BN menang rakyat senang, tambang bas naik sehingga 30 peratus...

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Jun 16, 2013, 7:02:59 PM6/16/13

BN menang rakyat senang, tambang bas naik sehingga 30 peratus...

BN menang rakyat senang, tambang bas naik sehingga 30 peratus...

Posted: 16 Jun 2013 12:00 PM PDT

PAS Pusat menyifatkan kenaikan tambang bas ekspress sebanyak 30 peratus adalah strategi untuk memerangkap pengguna.

Pengerusinya Datuk Mahfuz Omar berkata, kerajaan tidak sepatutnya menaikkan tambang bas ekspress walaupun kenaikan satu, 10 atau 15 peratus sekalipun.

"Isu sebenarnya bukan 30 peratus, isunya adalah kenaikan harga tambang. Kalau bawah 30 peratus iaitu 15 peratus bermakna pengguna akan beli. Ini adalah perangkap kepada pengguna supaya bincang kenaikan harga tambang. Hakikatnya harga tambang pasti akan naik," katanya kepada Harakahdaily.

Beliau yang juga Naib Presiden PAS berkata, tidak wajar kenaikan harga tambang bas berlaku dalam keadaan harga minyak dan tol tidak diturunkan.

Malah katanya, banyak cara lain yang boleh mengelakkan kenaikan harga tambang sama ada tambahkan subsidi ataupun kurangkan kos sama cukai tayar dan alat ganti kepada pengusaha bas.

"Yang paling penting turunkan harga minyak, tol dan tambahkan subsidi kepada pengusaha bas, ini akan membawa kepada tidak perlu kenaikan harga tambang," katanya.

Jelas Mahfuz, tawaran Pakatan Rakyat dalam Buku Jingga iaitu turunkan harga minyak dan tol sekali gus pengguna akan menikmati kadar tambang yang lebih murah.

Photo: Berita Baik Untuk penyokong BN : .Wajib Baca

"Hari ini jelas membuktikan kenaikan harga tambang akhirnya ditanggung oleh pengguna. Kerajaan sengaja bermain dengan istilah 30 peratus ini," katanya. 

Sebelum ini, Persatuan Pengusaha Bas Seluruh Malaysia (PMBOA) kekal dengan pendirian untuk menaikkan tambang bas ekspres sebanyak 30 peratus walaupun ada pihak menyifatkannya sebagai terlalu tinggi.

Presidennya, Datuk Ashfar Ali berkata, kenaikan itu bukan disebabkan musim perayaan Hari Raya Aidilfitri tidak lama lagi, tetapi sebagai semakan semula yang biasa dilakukan dalam empat atau lima tahun sekali.

Bagaimanapun pihak PMBOA, menunggu keputusan daripada Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awam dan Darat (SPAD) untuk mengumumkan kenaikan harga tambang baru.

PMBOA telah memohon kenaikan harga tiket itu beberapa kali sebelum ini daripada SPAD dan kali terakhir pada 22 Mei lalu.-harakahdaily

Bonus hari raya dari gomen UMNO/BN

Pan Malaysia Bus Operators Association demands a 30% increase in fares for express buses...

The right of consumers to enjoy better express bus services like comfortable rides and punctuality should be considered by the bus operators instead of just thinking about making profits, said Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister Hasan Malek.

He said if consumers fully used their power by boycotting the express bus service in protest of the operators’ plan to raise fares by 30 per cent, the bus companies would stand to lose.

“This is a drastic increase. They think about profits only and not considering the plight of the consumers concerned with such a fare increase,” he said after opening the 48th annual general meeting of Koperasi Kemajuan Tanah Perak Berhad, here yesterday.

He was commenting on the Pan Malaysia Bus Operators Association’s demand for the government to increase the fares for express buses to prevent the bus companies from incurring losses which would force them to close their business.

Hasan said the government, Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD), express bus operators and other relevant parties should together first study the matter and public reaction to the fare increase proposed by the bus companies.

“We need to look at the people’s reaction. If they don’t like it and protest, we should rethink the matter. If possible, retain the current fares,” he said.

Hasan said the express bus fares should not be increased at will and the matter must be referred to the relevant parties to determine the reasonable rates.

“The bus operators should not just think of profits for themselves as all this while the government has given them various forms of assistance,” he said.

On Thursday, SPAD chairman  Syed Hamid Albar said the commission would study whether to allow the express bus operators to raise fares by 30 per cent or not, and that the decision would be made before the Aidilfitri celebration.

