our comprehension how these entities think and operate because of the difference in vibrational understanding.

To us, they’re insane; to them, we’re dumb sheep. Someone said the reptilians told them to trash the environment but don’t worry, their greys will restore everything. Neat little package, but it always makes me wonder since they’re doing exactly that, trashing the place.

"Good versus Evil" by Saibel

The oceans are being deliberately killed off. The Macondo oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico never ended. It’s still gushing oil and other toxic elements which work their way around the gulf and then take the Atlantic current up the US coast and over to Europe, screwing that whole system up. What did they expect would happen when you drill miles down into a known volcanic undersea region? And oil leaks and spills continue worldwide with hardly a mention any more. To then spray the banned dispersant Corexit over the area so it wouldn’t look so bad, further killing off sea life and dangerously toxifying the entire region is even further insanity.

Sewage and waste, much of which won’t decompose for centuries, is flooded into the seas and tributaries in gargantuan amounts. On top of that the US Navy is “experimenting” with huge algae blooms that starve sea life of oxygen and disturb the natural life-cycles of the sea, while they’re also playing with sonic warfare equipment that also results in mass fish and other sea life die-offs.

Add chemtrails to the mix now, and weather manipulation and earthquake induction. How about genetic modification of just about anything that’s alive. To top it off, the irradiation of our planet - from hundreds of atom bomb tests, reactor meltdowns and even medical and so-called security usage. Remember, Fukushima, like the Macondo well, is still spewing, and our atmosphere and oceans are getting massive amounts of radiation. With hundreds of reactors reaching deterioration point and a mad world on the verge of a nuclear holocaust, the outlook is, what you might say, a little tenuous.

That’s the state of our home. The planet on which we live.

Feeding Off Accelerated Entropy

 At the very least, these manipulative forces imposing their schemes upon the Earth and her inhabitants are an utterly anti-creative force, a form of relative darkness that feeds off of the entropic breakdown they engineer and exacerbate. Instead of the magnificent creative growing complex force of life, entropy is the breakdown of organized structures into lower, simpler forms which in turn releases energy.

In Nature this happens as living forms decay, giving off heat and water vapor and replenishing the soil with nutrients for the next cycle of growth of living, wonderfully complex organisms. All natural.

Engineering entropy is another thing. While harnessing a river’s energy via electric generators may seem innocent enough, the by-product of man’s actions are cumulative. Damming up the world’s rivers has changed the natural flow and distribution of water. Drilling for oil to burn and mining massive amounts of other natural resources is changing the make up of the Earth’s interior and the balance of nature as well. Asphalting and paving the surface of the Earth is literally turning the world inside out. That cannot bode well.

This entropic reduction for power can be dramatically seen in an atomic explosion, which only results in death, destruction and the lingering of deadly radiation for many hundreds of years. Other forms of massive energy releases such as other weapons of war are using entropy for power and control. Fluoridating our water, chemtrailing our skies and altering our food are other forms of this.

Besides organic and even inorganic structures breaking down unnaturally, these and other toxins and drugs are making humanity stupid and dazed - chemically lobotomized and unable to function properly.

In addition, our geo-engineered skies are also precipitating increased methane releases, more entropic breakdowns, that seriously threaten our planet’s very existence. EMFs from cell masts, GWEN towers and massive antenna arrays such as HAARP further break down the natural magnetic resonance of the planet, ourselves and everything on it.

The entire biodiversity of the planet is shrinking drastically as plant and animal species are disappearing at an exponential rate. All a designed breakdown to harvest energy and bring the planet to a lower vibrational state.

Who is behind all this?

New World Order

This is where it becomes apparent who is engineering all of this. We’re dealing with a force not natural to our environment, something we often call other worldly that exists in another dimension and seeks to transform and take over the world we inhabit. It is not only from another plane of existence, it is parasitic in nature and seeks the complete subjugation of our planet and our species.

Ultimately It’s psycho-spiritual Vampirism. Similar to the chemical and biological programs, breaking down the human spirit for psychic energy harvesting is another exercise in entropy. This is the big one, their drug of choice. We know that the entities that guide and motivate the dark rulers of this world feed off of fear, violence, pain, suffering and even death. For them the more heightened the intensity, the better, which is why drugs, perverted sex, human sacrifice and energy-sucking satanic rituals are so madly pursued by these dark energy vampires.

During recent years, the saturation of the film and television industries, literature, the press, comic books and the Internet by vampires and zombies and ‘the living dead’ has their signature all over it.

The breakdown in society’s complexity and the cultural variety of the planet has always been important to them. Our natural tendency as conscious beings is to love and care for each other, unite in cause and purpose for the betterment of all. This creative force generates spiritual awareness and empowerment and re-creation, like crystals spontaneously growing beautiful fractal structures as consciousness taps into infinite potential.

That sinister forces and entities have always fought against this for the empowerment of unseen energy/control freaks has been our planet’s plight for hundreds of thousands of years.

Our connection to infinite, conscious creative awareness is diametrically opposed to the world they come from. While we revel in empathy, compassion and love they have no such affinity. It is not just foreign to them, but anathema.

Their cold, calculated realm runs purely on self gratification, which extends from sexual lust to the perverted ecstasy of having control over the lives of others. It is two-dimensional. They wish they had what we have, but wouldn’t know what to do with it anyway. That is why they fear and hate us. They know the only control they can have over a superior consciousness is fear, which shuts off our connection to Source.

Where the Hell are we?

Is this planet a playing field, designed to see who wakes up and who doesn’t? Are the unawakened destined to constantly recycle into this strange arena called Earth until they get the point, wake up and make an effort to help get this planet on its true track of conscious awareness and a society based on love and co-operation?

You can see why the custodial religions have a field day with this. People want to know, they want these question answered. Even if it’s only a belief, they want to lay it to rest. Unfortunately they play right into the controllers’ hands when they do so.

“Back to sleep now. Don’t want you to ask too many questions.”

Even the dualism we see being played out is part of the game. While there is a struggle between what we call light and dark forces, these dualities we see being played out at different levels are illusions, distractions from the core principle of life - conscious awareness.


There are a lot of very interesting theories as to what’s really going on here. Knowing there are infinite parallel worlds at play makes it all the more absorbing. Our particular 3-D theatre is quite macabre at the moment and about to get a lot worse if and when these entities unleash the big stuff. That there’s an ongoing ascension of the awakened could be true at some level, but last I checked I’m still here.

However, things are shifting vibrationally and continue to shift, so it should be exciting wherever we’re headed. If there is a cavalry to be sent in, it sure should have happened a LONG time ago. Don’t hold your breath - this is up to us. That’s how they got away with it, by continually berating and intimidating humanity via lies and deception. The enforcement trip is mainly a ruse, as there’s no way they could stop all of humanity if we all rose up to throw them out. The problem is centuries of dumbing down, physical weakening and spirit breaking.

