PR cadang bekas hakim sebagai speaker...

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Jun 12, 2013, 7:03:05 PM6/12/13

PR cadang bekas hakim sebagai speaker...

PR cadang bekas hakim sebagai speaker...

Posted: 12 Jun 2013 10:11 AM PDT

Pakatan Rakyat Namakan Mantan Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan Sebagai Yang di-Pertua Dewan Rakyat

1. Pakatan Rakyat (PR) sebulat suara bersetuju menamakan mantan Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan Dato' Haji Abdul Kadir bin Sulaiman sebagai Yang di-Pertua Dewan Rakyat bagi Parlimen Ketiga Belas.

2. Penamaan Dato' Abdul Kadir sebagai Yang di-Pertua telah dikemukakan atas nama Ahli Parlimen Bandar Tun Razak merangkap Menteri Besar Negeri Selangor sebagai mewakili pendirian PR pada 10 Jun 2013.

3. Satu pemberitahu bersurat mengenai penamaan itu telah dikemukakan kepada Setiausaha Dewan Rakyat mengikut kehendak Peraturan-peraturan Majlis Mesyuarat Dewan Rakyat 4(1).

4. PR bertegas bahawa Yang di-Pertua Dewan Rakyat mesti dilantik dari kalangan seorang yang bebas, berkecuali tanpa parti, berwibawa dan berkelayakan untuk berkhidmat.

5. Dato' Abdul Kadir memenuhi semua kriteria yg selayaknya sebagai Yang di-Pertua. Beliau telah menabur bakti kepada negara selama lebih 50 tahun dalam pelbagai Jabatan, Kementerian, Negeri, Suruhanjaya, Kehakiman dan Majlis DiRaja Negeri.

6. Beliau bersara sebagai Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan pada 28 Mac 2006. Kemudiannya dilantik menjadi anggota Suruhanjaya Siasatan DiRaja (RCI) mengenai kematian Teoh Beng Hock, anggota Jawatankuasa Eksekutif Transformasi SPRM dan Ahli Majlis Penasihat Pemangku Raja Terengganu.

7. PR berkeyakinan penuh bahawa pemilihan Dato' Abdul Kadir Sulaiman sebagai Yang di-Pertua akan meningkatkan lagi penghormatan rakyat terhadap institusi Parlimen dan melonjakkan kewibawaannya di persada antarabangsa.

Ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh

PKR tidak boikot majlis angkat sumpah anggota Parlimen...

PKR tidak akan memboikot majlis angkat sumpah anggota Dewan Rakyat sepertimana yang dihebohkan oleh media sebelum ini.

Malah, Ketua Umum PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim turut memberitahu dalam mesyuarat Biro Politik PKR, beliau tidak pernah menyebut untuk boikot majlis angkat sumpah di Parlimen pada 24 Jun ini.

"Anwar menjelaskan bahawa beliau tidak pernah menyebut untuk memboikot majlis angkat sumpah, apa yang diperkatakan sebelum ini hanya diputar belit oleh media semata-mata.

"PKR memutuskan tidak ada boikot akan dilakukan pada majlis 24 Jun nanti," jelas sumber PKR yang menyertai mesyuarat Biro Politik PKR malam ini kepada Harakahdaily.

Beliau menjelaskan majlis angkat sumpah akan berjalan seperti biasa dan Ahli Parlimen PKR akan hadir pada majlis tersebut.

Sebelum itu, DAP melalui Ahli Parlimen Kepong, Dr Tan Seng Giaw memberitahu tidak ada sebab Ahli Parlimen DAP yang telah memenangi Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 lalu memboikot majlis angkat sumpah dan sesi Dewan Rakyat akan datang.

Nada yang sama turut dinyatakan oleh Ahli Parlimen Pasir Mas, Nik Mohamad Abduh Nik Abdul Aziz yang berkata, PAS telah bermesyuarat dan membuat ketetapan akan menghadiri majlis angkat sumpah di Parlimen.

Pakatan Rakyat akan memastikan majlis tersebut akan berjalan dengan lancar dan akan melaksanakan bertanggungjawab yang telah diberikan oleh rakyat pada sesi persidangan parlimen akan datang.

Sebelum ini, memboikot majlis ini hanya cadangan anggota Parlimen PKR secara individu sahaja.-harakahdaily


Pakatan proposes former judge as speaker...

Pakatan Rakyat have unanimously nominated former Federal Court judge Abdul Kadir Sulaiman as its candidate for speaker in the Dewan Rakyat.

Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, said in a statement that Abdul Kadir's nomination was forwarded through Bandar Tun Razak MP and Selangor menteri besar, Khalid Ibrahim, on June 10.

"The written notice of the nomination has been submitted to the secretary of the Dewan Rakyat in accordance with Dewan Rakyat Standing orders 4(1). Pakatan insist that the speaker must be appointed from someone who is independent, non-partisan and is qualified to serve," he said.

"Abdul Kadir fulfills all the criteria to be the speaker as he has contributed to the country for more than 50 years in various departments, ministries, states, the Judicial Appointment Commission and the royal household," continued Anwar.

Abdul Kadir, 73, was also one of the panel members in the royal commission of inquiry into the death of Teoh Beng Hock who died at the premises of the Selangor Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission office.

He retired as a Federal Court judge on March 28, 2006 and was appointed to the executive committee to transform the MACC. 

NONEHe is also a member of the council of advisors to the Terengganu Royal Household.

"Pakatan is confident that Abdul Kadir's selection as speaker will uplift the respect of the people to Parliament as well as boost its credibility internationally," added the Permatang Pauh MP added.