He said the bus operators should be in tune with SPAD in the objective of providing the best service to the public.-Bernama,fmt

BN menang rakyat senang

Kenaikan hanya 30% sahaja.Dijamin tidak membebankan pengguna pengangkutan awam. Kenaikan tambang bas ini bertujuan untuk mengurangkan kemalangan jalan raya yang acapkali meningkat menjelang musim perayaan. Terima Kasih gomen UMNO/BN...


Kelantan MB addresses #505 election rally in Ketereh

Posted: 16 Jun 2013 07:01 AM PDT

A 505 rally was held in Kelantan on 12 June 2013. This is the Kelantan MB Ahmad Yakob speaking at the rally at the Ketereh District Council field.

UMNO jual bangsa Melayu untuk kekal kuasa...

Posted: 16 Jun 2013 05:00 AM PDT

Hanya orang UMNO sahaja yang boleh memegang dua fikiran yang bercanggah pada masa yang sama. Hanya Najib saja yang boleh bercakap mengenai 1Malaysia dan bukan 1Malaysia ketika yang lain. Pada malam keputusan PRU, dengan muka yang bera, dia menyalahkan bangsa Cina kerana tidak menyokong UMNO. Siapa nak sokong parti yang pemimpin nya semua korap dan rasuah?

Hanya UMNO boleh bercakap mengenai perpaduan orang Melayu, tapi mendiskriminasi Melayu yang tidak menyokong mereka. Ketua kampong UMNO (pengerusi JKKK) bercakap besar mengenai menolong orang Melayu, tapi menyekat bantuan kepada Melayu yang tidak menyokong mereka. Hanya pemimpin UMNO yang malas pergi masjid dan surau, tapi menyekat Melayu lain menyemarakkan masjid dan surau.

Hanya pemimpin UMNO sahaja yang bercakap mengenai memberi tanah kepada orang Melayu tapi menyekat pemberian kepada Melayu yang tidak menyokong nya. Di Raub ada ribuan orang Melayu yang hidup atas tanah lebih dari 40 tahun, masih tidak mendapat hakmilik. Pemimpin dan penyokong UMNO mempunyai tanah diserata tempat. Hanya orang UMNO bercakap mengenai mulia nya institusi raja2 Melayu tapi pada masa yang sama mengibaratkan raja2 Melayu sebagai anjing.

Jadi, kepentingan yang UMNO jaga dan kukuhkan ialah bukan kepentingan Melayu keseluruhan nya tapi kepentingan kelompok dan puak mereka. Maka apa perlu orang Melayu menyokong UMNO?

Yang kita kena sokong ialah penubuhan sebuah kerajaan yang memerintah dengan tegas dan menjaga kepentingan masyarakat keseluruhan nya. Jika Melayu itu sudah majoriti, tidak dapat tidak, kepentingan melayu lah yang diutamakan.

Memahami ini tidak memerlukan ilmu hisab yang tinggi. Hanya orang UMNO sahaja yang menganggap orang Melayu di kampung2 bodoh dan hanya pemimpin UMNO sahaja yang menggelarkan orang Melayu lain- haramjadah.

Orang UMNO memang tak tahu malu. Lebih ramai orang Melayu menyokong PR dari UMNO, pemimpin UMNO masih tidak faham2. Calun2 UMNO, yang menang dan kalah mendapat 3.2 juta undi. Ada faham? 3.2 juta ini adalah undi keseluruhan kepada semua calun2 UMNO.

Dari 3.2 juta undi ini, bukan semua yang mengundi terdiri dari orang Melayu. Cina dan India ada juga menyokong UMNO. Sekitar 10%. Ertinya, orang Melayu yang menyokong calun2 UMNO secara lansung ialah 2.9 juta. Tak tahulah saya hendak ajar kalau tidak faham ilmu hisab mudah ini.

Jumlah ahli UMNO pun lebih banyak dari itu. Jika semua ahli UMNO menyokong calun UMNO dan semua calun BN, 3.2 juta penyokong mesti tidak dapat tidak ada 3.2 juta angka asas. Ahli UMNO pun tidak menyokong UMNO.

Fakta nya ialah adalah menjadi kerugian besar jika orang Melayu memilih UMNO untuk menjaga kepentingan mereka. Wakil UMNO pemalas dan penipu. Saya amat senang hati mendedahkan mutu kerja wakil UMNO di Raub misalnya. Tunggu lah.