That we’re being terraformed for habitation by an alien life form isn’t that far-fetched to me. Those who’ve yielded to and carried out the programs of these parasitic entities are clearly no longer human by the natural, spiritual definition, so they are carving out their own hell to say the least, no matter the expense to the races that populate the planet.

One thing for sure: knowing the realities outlined above will help us find an answer to our current predicament. But much more profound than that, discovering and awakening to the infinite true nature of who we really are is the ongoing solution to it all. From there everything makes sense. We may not have every answer to every individual question, but we know what’s important. And that’s important:

Stay awake and aware, conscious and acting accordingly. We do our part first and foremost; Universe will lead us one step at a time.

Enjoy the ride!

Zen Gardner
April 30, 2013

[Brought to my attention by Michael Dean]

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#505 rally in Perlis tonight (Photos)

Posted: 10 Jun 2013 06:53 AM PDT

A #505 rally is taking place in Perlis tonight with Perlis PKR’s Faisol kicking off the proceedings.

The truth is, politics sells

Posted: 10 Jun 2013 12:39 AM PDT

Battle of biz weeklies: Taib outsells Halim?

Edge, Focus go political. In their respective latest issues, The Edge has Eighties' corporate high flyer Halim Saad on its cover while rival Focus Malaysia is front-paging what it happily labels as the "Taib Family Inc". The two business weeklies don't usually feature Malay-Bumi corporate names prominently unless there are scandals and mouth-watering controversies involved, so the Halim-Taib headlines are kind of a "bonus" for the community.

The political undertones in both Halim and Taib's articles are overwhelming, if not overcooked in places. In Halim's lawsuit against Nor Mohamed Yakcop, especially, the attempt to scandalize Umno, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and the Barisan Nasional are hardly sublte. But that's to be expected, too, given the allegiance of the magazine's owners to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, or so people tell me.

The truth is, Anwar is
a favourite with The Edge
Not all pro-BN bloggers are in a hurry to defend NMY, who only recently was appointed as Deputy Chairman of Khazanah Nasional by the Chairman (and PM) Datuk Seri Najib Razak. A Voice is one example: he spells out F.R.A.U.D from the word go but at the same time sniffs out the politics of the Edge and the agenda of its political idol.

For its big scoop on Taib Mahmud, who is a known pain in Anwar's Pakatan Rakyat's butt where its dream of conquering Sarawak is concerned, there isn't a quote from the man himself. The Chief Minister's hate groups Bruno Manser Fund and Radio Sarawak, on the other hand. are quoted extensively throughout the article. The Mahmud clan is supposed to be linked to 400 companies locally and worldwide, but only five Malaysian PLCs are analyzed in the article.

As the Umno general assembly draws nearer, expect more political articles in our business pages.

SPR - Tunjuk surat Kementerian Kesihatan atau...

Posted: 10 Jun 2013 03:06 AM PDT

Setiausaha agung DAP Lim Guan Eng menuntut pengerusi Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Yusof mengemukakan surat yang didakwa dihantar oleh Kementerian Kesihatan untuk membuktikan dakwaan mengenai kandungan logam berbahaya dalam dakwat kekal.

Lim berkata, Aziz harus meletak jawatan sebagai pengerusi SPR sekiranya gagal berbuat demikian, katanya.

Lim merujuk kepada dakwaan Aziz bahawa Kementerian Kesihatan mengeluarkan laporan keselamatan yang memberi amaran mengenai risiko kesihatan yang timbul daripada kandungan lebih satu peratus argentum nitrat dalam dakwat kekal.

Kandungan sebatian itu membolehkan dakwat tersebut kekal apabila digunakan ke atas satu permukaan.

Ketua menteri Pulau Pinang tersebut berkata SPR secara tidak langsung menyalahkan Kementerian Kesiahatan kerana menyebabkan kerugian RM6 juta daripada penggunaan dakwat berkenaan, yang dapat ditanggalkan dengan mudah.

"Jika Kementerian Kesihatan tidak boleh percayakan SPR, bagaimana orang mahu percaya bahawa SPR bersih, adil dan bebas semasa mengendalikan pilihan raya.-malaysiakini

Prof. Mohamad Agus: SPR FAILED!...

Saya tidak sependapat dengan kenyataan Timbalan Pengerusi SPR yang menyatakan SPR telah menjalankan kerja dengan baik dalam mengurus pilihan raya umum ke-13 yang lalu. Pada saya SPR gagal.

Jika SPR berjaya, maka untuk apa PM mengumumkan penubuhan satu jawatankuasa khas terdiri dari Ahli Parlimen daripada semua parti politik bagi mengawal selia kredibiliti dan integriti SPR pada 1 Jun 2013.

Saya yakin jika SPR berjaya menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik, PM tidak akan membuat pengumuman sedemikian. Saya yakin jika SPR berjaya menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik tidak akan berlaku bantahan dan perhimpunan 505 seperti yang berlaku sekarang ini.

Bagi saya, jika sekadar menyediakan dakwat kekal pun gagal dilaksanakan dengan baik, jika sekadar menyediakan daftar pemilih yang bersih gagal dilaksanakan dengan baik, maka saya kira sudah sampai masanya Pengerusi dan Timbalan Pengerusi SPR meletakkan jawatan.

Cumanya, yang saya tidak faham dengan pengumuman PM ini ialah kenapa perlu ditubuhkan jawatankuasa untuk memantau SPR?

Saya kira tidak perlu jawatankuasa untuk memantau SPR kerana SPR adalah sebuah badan bebas. Yang kita perlu sekarang ialah anggota SPR yang boleh bertindak cekap untuk mengurus pilihan raya yang adil dan bebas. Itu yang kita belum ada!

Begitupun, sekiranya kerajaan ingin menubuhkan jawatankuasa bagi mereformasikan SPR dan sistem pilihan raya kita, maka hal berikut perlu diberikan perhatian:

(i) kerajaan perlulah menubuhkan sebuah panel yang terdiri dari wakil parti mengikut kuota undi popular yang diterima oleh parti, dan setiap parti hendaklah berhak menamakan wakil masing-masing, bukannya ditentukan oleh kerajaan;

(ii) jawatankuasa ini juga perlulah diberi rangka kerja untuk mengkaji beberapa pindaan kepada Akta Kesalahan Pilihan Raya 1954, Akta Pilihan Raya 1958, Peraturan-peraturan (Penjalanan Pilihan Raya) Pilihan Raya, 1981, Peraturan-peraturan (Pendaftaran Pemilih) Pilihan Raya, 2002 dan Peraturan-peraturan (Mengundi Melalui Pos) Pilihan Raya, 2003

Di akhir analisisnya, saya merasakan kerajaan dan PR perlu mengambil tindakan berikut:

(i) mendesak Pengerusi dan Timbalan Pengerusi SPR supaya meletakkan jawatan,

(ii) PR menghentikan perhimpunan 505 bagi memberi peluang kepada proses petisyen pilihan raya diadili di mahkamah undang-undang.