Kerja membalun UMNO ini tidak akan selesai sehingga mereka bukan lagi kerajaan. Selagi UMNO menghalang kejayaan bangsa Melayu, kita mesti bantai mereka. kita tidak boleh terima kenangkuhan UMNO mengaku bahawa mereka wakil tunggal kepentingan Melayu. Kepentingan orang Melayu ialah mendapatkan keperkasaan ekonomi dan perkongsian kuasa.

Kepentingan ini bertentangan dengan kepentingan feudal UMNO. Ya , UMNO itu parti bersifat feudal. UMNO di strukturkan supaya sekumpulan kecil yang terpilih menungang diatas belakang rakyat yang diperhamba abdikan. 

Kepentingan UMNO ialah membolot kekayaan dan memusatkan kuasa dalam tangan elit. Kepentingan bangsa Melayu berlawanan dengan kepentingan UMNO. Pertentangan ini menyebabkan orang Melayu tidak lagi boleh menerima kepimpinan UMNO.

Dalam kawasan yang tidak di tandingi oleh calun UMNO, orang Melayu tetap ada menyokong parti BN. kita akui ini. Tapi berapa ramai sangatlah orang Melayu yang menyokong mereka.

Dari 899,000 undi yang diperolehi oleh calun MCA( menang dan kalah) berapa ramai Melayu yang menyokong mereka? Katalah 20% Melayu menyokong calun MCA. Baru ada sekitar 180,000 orang. Melayu yang menyokong MIC? 10% dari 292,000 ialah kira2 29,000. Melayu yang menyokong PBB di Sarawak? 40% dari 232,000=91,000.

Wa hasil balik asal, jumlah orang Melayu yang menyokong UMNO secara lansung dan tidak lansung (melalui sekutu2 BN) ialah 3.2 juta.  3.2 juta sama jumlah nya dengan jumlah ahli UMNO. Jadi apalah yang hendak dibanggakan oleh UMNO.

Setelah belanja berbilion Ringgit dan setelah menyogok dan merasuah orang Melayu terutama nya, dari 2.2 juta undi Melayu dalam tahun 2008, UMNO hanya dapat menambahkan 1juta sahaja pengundi Melayu.

Ringkasan keputusan PRU13- data terpilih.
Pakatan Rakyat
Sumber: SPR

Kalau MIC, PBB dan yang lain2 tinggalkan UMNO, UMNO akan mati. Penyokong UMNO faham signifikens perkara ini tidak? Ini akan menyebabkan Najib akan melakukan apa sahaja untuk menjual harga diri nya untuk memastikan UMNO kekal sebagai kerajaan.

Ini termasuklah menggadaikan kepentingan bangsa Melayu. Apa dia peduli? Selagi dia terus kekal jadi PM.

Marilah bangsa Melayu sedar bahawa masa depan mereka bukanlah bergantung pada UMNO. UMNO kojol pun, bangsa Melayu tetap hidup. UMNO perlukan bangsa Melayu, bukan bangsa Melayu perlukan UMNO.- YB.Mohd.Ariff Sabri bin Hj. Abdul Aziz@sakmongkol ak47

Problem with polls petitions is not law, but judges...

Ever since Pakatan Rakyat declared its intention to challenge the results of the 13th General Election (GE 13)- by far the dirtiest in history - there has been a deluge of pessimism by lawyers over the chances of success of such legal challenges.

The reasons for such pessimism range from the historical low rate of success of election petitions (vast majority being struck off before reaching hearing stage) to the high standard of proof demanded by our election laws.

While the former reason is true, the latter reason is not.

Contrary to popular legal opinion, it is easy to annul a dubious election under our election laws.

This is because our Election Offences Act 1954 (The Act) casts a wide dragnet over election offenders, and the provisions for punishment are easy to apply.

In other words, an election offender is unlikely to escape the arms of the law in the normal course of court proceeding where the letter and spirit of law is upheld.

There is no reason why an election petition armed with adequate evidence should be rejected.

The provision for annulling an election on election petition is spelled out in Section 32 of the Act, which states:

"The election of a candidate at any election shall be declared to be void on an election petition on any of the followings only which may be proved to the satisfaction of the Election Judge:

(a) That general bribery, general treating or general intimidation have so extensively prevailed that they may be reasonably supposed to have affected the result of the election.

(b) non-compliance with any written law relating to the conduct of any election if it appears that the election is not conducted in accordance with the principles laid down in such written law and that such non-compliance affected the result of the election.

(c) That a corrupt practice or illegal practice was committed in connection with the election by the candidate or with his knowledge or consent, or by any agent of the candidate.

(d) .........."

(There are 5 sub-sections under Section 32).

Grounds of annulment

Hence, in an election petition, an election can be annulled under three broad categories of grounds, namely, a) general malpractices not necessarily committed by the candidate, such as prevalent vote-buying practiced by the candidate's party, b) non-compliance with election laws or regulations, and c) a corrupt or illegal practice committed by the candidate himself or his agents.

While the former two grounds require malpractices to be prevalent, there is no such requirement for the last ground.

The first category (para a): general malpractices:

The malpractices of general bribery, general treating and general intimidation are comprehensively spelled out under Sections 10, Section8 & Section 9 respectively.

These are so liberally and elaborately defined that hardly any of the rampant vote-buying and other malpractices indulged by Barisan Nasional in GE 13 could escape legal accountability.

For example, bribery is defined as any material benefit given or promised to be given to any voter before, during or after an election for the purpose of inducing votes.

NONESimilarly, the free flows of foods, entertainment and gifts showered on the electorate by the BN-linked "1Malaysia" group could also be cited as illegal general treating under this category, if evidence of vote-inducement can be produced.

There is, however, one proviso: these malpractices must be so prevalent that they may reasonably be considered to have affected the result of the election. The operative words are "reasonably" and "affected".

Take note that the petitioner needs not have to:

1) name recipients of bribe since this is general bribery, and

2) prove that the outcome of the election would have been overturned if there is no such bribery, as he needs only to show that such bribery could reasonably be expected to have influenced the voters' decisions. The word "affected" cannot be interpreted as "overturned".

It is also important to note, in this connection, that the act of corruption is deemed consumed at the act of making the illegal offer; and it is not necessary to prove that such offer has actually caused the voters to reverse their decisions.

Under the second category (para b), non-compliance with election regulations could be malpractices of the Election Commission (EC), such as the electoral roll being contaminated with dubious voters, despite evidence of such dubiosity and request for its rectifications being presented to EC earlier; or the glaring lack of security in EC's custody of early and postal ballots,
despite protests by candidates, with the subsequent result that these votes are so lop-sided in favour of Barisan Nasional candidates (such as 10 to 1) that the results are beyond the realm of credibility.

Under the third category (para c), the corrupt practice referred to are bribery, treating, threats, and other offence including making a false declaration on election expenses (Section 11 f) committed by the candidate, his agents or others with the knowledge or consent of the candidate.

And the illegal practice mentioned in this category include, among others, election expenses incurred beyond the limits stipulated in Section 19, namely, RM200,000 for a parliamentary seat, and RM100,000 for a state seat.

Besides annulling an election through an election petition, an election could also be annulled through the conviction of the candidate (Section 31) for having committed any of the myriad of offences described in the Act, particularly, Sections 9, 10 and 11. But for that to take place, the EC, police, MACC and judiciary must act in concert to enforce the law.

Institutional failure to uphold election laws

With such a comprehensive set of laws to safeguard clean elections and prosecute offenders, one would have expected scores of convictions and annulment would have taken place, considering the complete disregard for the principles and letter of election laws and the wanton election malpractices indulged in by the BN in the past.

But alas, election annulment and election related prosecution have always been a rarity, not to mention conviction. Why?

The answer lies in the truth that almost all our institutions have long been corrupted to forsake their political neutrality and integrity.

In fact, they have been converted as instruments to perpetuate Umno's political hegemony, resulting in rampant double standards in law enforcement so frequently detested and condemned by the public.

Many an election petition has been thrown out without its case being even heard - not due to lack of evidence of offence, but due to prevalent pro-BN stance of judges.

NONEA classic example is Judge Azahar Mohamed's judgment to strike off Zaid Ibrahim's (right) (then in PKR) election petition to annul the by-election for the Hulu Selangor parliamentary constituency in 2010.

In that by-election, Prime Minister Najib Razak (left) publicly offered on polling eve to pay RM3 million cash to the Chinese electorate in Rasa the very next day after polling (for building a Chinese primary school), on condition that BN's candidate Kamalanathan won the election.

The video clip of this sensational bribery offer, uploaded in YouTube, went immediately viral, and was watched by vast audiences in Malaysia and around the world. As it turned out, BN's candidate won, and the RM3 million cash was paid the next day.

Such daring attempt to buy an election would have been deemed a clear-cut and foregone case of election bribery under any jurisdiction, as the ingredients of bribery are present, and the evidence irrefutable, being watched instantly by the whole wide world.

Not only that, for such brazen corrupt act, Najib should also have been charged and convicted for corruption.

But, in the law books of Judge Azahar, there was no case, and Zaid's application was struck off.