Dengan pendekatan ini, semoganya tidak ada lagi perhimpunan 505 diadakan dan kerajaan boleh terus menumpukan masa untuk merancang pembangunan negara. Sesungguhnya, rakyat dahagakan kehidupan yang selesa.- Mohamad Agus Yusoff

'Dakwat kekal' - SPR kena tipu oleh pembekal, kata Dr Haron Din...

Timbalan Mursyidul Am PAS Tuan Guru Datuk Dr Haron Din mendakwa, rakyat khususnya pengundi pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU13) lalu telah ditipu berhubung penggunaan dakwat 'kekal'.

Katanya, tidak kira pihak mana yang sebenarnya bertanggungjawab dengan dakwat yang tidak kekal itu, namun hakikatnya seluruh pengundi telah ditipu oleh istilah 'dakwat kekal' itu.

“Polis mempunyai kapa­siti menyiasat siapa yang menipu siapa dalam kes tersebut. Pembekal mem­bekalkan dakwat tidak kekal sedangkan dinamakan sebagai dakwat kekal. 

Ertinya pembekal menipu SPR. Kalau SPR memesan dakwat tidak kekal tetapi menamakan dakwat kekal, maka SPR menipu kerajaan dan pengundi.

“Kalau kerajaan ber­pakat dengan SPR meme­san dakwat yang tidak kekal tetapi mendakwa se­bagai dakwat kekal, maka SPR bersekongkol dengan kerajaan menipu rakyat,” ujarnya.

Pada hari pengundian 5 Mei lalu, beliau yang merupakan calon PAS bagi kawasan Parlimen Arau, adalah antara individu yang membuat laporan polis berhubung dakwat yang dicalit ditanggannya boleh tanggal sejurus selepas membuang undi.

Mengulas lanjut beliau berkata, banyak lagi kepincangan yang berlaku sepanjang proses pilihan raya lalu seperti didedahkan oleh banyak pihak.

Sehubungan itu katanya, beliau menyokong se­barang perhimpunan aman membantah penipuan pilihan raya yang dianjurkan di negara ini selagi tidak mengun­dang kepada malapetaka.

“Lagi pun, Islam dan perlembagaan negara membenarkan perhimpu­nan secara aman. Seperti juga kita berhimpun pada hari Jumaat. Itu juga dina­makan sebagai demonstra­si tetapi diadakan secara aman. Sama juga perhim­punan besar di Makkah. Perhimpunan aman saya sokong,” jelas beliau.-harakahdaily

 EC chief must show indelible ink letter or 'resign'...

Election Commission (EC) chairperson Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof must produce the letter that the Health Ministry has sent him, on the danger of too much silver nitrate in indelible ink.

dap special meeting 110313 lim guan engFailure to do so, said DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng (left), should be followed with Aziz’s resignation as EC chief.

Lim was referring to Aziz’s repeated claims that the Health Ministry had issued a safety report that warned of potential health risks from more than one percent silver nitrate concentration in indelible ink, despite this being denied.

Silver nitrate is what makes indelible ink last, once it is used on a surface.

Lim, who is Penang chief minister, said the EC is “indirectly blaming” the ministry for causing it to waste RM6 million on purchasing the indelible ink, which was easily washed off.

NONE“If the Health Ministry cannot even trust the EC, how can the people trust the EC to be clean, fair and free in conducting elections?” Lim asked in a statement today.

“The fiasco of the indelible ink that could be easily washed off has destroyed what little integrity EC has left, plunging its credibility to its lowest depth in history.

“Never before has the EC adopted BN’s political attacks against the opposition, and has even threatened to sue Pakatan (Rakyat) leaders.”

'Health Ministry consulted'

Aziz had said in an interview with the Singapore Straits Times last month that the EC received a letter from the Malaysian Health Ministry, warning of potential kidney damage and cancer risks associated with a more than one percent content of silver nitrate content in indelible ink.

NONEHowever, Aziz's claim was denied by current Health Minister Dr S Subramaniam (left), who said the ministry did not issue any safety report on the ink, and that the EC had not requested for any such report.

Yet, in a text-message to Malaysiakini last Saturday, Aziz had reiterated his initial claim.

"Yes, we did (send the ink to the ministry for safety evaluation) and we have the reply," he texted.

The use of the indelible ink during the May 5 general election drew flak from voters after several reports were lodged on the ease with which the ink could be removed from their index fingers.

The EC had initially claimed the ink could last up to at least seven days.-mal;aysiakini

Health minister: No, EC did not consult us on 'indelible' ink

The Health minister has refuted a claim by Election Commission chief Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof and UMNO information chief Ahmad Maslan that the 'indelible' ink used on voters in the recent polls had its silver nitrate content lowered for health reason.

The low silver nitrate in the ink had been cited as reason why the ink could disappear from voters' fingers almost immediately after being applied.

Asked whether there was indeed a medical reason for loweing silver nitrate, Health minister Dr S Subramaniam said: “I’m not sure, you must ask the Election Commission that question. If you ask whether they have asked us for any report on that, I don’t think so."

Subramaniam also said there had be no consultation with his ministry for a report on the use of the indelible ink from the medical perspective.

“If they had asked us and we had given a report, it is very different, but I don't think so...”

Aziz had claimed that the EC obtained a letter from the Health ministry warning against excessive silver nitrate in the indelible ink which could lead pose risks to kidney as well as cancer.

While Maslan had claimed it was a last minute decision to lower the level of silver nitrate for 'health reasons'.

“(This is) the first time I am hearing of this,” said Subramaniam when pointed out the claims by Aziz and Maslan.-harakahdaily


Poll: Should PSM be admitted to Pakatan for GE14?

Posted: 10 Jun 2013 06:19 AM PDT

Parti Sosialis Malaysia has formally applied to be admitted to Pakatan Rakyat. Should it be part of Pakatan? What do you think? Bearing in mind there could be more problems and misunderstandings between PSM and Pakatan parties in seat allocations for GE14; and weighing that against the likelihood of splitting the anti-BN votes to BN’s [Read more]

PKR: Zahid spent over RM200k while campaigning

Posted: 10 Jun 2013 01:04 AM PDT


Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi violated the Election Offences Act 1954 by spending more than the ceiling sum of RM200,000 in his campaigning during the 13th general election, PKR has alleged.

“There is a video circulating (on the Internet) that shows Zahid saying that he gave RM100 and a 5kg bag of rice to 24,000 people in Bagan Datoh,” PKR director of strategy Rafizi Ramli said today.

At a press conference at party headquarters in Petaling Jaya, Rafizi said according to his calculation, the expenses for that one act of largess alone would be more than RM200,000.

This, he claimed, was a violation of the rules for candidates in the Election Offences Act.

Based on this, PKR will file an election petition this week.

Rafizi said he would reveal the related evidence linked to this petition – and others – at a press conference on Wednesday.

PKR has signalled its intention to file 18 more petitions, while Pakatan will file 35 in all.

Malaysiakini has not been able to locate the video or to contact the minister or his aides for comment on this PKR allegation.

Systemic Failure (Part II): The forty thieves

Posted: 10 Jun 2013 12:00 AM PDT

In addendum to our earlier posting of ‘Systemic Failure’, some new information just surfaced here in this blog as a comment and we would like to share it with some of our avid readers. It seems that Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak not only has been hoodwinked by his strategic advisers, some of the ‘War Room’ senior members have been ‘plundering and pillaging the wealth of Baghdad’.

Ini surat saya kepada Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM

Assalammualaikum Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM Saya adalah kakitangan ZEAL HITECH SOLUTION SDN. BHD. Bos saya Azman Awaldin bersama rakan kongsi dia Jacqualine dan seorang lagi rakan mereka telah mendapat kontrak percetakan manifesto BN untuk PRU13 yang lalu.

Tidak ada apa apa yang pelik kalau mana-mana syarikat dapat kontrak secara telus tetapi cuba Tan Sri bayangkan, YAB Dato Sri Perdana Menteri telah bersetuju untuk memberikan kontrak percetakan manifesto BN ini kepada Utusan. Logiknya lah kerana Utusan merupakan UMNO linked company dan PM dengan kemuliaan hatinya nak tolong Utusan sebab Utusan ini bukan untung sangat pun. Tetapi apa yang terjadi, syarikat tempat saya kerja ini di handpicked directly oleh Dato’ Raof dan kuncu-kuncunya seperti Dr. Zuraidi Ishak dan Sdra Nor Azwan Aziz dari Ibu Pejabat UMNO dan menyerahkan kontrak percetakan manifesto BN ini kepada ZEAL HITECH SOLUTION SDN. BHD.

Bukan setakat itu sahaja, Dato Khalid mantan ketua pengarang Utusan Melayu yang sekarang ini merupakan pengarah Kumpulan Komunikasi Nasional atau NCT yang bertanggung jawab sepenuhnya dalam hal ehwal media Perdana Menteri juga telah terlibat sama merencanakan pemberian kontrak ini kepada ZEAL HITECH SOLUTION SDN. BHD. Dan di pejabat PM pula Dato’ Sri Farid Ridwan juga berperanan menyakinkan pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam sandiwara ini. Barang tentu, Utusan akan mempercayai kata-kata mereka ini yang semuanya berada rapat di inner circle PM dan apa yang mereka kata, pastinya pihak UTUSAN mempercayainya sebagai kata-kata PM.

Maka terjadilah sandiwara buku manifesto BN ini.

Saya hanya menyedari perkara ini kerana baru baru ini saya diminta oleh bos saya untuk menyiapkan tutntutan sebanyak hampir RM 90 juta kerana kerja-kerja mencetak manifesto BN untuk PRU13 lalu. Setahu saya, syarikat kami tidak ada lessen percetakan yang diluluskan oleh KDN.

ZEAL HITECH SOLUTION SDN. BHD. menuntut sebanyak RM12.83/naskah x 7 juta naskah yang dicetak.

Sedangkan, apa yang dibayar kepada Utusan hanyalah RM1.17/naskah x 7 juta naskah yang hanya berjumlah tidak sampai pun RM10 juta. Seperkara lagi, berapalah sangat gaji sebagai pengurus atau pengarah bahagian di ibu pejabat UMNO sehinggakan konco-konco Dato’ Raof ini berupaya membeli rumah tunai dan renovate rumah mereka dengan jumlah tiga kali ganda harga rumah berkenaan. Sila dapatkan maklumat mengenai rumah Dr. Ruzaidi Isyak dan Nor Azwan Ali. Apa kah mereka-mereka ini tidak tertakluk dengan perintah pengistiharaan harta.

Soalan saya,

1. Kenapa ZEAL HITECH SOLUTION SDN. BHD mendapat kontrak tersebut tanpa pun ada lesen percetakan seperti yang ditetapkan oleh KDN?

2. Mengapa Utusan tidak dapat kontrak berkenaan secara direct dari UMNO?

3. Siapa sebenarnya di belakang ZEAL HITECH SOLUTION SDN. BHD sehingga berlaku pengkhianatan terhadap Perdana Menteri ke tahap ini?

4. Siapa yang mendapat habuan lebihan RM80 juta itu Ini satu pengkhianatan terhadap YAB Perdana Menteri. Mereka yang sangat-sangat dipercayai sudah menjadi “harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi’.

Ini mesti dihapuskan kerana mereka semua ini adalah gunting dalam lipatan dan musuh dalam selimut. Surat ini dihantar dengan hasrat supaya satu siasatan oleh SPRM dilakukan dan Tan Sri juga mesti melaporkan hal ini kepada YAB PM. Semua penasihat beliau tidak ubah seperti penasihat 25% dalam cerita P. Ramlee yang akhirnya membawa kepada kehancuran dan kemusnahan. Sekian, terima kasih



The rumours about personalities within the inner circle ‘War Room Advisory’ making tonnes of money for personal gains from nationwide campaign programs such as ‘Jelajah Janji DiTepati’ and other BN related projects since March 2012 is not new. In fact, it is a common topic at any informal discourse about 13GE from the UMNO perspective, be it over harmless teh tarik or cigars from the Caribbean.

These allegations in this comment is very serious and warrants to be given priority for immediate investigation. Be it by the MACC or UMNO Disciplinary Board.

Take one point as example from this is the printing of BN manifesto. The discrepancy of RM 11.66 per copy translate to RM 81.62 million. Even that was exorbitant, compared to the RM 90 million claim the writer was asked to prepare. And that is just one item.

One of the rampant and sundry complaints during the 13GE is “Duit tak turun“. So many persons who are close confidant of candidates talked how monies which where promised to them or perceived meant for to their campaign operations, never arrived. Regardless via any of the known channels. At least, not to the sum expected. Considering, there were talks about the amount being allocated to each candidates is quite princely. Especially, 13GE was dubbed ‘Mother of All GEs’.