Reasons? Zaid didn't identify the recipients of the alleged bribe, didn't prove Najib's act had altered the election result, and didn't provide a full text or transcript of Najib's speech.

But, wasn't Azahar asking for the moon, when he demanded concrete evidence of voters changing their voting preference, following Najib's offer?

What kind of evidence did he have in mind? Did he expect voter A to come to the court and swear that he wanted to vote for Zaid, but due to Najib's offer, he changed his mind and voted for Kamalanathan ?

If voter A really did that, would Azahar have accepted the evidence as truthful? If not, what other evidence did Azahar have in mind before he would agree that pervasive offer of inducement had in fact swayed the decisions of voters? The absurdity of Azahar's demand is self-evident.

Political bias of judiciary

Azahar is only one of many such judges who have struck off legitimate election petitions at the preliminary stage, and this is borne out by former Judge Muhammad Kamil Awang, who in his famous judgment annulling the Likas election in 2001, disclosed that then Chief Justice Eusoff Chin called him by phone to dismiss the election petition without hearing it, to which, Muhammad refused to comply.

eusoff chin vk lingam tape hearing 180108 03Muhammad further revealed that other judges had also called him for advice regarding similar requests from Eusoff Chin (left).

Presumably, these judges had yielded to the pressure, thus explaining the phenomena of rampant striking out of election petitions.

The courageous and honourable Justice Muhammad Kamil Awang was, of course, an exception to the rule.

But that does not mean that we have no judge of integrity among the fraternity, as from time to time, we continue to see judges risk courting the displeasure of the ruling power to deliver judgment strictly according to law.

In this connection, we take heart from Chief Justice Arifin Zakaria who, in anticipation of a rush of election petitions following the controversial GE 13, has recently urged judges to "hear the cases with an open mind and not bow to pressure from any quarters".

The Chief Justice has won praise for having markedly improved the efficiency of the Malaysian court in his reign over the past two years.

It is hoped that under his leadership, the Malaysian judiciary will rise up to the occasion to observe political neutrality and deliver judgments over the spate of imminent election petitions strictly according to law - judgments that will make all Malaysians proud.-malaysiakini


Fraud, allegedly

Posted: 15 Jun 2013 11:41 PM PDT

While we're on the subject of "fraudulent scheming" (see preceding posting h e r e), I feel it's my duty to attach the following documents which are the actual statement of claims filed in Court by Halim Saad against the former Minister and recently appointed Deputy Chairman of Khazanah Nasional. For older context, go to Halim Saad vs Nor Mohd Yakcop: Mother of All Corporate Lawsuits:

Why YB Tony Pua must bring up Aireen's probe call to Parliament

Posted: 15 Jun 2013 11:24 PM PDT

Big Dog is barking mad at Tony Fernandez's girl Aireen Omar. By the tone of his latest posting Air Asia should be RCIed, he'd bite if he could. "Outrageous!", the blogger says of the Air Asia CEO's call for an independent body to probe into the KLIA2 delay. 
But in the name of the truth and good governance and transparency, etc, I say we should support Aireen's call. Let it all hang out. I'm not sure her bosses will be pleased with her if the probe happens, though, for the can of worms that it will open but then, who knows, it may also finally implicate the man they wanted sacked the other day (Bashir's tenure extended another year - Bernama). 
In any case, YB Tony Pua should champion Aireen's probe call when Parliament opens, assuming that he'll attend the swearing-in when the 14th Parliament opens on June 24.  
But before all that, Aireen should take a peek at A Voice's posting last Friday and tell us if it's true that she was so relieved that the contractors had failed to meet the deadline. 
Also, is it true that Air Asia will still not be able to get 100 per cent ready for the KLIA2 when it finally opens later this year or early next year? Read, KLIA2: Another Nor Yakcop's "fraudulent" schemeing? 

Silver platter

Posted: 16 Jun 2013 12:08 AM PDT

By Singa Terhormat Many UMNO-type Malays are fond of complaining that the Chinese have a major share in the economic pie of this country and that this is unacceptable. Firstly, such a matter viewed in solely racial terms  is being downright racist and abhorrent.  That aside though, do they ask themselves how is it that […]

Runtuhan menara bangunan UMNO P.Pinang - seorang lagi mangsa masih belum dapat ditemui...

Posted: 15 Jun 2013 10:11 PM PDT

Sehingga jam 3 pagi ini, pasukan penyelamat belum dapat mengesan mayat Lim Chin Aik, yang dipercayai terperangkap di bawah lubang sedalam lima meter akibat dihempap penebat kilat yang jatuh dari atas bangunan ibupejabat Umno Pulau Pinang di Jalan Macalister Khamis lalu.