Obviously, there was a serious discrepancy in the distribution of cash meant for the candidates’ campaign operations across the country. It is doubtful a proper system of distribution and receipt exist. Hence, no audit could be carried out to determine the failure.

A lot at stake here. When Prime Minister Najib took over from PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, during his acceptance speech as the 7th UMNO President in the closing ceremony of the UMNO General Assembly on 28 March 2009, he outlined three of his leadership’s thrusts to bring back the confidence of UMNO members and rakyat. One of it is the fight against corruption.

Again, it was repeated in his inaugural UMNO Presidential speech at the opening of UMNO General Assembly 19 October 2009.

Now not only all of these irregularities and unhealthy practices happened in the last four years, it existed within the ambit of decisions and control of some of the inner circle ‘War Room Advisers’. It is evidently clear on the root cause of the ‘Systemic Failure’.

What is baffling is that all these inner circle personalities of the ‘War Room Advisory’ are not sacked and still remain as they are, continuing business as usual.

That is why there is a ground swell of amongst the three million plus UMNO members to exercise their democratic rights and allow the new system of 145,000 delegates in over 20,000 UMNO branches to decide on the leadership, including top posts. UMNO members at grass root level felt very strongly that they need to send a strong message to the leadership, about this over-bearing ‘Business as Usual’ literally monkey-business that is going on in the UMNO HQ and perception that was initially casted and now being solidified about Prime Minister Najib’s negligence to keep proper watch of the vessel and the existence of the ‘forty thieves’.

That shall be our next topic for intense cyberpshere discourse.

Then again, no one left nor was let go. Everyone is back in their old desk, doing the same work and probably the same way the did. Even though some already proven to fail. Let’s not take their word for it. Numbers, speak for themselves. Especially a cost benefit analysis on monies spent, that cannot commensurate on the returns.

*Updated 430pm

Himpunan 'Black 505' ditunda ke 22 Jun, 'Black 505 Kangar on malam ini...

Posted: 10 Jun 2013 12:33 AM PDT

Pengarah strategi PKR Rafizi Ramli berkata Pakatan Rakyat memutuskan bahawa perhimpunan yang pada asalnya dirancang untuk diadakan pada 15 Jun ditunda ke minggu seterusnya pada 22 Jun.

Dalam sidang medianya hari ini, Rafizi berkata keputusan dibuat bagi memberi ruang untuk satu majlis perkahwinan dan juga satu acara kitar semula.

Ia diputuskan setelah mengambil kira rayuan pihak yang menganjurkan acara pada 15 Jun itu, katanya.

"Selepas perbincangan dengan polis Dang Wangi, penganjur memutuskan untuk menukar tarikh perhumpunan ke minggu seterusnya, pada 22 Jun," kata dalam satu sidang media di Petaling Jaya hari ini.

Perhimpunan berkenaan dirancang sebagai acara kemuncak untuk siri perhimpunan bagi membantah penipuan yang didakwa berlaku dalam pilihan raya 5 Mei.-malaysiakini

KL 'Black 505' rally put off to June 22

Opposition coalition Pakatan Rakyat has postponed its planned anti-electoral fraud rally on June 15 to accommodate a private wedding and a recycling festival.

azlan"We have taken into consideration appeals from parties that have already planned their events for June 15,” PKR director of strategy Rafizi Ramli told a press conference in Petaling Jaya today.

"After discussions with the Dang Wangi police, (we) decided to change the date to June 22 ... The rally will begin at noon."

He explained that the organiser of a recycling festival and a family which has scheduled a private wedding on June 15 near Padang Merbok, had contacted the party and asked for its cooperation.

The Kuala Lumpur leg of the 'Black 505' rally was originally slated for the same date, to continue the series of nationwide protests against alleged electoral fraud and irregularities in the 13th general election held on May 5.

Rafizi appealed to Kuala Lumpur City Hall to process the application expeditiously, and also expressed hope for police cooperation since Pakatan has submitted the relevant applications and notifications under the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012. -malaysiakini

Notice given, so Perlis Black 505 to go on...

Pakatan Rakyat's thanksgiving-cum-‘Black 505' rally in Perlis will proceed as scheduled tonight, in spite of a police warning of action against its organisers.

The rally is scheduled at 9pm at Kampung Bakau, Kangar, behind the Public Bank.

NONEPKR Youth vice-chief Chan Ming Kai pointed out that the party had informed the police of the thanksgiving event 12 days ago, on May 29, and that the police had acknowledged the application on June 4.

In another letter dated June 3, Chan said he had told the police that the event had been updated to include a ‘Black 505' rally, as part of a series of protests against alleged fraud during the 13th general election last month.

Chan, the Indera Kayangan state assemblyperson, said the police were also informed that there would be additional speakers.

However, the police then said they could not process the application just a day before the rally.

"As far as we are concerned, whether the rally is ‘Black 505' or not, we had already informed the police that there would be a gathering at the place more than 10 days ago," he said when contacted today.

Chan said the police claimed they could not process the application due to "incomplete information", as they wanted proof of the landowner’s consent to use of the venue for the rally.

"The land is under the Perlis State Economic Development Corporation, a government-linked company, so to us the land is under the government.

“We are not using using their building. We’re just using the (vacant) land and the roads there, and it is also not a very open area.”

He added that the police response did not mention that Pakatan has failed to provide the compulsory 10-day notice or that the rally is illegal.

As such, he stressed that the rally will proceed tonight and said he hoped that there would be no trouble.

"We expect their (police) good cooperation with us," said Chan, who will be among the speakers alongside PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim.

National news agency Bernama had yesterday quoted Kangar acting police chief Ismail Che Isa as saying that the organisers could face action as they had failed to notify police about the rally under Section 9(1) of the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012.-malaysiakini


Appellate court allows Sirul Azhar to apply for mistrial

Mahkamah benar permohonan perbicaraan silap Sirul


[KENYATAAN MEDIA] #Black505 Padang Merbok Pada 22 Jun 2013, Tidak Ada Alasan DBKL Tidak Memberi Kebenaran

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 10:29 PM PDT

Pakatan Rakyat telah memberikan notis untuk mengadakan perhimpunan aman #black505 di Padang Merbok yang mulanya dijadualkan pada 15 Jun 2013 dalam tempoh 10 hari seperti yang dituntut oleh pihak berkuasa. Penganjur juga menerima nasihat kepimpinan Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) untuk tidak mengadakannya di Dataran Merdeka, walaupun itu adalah tempat perhimpunan yang dituntut oleh banyak pihak.

Saya mengambil kira rayuan pihak-pihak yang telah pun mempunyai perancangan program di Padang Merbok pada 15 Jun 2013. Setelah berbincang dengan IPD Dang Wangi, penganjur membuat keputusan untuk menukar tarikh perhimpunan aman #black505 Padang Merbok ke minggu yang seterusnya iaitu pada 22 Jun 2013 bermula jam 12 tengahari.

Permohonan kepada DBKL untuk menggunakan Padang Merbok pada 22 Jun 2013 telah pun dibuat pada hari Jumaat 7 Jun 2013, iaitu 2 hari selepas permohonan pertama dibuat. DBKL juga telah mengesahkan bahawa semasa permohonan dibuat pada 7 Jun 2013, tidak ada mana-mana pihak yang membuat permohonan mengadakan acara di Padang Merbok pada 22 Jun 2013.

Oleh itu, tidak ada lagi alasan untuk DBKL dan Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan bermain politik dengan melengah-lengahkan permohonan ini. Saya ingin mengingatkan Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan bahawa majoriti besar rakyat di Wilayah Persekutuan bersama-sama Pakatan Rakyat dan beliau perlulah menghormati hasrat rakyat Wilayah Persekutuan yang mahu berhimpun secara aman di Padang Merbok yang merupakan padang milik rakyat.

Notis kepada IPD Dang Wangi akan dibuat esok dalam tempoh 10 hari seperti yang dituntut oleh PDRM.

Ini adalah ketetapan akhir dan tidak akan ada sebarang perubahan selepas ini tidak kira apa alasan yang diberikan oleh DBKL.

Perhimpunan aman #black505 akan diadakan pada tarikh 22 Jun 2013 (Sabtu) bermula jam 12 tengahari di Padang Merbok. Rakyat Malaysia yang cintakan kebenaran dan menolak penipuan pilihanraya diseru turun beramai-ramai untuk menuntut 3 perkara:

1.       Keseluruhan ahli SPR meletakkan jawatan serta-merta dan ahli-ahli SPR yang baru akan dilantik secara bersama dengan Pakatan Rakyat dan kumpulan civil society yang mewakili rakyat;

2.      Pilihanraya semula di 30 kawasan Parlimen bila mana dibuktikan berlaku penyelewengan;

3.      Hentikan sebarang usaha untuk meminda undang-undang pilihanraya atau persempadanan semula sehinggalah ahli-ahli SPR baru yang adil dilantik secara bersama seperti tuntutan (1)



Pengarah Strategi KEADILAN

Ahli Parlimen Pandan


10 JUN 2013 

[KENYATAAN MEDIA] 25 Petisyen Pilihanraya Parlimen Difailkan

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 10:27 PM PDT

Saya boleh mengesahkan bahawa bermula hari ini, ketiga-tiga parti Pakatan Rakyat akan memfailkan petisyen pilihanraya di kawasan-kawasan Parlimen berikut:


1.      P014 Merbok

2.      P018 Kulim Bandar Baru

3.      P026 Ketereh

4.      P029 Machang

5.      P053 Balik Pulau

6.      P072 Tapah

7.      P075 Bagan Datok

8.      P075 Bagan Datok (petisyen perbelanjaan melebihi RM200,000)

9.      P092 Sabak Bernam

10.  P118 Setiawangsa

11.  P140 Segamat

12.  P144 Ledang

13.  P146 Muar

14.  P158 Tebrau

15.  P159 Pasir Gudang

16.  P168 Kota Marudu

17.  P177 Beaufort

18.  P182 Pensiangan

19.  P220 Baram


1.      P093 Sungai Besar

2.      P096 Kuala Selangor

3.      P119 Titiwangsa

4.      P161 Pulai


1.      P078 Cameron Highlands

2.      P142 Labis

Ini bermakna 25 petisyen membabitkan 24 kerusi Parlimen telah dan akan difailkan bermula hari ini sehingga hari Rabu. Bagi kerusi Bagan Datok, selain petisyen pilihanraya, satu petisyen berasingan difailkan berhubung kesalahan calon BN, Dato’ Seri Zahid Hamidi melanggar had perbelanjaan RM200,000 yang dibenarkan untuk sesuatu pilihanraya.

Selain 24 kerusi Parlimen ini, Pakatan Rakyat juga memfailkan 10 petisyen pilihanraya bagi kerusi DUN di seluruh negara (9 DUN yang ditandingi PAS dan 1 DUN yang ditandingi PKR).

Serentak dengan petisyen-petisyen ini, PKR juga akan memfailkan tindakan undang-undang berikut dalam tempoh 3 minggu dari sekarang:

1.      Saman terhadap Pengerusi SPR, Timbalan Pengerusi SPR dan ahli-ahli SPR diatas kegagalan melaksanakan dakwat kekal;

2.      Petisyen pilihanraya menuntut mahkamah menyemak senarai pengundi yang dicemari pengundi hantu di Sabah berdasarkan keterangan yang dibuat di Suruhanjaya Diraja setakat ini dan kajian dalaman PKR;

3.      Tindakan undang-undang bagi mengisytiharkan pindaan Seksyen 9A yang menghalang kesahihan daftar undi dicabar dimahkamah bertentangan (ultra vires) dengan Perlembangan. Pasukan PKR yang akan memulakan tindakan undang-undang ini akan diketuai oleh Prof Dr Aziz Bari, pakar perlembagaan.



Pengarah Strategi KEADILAN

Ahli Parlimen Pandan


10 JUN 2013 

Bukit Gambir waterfall turns murky – an early warning?

Posted: 10 Jun 2013 12:14 AM PDT

A waterfall near high-rise apartments at Bukit Gambir, below and close to the site of an exclusive bungalow project on a hill-slope 110 metres above sea level, has turned murky. This photo was taken early yesterday morning. Another photo taken yesterday: The waterfall was photographed by blog reader WM at Cangkat Bukit Gambir 1, 11700 [Read more]

Malaysia’s ‘Berlin Wall’

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 10:32 PM PDT


Dataran Merdeka is symbolic. It is our metaphorical Berlin Wall and its significance cannot be exaggerated.

Umno Baru leaders and the police have refused to allow the use of Dataran Merdeka for the ‘Black 505’ rally in Kuala Lumpur on June 15.

NONEEtched in the memories of older Malaysians is the lowering of the Union Jack and the raising of the Malayan flag at midnight, at the Selangor Club padang as Dataran Merdeka was then known. The younger generation would have learnt about its historical role.

When the 154.5km Berlin Wall – a concrete structure built by the East Germans to divide the east from the west – came down, the city of Berlin was reunited, communist rule in eastern Europe fell and the process of re-unification of East and West Germany started.

If the opposition coalition were to hold this rally at Dataran Merdeka, it would score a great moral victory, just as Bersih did. The violence during the Bersih 3.0 rally was perpetrated by the police. A weak regime is one which does not know how to use arguments and discussion as weapons, but resorts to violence.