NONEPasukan itu berharap dapat menemui mayat mangsa, selepas bahagian-bahagian kereta, yang disahkan sebagai kereta Honda City milik Chin Aik - nombor casis, tayar, enjin dan bumper - ditemui di dalam lubang tersebut yang dipenuhi lumpur dan air dari paip kumbahan bawah tanah yang pecah.

Anggota bomba dan penyelamat, petugas Perbadanan Air Pulau Pinang (PBA) dan Indah Water Konsortium turut dipanggil untuk membantu membersihkan sisa dan menggali mayat lelaki berusia 44 tahun itu.

Dua kren digunakan untuk menggali lebih dalam dan pada masa yang sama, - air kumbahan terus membanjiri lubang lima meter, dan melambat kerja-kerja tersebut.

NONESejak pukul 6 petang semalam, keluarga Chin Aik - isterinya, Lee Chai Song, dan ibu bapanya - menunggu di tempat tersebut dengan harapan mayat mangsa akan ditemui.

Pada jam 10.30 malam, Ketua Menteri Lim Guan Eng datang ke situ dan bertemu dengan keluarga Chin Aik untuk memujuk mereka supaya pulang dahulu dan menyerahkan tugas mencari mayat Chin Aik kepada anggota pasukan penyelamat.

Lim berkata keluarga tersebut bimbang sekiranya mereka meninggalkan kawasan itu, kerja-kerja mengesan mayat Chin Aik akan dihentikan dan mayatnya tidak ditemui.

NONE"Kita semua keletihan selepas sehari suntuk. Kami rasa mungkin Chin Aik tidak tertimbus dalam lubang tersebut, tetapi kita
memberi mereka jaminan bahawa kita akan terus mencari mayatnya," kata Lim kepada pemberita selepas bercakap dengan saudara mara Chin Aik.

"Saya menasihatkan mereka supaya pulang ke rumah dan berehat. Saya telah mengarahkan pasukan penyelamat supaya meneruskan kerja untuk menggali sebahagian daripada struktur (dari penebat kilat) yang jatuh ke dalam lubang tersebut," katanya.-malaysiakini

Penang storm - search for missing man continues...

Up to 3am this morning, the Special Team Operation and Response Mechanism (Storm) has failed to unearth the body of Lim Chin Aik, who is believed to be trapped under a five-meter crater caused by the impact of a lightning arrestor which was torn from the Penang Umno headquarters along Jalan Macalister on Thursday.

NONEThe team was hopeful after parts of a car, confirmed to be Chin Aik's Honda City when the chassis number, tyres, engine and bumper were discovered within the rubble inside the crater, which is filled with mud, sludge and sewage water from a burst underground pipe.

Penang Fire and Rescue, Penang Water Supply Corporation (PBA) and Indah Water Konsortium personnel have been called in to help clear the debris and dig out the body of the 44-year-old man.

However, as the night progressed - and the two cranes operators dug deeper - sewage water continued to flood the five-meter hole, making work harder and slower.

By 2am, state executive councillor Phee Boon Poh said it was unlikely that Chin Aik's body would be found before later this morning.

At around 4am, sheet pilling work had to be done as the ground surrounding the crater was loosening due to heavy digging, which may affect surrounding areas like the Penang State Muzium and Gallery and the iconic Masjid Pakistan.

Family rushes to the site

Since 6pm yesterday, Chin Aik's family - his wife, Lee Chai Song, and his parents - waited anxiously at the site for any sign of his body under the debris but they were to be disappointed.

NONEBy 10.30pm, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, who visited the site, met the family to persuade them to call it a day and to leave the task of finding Chin Aik's body to the Storm team.

Lim said the family was concerned that if they were to leave the area, search efforts would cease and the remains of the economy rice seller in Pulau Tikus would not be found.

"We are all tired after a long day. We think it is unlikely that he is buried under the crater but we gave them the assurance that we will continue to look for his body," Lim told reporters after speaking to Chin Aik's relatives.

"I advice them to go home and rest. I have given orders for the team to continue their search, to unearth part of the structure (from the lightning arrestor) that has crashed into the crater," he added.

NONE"We are now focusing on the search and to dig out the vehicle. This would delay, perhaps a day or two, our efforts to clear the road and restore the situation to normal," he stressed, sporting a white shirt soaked with sweat.

"We understand that they too need a closure - that is important - so we will not stop looking until (remaining parts of) the vehicle or body is found."