If the place that is connected with Merdeka and the Tunku were to become the focal point for the ‘Black 505’ rally, attention would be focused on the reasons for the rally, and Umno-Baru would be forever linked with cheating in elections. Umno-Baru is desperate to deny the opposition the publicity.

A common tactic of Umno-Baru is to give the rally organisers the runaround. Even when Umno-Baru lies, it fails to do it with a concerted effort. When the opposition coalition applied to use Padang Merbok as an alternative venue, the Dang Wangi district police chief Zainuddin Ahmad claimed that another event was scheduled to take place there.

Police chief Khalid Abu Bakar claimed that the opposition’s application was incomplete, while Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor claimed that indoor venues and closed spaces, like stadiums, would be more suitable.

He said: “…..But to me, Padang Merbok is an open space… when it comes to open spaces, we will not give (our permission) because we know the law and abide by it.”

If Tengku Adnan claims to be well-versed with the law and would happily abide by it, what explanations can he give for alleged widespread electoral fraud and cheating during GE13?

How does he explain the money politics which is synonymous with his party Umno-Baru? Can he account for the increasing acts of police brutality which suggest that police personnel are breaking the law and getting away with murder?

Don’t expect reform

Some of you may disagree with street protests but only the naïve would think that GE14 could be the solution. The electoral boundaries are being skewed in Umno Baru’s favour by the Election Commission (EC), even as you read this. Umno Baru and the EC will never negotiate or reform.

How much longer have the marginalised Indians to suffer? How many more election promises will their self-appointed leaders be taken in by? This minority government promised that they would implement many reforms before GE13 if elected; but after the election, they say the implementation will take five years.

azlanIn GE11, the EC made a last minute claim that the indelible ink would prevent Muslims from performing their prayers.

In GE12, the EC claimed that there was a national security scare and certain parties were planning to sabotage the elections by marking the fingers of people before they could vote. It was claimed that several people had been arrested while trying to smuggle election ink into Malaysia.

In GE13, the EC diluted the ink, saying it could be harmful.

In GE14, the EC will be just as creative.

It is ironic that, in 2010, Najib Abdul Razak had warned delegates at the BN convention, held in Wisma MCA, that the opposition coalition was attempting to take over Putrajaya and that the federal government had to be protected from the greedy and the power crazy.

He said: “BN is a responsible coalition. You can place your hopes and trust in us. The people can trust us to do not only what is right, but what is in their best interests.”

Around the world, repressive regimes have been toppled by non-violent civil resistance movements – Chile, Poland, South Africa, the Philippines. Armed resistance is not the answer, as military training and the supply of weapons is expensive. Nor should we expect foreign countries to intervene; they have to protect their own interests.

Only we can help ourselves. This sham Malaysian democracy can expect more marches and more resistance from the rakyat.

If Najib continues to exploit the rakyat, it is possible that even the police and security personnel will shift their allegiance and loyalty, as happened in Egypt.

In the current economic climate, the rakyat is forced to tighten its belt further. Graduates are finding it more difficult to get jobs, unlike politicians’ children who are given choice appointments or who become directors of companies with a paid-up capital of RM2, which receive multi-million ringgit government contracts.

Young adults cannot afford to live away from home. Skilled workers are refused employment, as foreign workers, both legal and illegal, are cheaper.

Symbols of oppression

As living conditions become more intolerable, NGOs, human rights activists, students, opposition politicians, religious organisations and the rakyat will unite as one movement against oppression.

Najib can arrest a few such as Adam Adli, Haris Ibrahim, Tian Chua, Safwan Anang or Tamrin Ghafar, but more leaders will emerge.

Thirty-nine years ago, the education minister who gagged our academia and students with the Universities and University Colleges Act was Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Today, Najib will attempt to do the same.

In the Tunisian uprising, Mohammed Bouazizi immolated himself, when the police stopped him from making a living as a street pedlar to feed his family. He became the symbol of the Jasmine revolution.

In the recent protests in Turkey, ‘The Woman in Red’ whose face was sprayed with tear-gas has become a global symbol of police brutality and oppression. The demonstrations, which began as a protest against the redevelopment of a park, have escalated into public fury against the creeping Islamicisation and the increasing authoritarian rule of the government.

In Malaysia, we are not short of symbols of oppression. Two National Union of Bank Employee (Nube) officials, vice-president Abdul Jamil Jalaludeen from Pulau Tikus, Penang and general treasurer Chen Ka Fatt, from Ipoh Garden in Ipoh, were sacked from Maybank because they made a stand against its treatment of workers.

In the late 1970s, as Minister for Trade and Industry, Mahathir clipped the power of unions.

Today, Najib honours Abdul Wahid Omar, who was CEO of Maybank, by making him a minister in the PM’s Department.

Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi may order a crackdown on activists and opposition leaders. In doing so, he will only unleash a more determined rakyat who will retaliate with more marches, boycotts and strikes.

Najib may try to prevent the rakyat and the ‘Black 505′ rally from entering Dataran Merdeka, but he cannot curb our resolve to fight oppression. Perhaps, we should occupy Dataran Merdeka, our metaphorical Berlin Wall.

Najib may surround Dataran Merdeka with razor wire, but he cannot imprison our minds.

George Town Festival: ‘Arus Melayu’ events

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 09:18 PM PDT

Organised in partnership with George Town Festival and Persatuan Sejarah & Warisan Pulau Pinang, “Arus Melayu” explores the complexity and diversity of the word and notion of ‘Melayu’ through the presentation of ideas, perspectives and theories on language and literature, logic, and in film, says Zairil Khir Johari. It runs over two days on 15 [Read more]

Government coercing voters to back BN with selective aid, says Pakatan

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 08:50 PM PDT


The ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition is coercing voters to support the government by punishing opposition backers through selective aid, Pakatan Rakyat leaders have said.

The federal opposition blasted Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin for his promise to provide greater assistance only to those who backed BN in Election 2013, saying the move was aimed at “victimising” voters in a bid to sustain its political dominance.

“It is not surprising as this has always been the way of BN which is to victimise those who vote against them and help those who back them,” PAS central working committee member Khalid Samad told The Malaysian Insider.

 “That is how they ensure they stay in power. By victimising the voters. They will maintain an economic condition so that the Malays will continue to back them,” the Shah Alam MP added.

On Saturday, Muhyiddin was quoted as saying that the BN administration will direct “greater assistance” towards the communities that backed it during the general election in a move that gave out mixed signals over the Najib administration’s seriousness in pushing for national reconciliation.

The clear message is that the majority of the Malays, Indians, Bumiputeras, Orang Asli, Siamese community as well as those in Sabah and Sarawak still support the BN.