Other than the rescue and cleaning teams, a large group of journalists, photographers and many curious onlookers, have gathered in the area despite it being cordoned off by the police.

'He did not return home'

Earlier, Chin Aik's wife Lee told reporters that on Thursday, when Penang was engulfed by the massive gale, her husband had left their home at about 7pm to pick up his youngest, 13-year-old daughter from the Penang Chinese Girl School, along Jalan Gottlieb.

"He did not bring his handphone because it was a short distance from Weld Quay where we lived.

NONE"We waited until 8pm but they never returned and I started to worry," the 48-year-old said.

"By 9.30pm, my daughter's school called and said my daughter was still there and offered to send her home.

"When Chin Aik failed to return the next day, we lodged a missing person report at the police station at about 3pm," she added.

At 6pm yesterday, Lee was told by the authorities that they have discovered her husband's car, and the family rushed to the scene.

They arrived in tears, although Lee, who has three children, remained relatively calm, saying, "I hope it is not my husband."

"I am hoping and I am praying," said Lee, who then burst into tears. She was holding on to the possibility that her husband could be somewhere else when the accident happened.

Violent storm

The strong winds, which swept several parts of Penang, pulled down the lightning pole at Menara Umno, killing Indian national Jahir Hussain Sulaiman, 46, injured six, and damaged eight vehicles.

NONEAnother man - PBA staff Wong Tze Chow, 33 - died after he was struck by a fallen tree along Jalan Air Itam while he was on his motorcycle.

Electricity and water supply in several residential areas and businesses have been affected by the incident, which happened a week after another tragedy - the collapse of the ramp of the Penang second bridge along Batu Maung on June 6.

Hundreds of rooftops were blown off during the violent storm, and the Penang government has pledged to provide financial aid to the victims.-malaysiakini


Permit of Labuan firm finally revoked after investors left in limbo

Posted: 15 Jun 2013 09:19 PM PDT

Finally, some action after this issue was raised a few years ago and brought up in Parliament – but where does it leave the long-suffering small investors? This was a report in the Daily Express yesterday: Labuan: EC Trust (Labuan) Bhd had its company’s licence revoked, pursuant to Section 167 of the Labuan Financial Services [Read more]

Masjidil Haram expansion project 2013

Posted: 15 Jun 2013 08:48 PM PDT

Unbelievable! The awesome scale of the expansion project taking place now at the Masjidil Haram in Makkah al Mukarramah, Saudi Arabia!

I was lucky enough to have been blessed by Allahu Ta'ala to be amongst his 2011 Hajj pilgrims and selected by Lembaga Tabung Haji Malaysia to be among their TH Media Team for the 1432Hijrah/2011CE Hajj.

I treasure my Haj memories and pray that I will get to perform my Haj and Umrah again. Insya Allah!

SMS dari Ah Him

Posted: 15 Jun 2013 07:26 PM PDT

Husin terima SMS dari Ah Him.

Ah Him? Siapa Ah Him? Cina DAP mana si Ah Him ni?

Baca SMS yang diterima berikut:


Bagi membantu Dato Najib terus dapat sokongan org cina, india terutama Hindraf spt PRU 13 yg lalu dan selaras dgn kenyataan Nazir memuji ceo asia x dan menghina utusan, maka saya Presiden Perkasa yg bernama Ibrahim Ali (Tok Him) telah menukar nama baru iaitu 'Ah Him'..

Ini saja cara utk hidup..

Berkorban lah apa saja tapi jika Cina dan India sergah, jgn harap apa2, nak guna lambang BN pun tak boleh. Tapi PAS mudah saja bagi pinjam lambang kpd Dap dan kpd Ah Him PRU 12 dulu..

Doa semuga Ah Him tak akan mati walaupun banyak kali di sembelih olih UMNO walaupun berkorban apa saja..
drp Ah Him.. tolong maklum pd Tun..

Oooo ... Tok Him rupanya. Sinisnya ...

Eloklah tu jadi Ah Him.  Apa Ah Him mahu dapat. Tak kasi undi pun 11 olang lapat Tan Seli.

Dah jadi Ah Him, Tok Him boleh tanding pada pilihanraya akan datang di PJ Utara atau PJ Selatan atau Seputeh atau Segambut lawan DAP pula.

Pakai lambang mana-mana parti yang hampas (MCA) atau dah mampus (Gerakan). Oleh kerana sebab BN tak kasi Tok Him guna lambang BN, tanding bebas dan guna lambang bunga kebangsaan nanti.