“We will continue to give them greater assistance; that is what we will do,” the deputy prime minister was quoted as saying by state news agency Bernama at a BN thanksgiving function in Kundang Ulu, Johor, in an apparent continuation of the vilification of Chinese voters following the general election.

The DAP’s Rasah lawmaker Anthony Loke said it was obvious that Muhyiddin’s statement was aimed towards the Chinese community of which majority of them had voted for the opposition in the last national polls.

“This shows that he wants to penalise the Chinese community.

“What he said goes to show that he is not a deputy prime minister for all Malaysians but only for BN. After all, he is famous for making that statement that he is ‘Malay first, Malaysian second’,” Loke told The Malaysian Insider.

The DAP central executive committee member cited analysis that pointed to an increased shift in Malay support towards the opposition and demanded to know why was the government only punishing the Chinese.

“It’s a very stupid statement and very irresponsible. He is saying something completely different from Najib who is pushing for reconciliation and so on and yet he is making all these divisive statements,” he said.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had spoken of a need to reconcile the country immediately after the polls outcome was announced, but it was not a theme that was universally accepted in the BN coalition.

Right-wing elements in Umno along with party mouthpiece Utusan Malaysia have sought to frame the May 5 polls as a Chinese-versus-Malay vote, after Najib’s reference to a so-called “Chinese tsunami” following the election.

Utusan Malaysia had front-paged an incendiary headline titled “Apa lagi Cina mahu?” (What more do the Chinese want?) while tabloid Kosmo! took the blame game further with an even more overt title, “Pengundi Cina bersikap talam dua muka (Chinese voters are two-faced)”, a day after polling.

However, analysts instead pointed to a growing urban-rural divide as well as the ascendancy of a “Bangsa Malaysia” who did not vote along racial lines, as the main factors for the outcome.

Khalid said Muhyiddin’s statement reveals BN’s true nature and said that until this government is voted out, discrimination against anyone who opposes it will continue.

“That is why we are here. To oppose them. After so long in power they still do not understand that the money belongs to the rakyat. Of course not everyone will vote for them but when they are elected into power, they must serve everyone,” he said.

Despite the burgeoning of right wing elements within BN, several leaders have rejected the attempt to pin the blame for the ruling coalition’s worst-ever electoral showing solely on the Chinese community.

BN won 133 seats in the 222-seat federal Parliament, seven fewer than in the 2008 polls.

An apparent crackdown against opposition politicians and activists for sedition, however, has cast doubt over the government’s commitment to reconciliation.

Jelajah #Blackout505 Ke Perlis, Kedah Dan Kelantan

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 09:03 PM PDT

Perlis: 10 Jun 2013 – Isnin
8.30pm – 12.00pm : Belakang Public Bank, Jln Raja Syed Alwi Kangar Perlis.

Kedah: 11 Jun 2013 – Selasa
8.30pm – 12.00pm : Taipan Square, Bandar Puteri Jaya, Jln Kuala Ketil, Sungai Petani.

Kelantan : 12 Jun 2013 – Rabu

7.30pm – 12.00am : Padang Majlis Daerah Ketereh


Government Coercing Voters to Back BN With Selective Aid

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 07:33 PM PDT


KUALA LUMPUR, June 10 — The ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition is coercing voters to support the government by punishing opposition backers through selective aid, Pakatan Rakyat leaders have said.

The federal opposition blasted Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin for his promise to provide greater assistance only to those who backed BN in Election 2013, saying the move was aimed at “victimising” voters in a bid to sustain its political dominance.

“It is not surprising as this has always been the way of BN which is to victimise those who vote against them and help those who back them,” PAS central working committee member Khalid Samad told The Malaysian Insider.

“That is how they ensure they stay in power. By victimising the voters. They will maintain an economic condition so that the Malays will continue to back them,” the Shah Alam MP added.

On Saturday, Muhyiddin was quoted as saying that the BN administration will direct “greater assistance” towards the communities that backed it during the general election in a move that gave out mixed signals over the Najib administration’s seriousness in pushing for national reconciliation.

The clear message is that the majority of the Malays, Indians, Bumiputeras, Orang Asli, Siamese community as well as those in Sabah and Sarawak still support the BN.

“We will continue to give them greater assistance; that is what we will do,” the deputy prime minister was quoted as saying by state news agency Bernama at a BN thanksgiving function in Kundang Ulu, Johor, in an apparent continuation of the vilification of Chinese voters following the general election.

The DAP’s Rasah lawmaker Anthony Loke said it was obvious that Muhyiddin’s statement was aimed towards the Chinese community of which majority of them had voted for the opposition in the last national polls.

“This shows that he wants to penalise the Chinese community.

Loke said Muhyiddin’s statement shows that he wants to penalise the Chinese community.
“What he said goes to show that he is not a deputy prime minister for all Malaysians but only for BN. After all, he is famous for making that statement that he is ‘Malay first, Malaysian second’,” Loke told The Malaysian Insider.

The DAP central executive committee member cited analysis that pointed to an increased shift in Malay support towards the opposition and demanded to know why was the government only punishing the Chinese.

“It’s a very stupid statement and very irresponsible. He is saying something completely different from Najib who is pushing for reconciliation and so on and yet he is making all these divisive statements,” he said.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had spoken of a need to reconcile the country immediately after the polls outcome was announced, but it was not a theme that was universally accepted in the BN coalition.

Right-wing elements in Umno along with party mouthpiece Utusan Malaysia have sought to frame the May 5 polls as a Chinese-versus-Malay vote, after Najib’s reference to a so-called “Chinese tsunami” following the election.

Utusan Malaysia had front-paged an incendiary headline titled “Apa lagi Cina mahu?” (What more do the Chinese want?) while tabloid Kosmo! took the blame game further with an even more overt title, “Pengundi Cina bersikap talam dua muka (Chinese voters are two-faced)”, a day after polling.

However, analysts instead pointed to a growing urban-rural divide as well as the ascendancy of a “Bangsa Malaysia” who did not vote along racial lines, as the main factors for the outcome.

Khalid said Muhyiddin’s statement reveals BN’s true nature and said that until this government is voted out, discrimination against anyone who opposes it will continue.

“That is why we are here. To oppose them. After so long in power they still do not understand that the money belongs to the rakyat. Of course not everyone will vote for them but when they are elected into power, they must serve everyone,” he said.

Despite the burgeoning of right wing elements within BN, several leaders have rejected the attempt to pin the blame for the ruling coalition’s worst-ever electoral showing solely on the Chinese community.

BN won 133 seats in the 222-seat federal Parliament, seven fewer than in the 2008 polls.

An apparent crackdown against opposition politicians and activists for sedition, however, has cast doubt over the government’s commitment to reconciliation.

Article courtesy of TMI
-Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-
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