Cina suka ngaku diri Malaysian. Rasis kalau ngaku diri lahir ke dunia Malay first baru jadi warga negara Malaysia dan kata Malaysian second.

Assobiyah bagi sesiapa ngaku diri Melayu juga. Tapi takpe tanding kawasan Melayu. 

Kalau dah tanding di Kolumpo, takde lagi masaalah Tok Him di sabo Nuar Musa, Romzi, Tok Pa, Alwi dan kali ini bekas Setiausaha Politik PM sendiri, Fatmi.

Cuma ada masaalah sedikit, Tok Him ... Macam mana nak buang telo Kelantan tu. Dah tinggalkan Kelantan lebih 40 tahun pun Tok Him tak boleh sorok telo Kelantan.

Nanti Cina tau ...hehehe.

Wow! Dulu Husin, boleh ka kasi tukar Ah Seng?

JUDI: Antara Komunis Mao Tze Dong dgn UMNO

Posted: 15 Jun 2013 04:16 PM PDT

Antara perkara yang paling awal yang dilakukan oleh Mao Zedong adalah MENGHARAMKAN JUDI SAMA SEKALI di seantero negeri besar China. Pengharaman TOTAL ini berlaku semenjak tahun 1969. 

Pengharaman ini termasuk judi loteri, judi kuda, judi sukan, judi mahjong dan judi nombor. SEMUA KEDAI2 JUDI SELURUH CHINA telah DITUTUP SAMA SEKALI atas arahan Mao Zedong.

Pada waktu yang sama, Mao Zedong ini juga adalah seorang KOMUNIS yang benci kepada agama, benci kepada tuhan dan benci kepada apa2 nilai yang bersangkut paut dengan agama.

Mao Zedong dilaporkan berkata:

Seluruh negeri Besar China tidak ada walau satu pun kasino. Berbanding Malaysia yang ada GENTING semenjak tahun 60an lagi.

Mari kita banding Mao Zedong yang anti tuhan dan anti agama dengan UMNO yang kuat berkokok memperjuangkan Islam dan kalimah Allah.

Ke sana ke mari UMNO mendabik dada memperjuangkan agama Allah kerana kalimah Allah mahu dirampas oleh orang Kristian.Tapi, pada waktu yang sama UMNO mempertahankan lebih 11 lesen judi di seluruh "Negara Islam" Malaysia.

Malahan, UMNO telah menghalalkan judi semenjak tahun 1951 lagi melalui projek "Loteri UMNO 1951", yakni sebelum UMNO memerintah Malaysia. Dengan kata lain, sebelum UMNO memerintah Malaysia, mereka telah pun menghalalkan judi sesama mereka. Apabila mereka memerintah, mereka telah mengeluarkan lesen judi supaya judi dijual berleluasa di Malaysia.

Berbeza dengan MaoZedong yang kafir dan anti tuhan, UMNO jauh lebih hina dan lebih kufur. Kalau Mao Zedong yang anti tuhan dan anti agama boleh nampak betapa buruknya judi, UMNO yang kononnya berjuang agama boleh tak nampak. Ertinya UMNO lebih sesat dari Mao Zedong yang anti tuhan dan anti agama itu.

Jangan lah kita tertipu dgn sandiwara UMNO kononnya mereka memperjuangkan Kalimah Allah. Hakikatnya, puak2 UMNO adalah musuh Allah no 1 setaraf dgn puak2 komunis yang anti tuhan dan anti agama.

Berkat kerjasama PAS-DAP mengagalkan pemberian lesen judi ke 12 (judi bola) kepada syarikat Vinsetan bernama Ascot Sport oleh UMNO yang mengaku berjuang Islam.

Islam ini jelas dan terang. Setiap orang yang mengaku pejuang Islam setiap langkah dan gerak mereka mesti selaras dengan Islam. UMNO bukanlah parti yang berjuang agama dan berjuang Islam.

Patulah benci sangat UMNO dengan komunis. Puak komunis ni benci sangat2 dengan judi yang menjadi kesayangan UMNO


ps berbahagialah Nasa dan Hasan Ali menjadi pejuang judi dan arak. HAHAHAHAHA

Dengar kabarnya Fidel Castro yang komunis pun haramkan kasino dan judi sampai hari ini di Cuba. Lebih senang berjudi di Malaysia berbanding di Cuba. tidak bertanggungjawab di atas setiap pandangan dan pendapat yang diutarakan melalui laman sosial dan halaman komen blog ini. Ia adalah pandangan peribadi pemilik akaun dan tidak semestinya menggambarkan pandangan dan pendirian blog ini
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