However The Star daily reported today that Pandikar Amin Mulia (left) is expected to retain his post as speaker for Dewan Rakyat.

Pandikar has been holding the post since 2008, when he replaced Ramli Ngah Talib.

It also named Ramli, former Senate speaker Abdul Hamid Pawanteh and former Information, Communications and Culture Minister Rais Yatim, as other possible choices.- malaysiakini

DAP challenges Tengku Adnan's credibility...

DAP secretary-general and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has questioned the appointment of Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's cabinet, since Tengku Adnan has been involved in the "Lingam-gate" affair.

As a Malaysian cabinet minister, Lim said in a statement today, Tengku Adnan must not only be clean but also be seen to be clean.

NONE"Tengku Adnan (left) was found by the Royal Commission of Inquiry to have conspired with lawyer VK Lingam and tycoon Vincent Tan in subverting the Federal Constitution by fixing the appointment of judges, so he must come clean on his role in conspiring with Lingam," Lim said.

"It is clear that despite all Najib may claim, Malaysia cannot move on from the corruption and abuses of power of the Dr Mahathir Mohamad era while men such as Tengku Adnan, who have been implicated in some of the worst abuses of that time, are appointed to high ministerial positions by Najib."

In the Lingam-gate affair that was video recorded and went viral on the Internet, the senior lawyer is heard boasting to a businessman that he could influence the appointment of judges.

RCI called for action to be taken

A five-member Royal Commission of Inquiry chaired by former Chief Judge of Malaya Haidar Mohd Noor, which investigated the matter, recommended that action be taken against Lingam, Tan, Tengku Adnan, Mahathir and former chief justices Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim and Eusoff Chin.

The RCI recommended that Lingam and his co-conspirators be investigated by the attorney-general under the Penal Code, the Sedition Act 1948, the Legal Profession Act 1976 and the Official Secrets Act 1972. However, no such investigation has been carried out until today.

lingam tape hearing 300108 vk lingam 02Five of them, including Tengku Adnan, tried to contest the finding of the RCI through a judicial review but the High Court rejected their application. Lingam (right) then appealed the matter, right up to the Federal Court.

The Federal Court unanimously threw out Lingam's application on Sept 13, 2011, ruling that a court of law cannot review the findings of the RCI into the infamous video.

Lim said the RCI found Tengku Adnan, as a deputy minister, and later as a minister in the Prime Minister's Department, appeared to be the "fixer" in the Prime Minister's Department in 2000, passing secret information relating to the appointment of judges to Lingam, in an apparent breach of the Official Secrets Act 1972.

"The RCI also found that Tengku Adnan's denial in his sworn testimony was "too economical with the truth to be believed". It held that Tengku Adnan had "not in the least degree" succeeded in disassociating himself from the video clip, in which his name was mentioned 11 times," Lim said.

The fact that Tengku Adnan had, as a deputy minister and minister, sworn a solemn oath to "protect, preserve and defend" the federal constitution, but got involved in a conspiracy to destroy the credibility of the institution of justice in Malaysia, raised questions on his credibility and integrity, he added.-malaysiakkini


Malay Mail: ‘Bukit Relau land rezoned’ – State government must clarify

Posted: 12 Jun 2013 03:29 AM PDT

The Malay Mail has carried a report saying that the State Planning Committee approved the conversion of the Bukit Relau project land from hill-land to low-density residential use last year. See the Malay Mail report here. Two other sources had told me to look at the zoning. This is not looking good. The state government [Read more]

Pakatan Rakyat Namakan Mantan Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan Sebagai Yang Di-Pertua Dewan Rakyat

Posted: 12 Jun 2013 03:17 AM PDT

1.  Pakatan Rakyat (PR) sebulat suara bersetuju menamakan mantan Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan Dato’ Haji Abdul Kadir bin Sulaiman sebagai Yang di-Pertua Dewan Rakyat bagi ParlimenKetigaBelas.


2.  Penamaan Dato’ Abdul Kadir sebagai Yang di-Pertua telah dikemukakan atas nama Ahli Parlimen Bandar TunRazak merangkap Menteri Besar Negeri Selangor sebagai mewakili pendirian PR pada 10 Jun 2013.


3. Satu pemberitahu bersurat mengenai penamaan itu telah dikemukakan kepada Setiausaha Dewan Rakyat mengikut kehendak Peraturan-peraturan Majlis Mesyuarat Dewan Rakyat 4(1).


4.  PR bertegas bahawa Yang di-Pertua Dewan Rakyat mesti dilantik dari kalangan seorang yang bebas, berkecuali tanpa parti, berwibawa dan berkelayakan untuk berkhidmat.


5.  Dato’ Abdul Kadir memenuhi semua criteria yang selayaknya sebagai Yang di-Pertua. Beliau telah menabur bakti kepada negara selama lebih 50 tahun dalam pelbagai Jabatan, Kementerian, Negeri, Suruhanjaya, Kehakiman dan Majlis DiRaja Negeri.


6.  Beliau bersara sebagai Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan pada 28 Mac 2006. Kemudiannya dilantik menjadi anggota Suruhanjaya Siasatan DiRaja (RCI) mengenai kematian Teoh Beng Hock, anggota Jawatankuasa Eksekutif Transformasi SPRM dan Ahli Majlis Penasihat Pemangku Raja Terengganu.


7. PR berkeyakinan penuh bahawa pemilihan Dato’ Abdul Kadir Sulaiman sebagai Yang di-Pertua akan meningkatkan lagi penghormatan rakyat terhadap institusi Parlimen dan melonjakkan kewibawaannya di persada antarabangsa.



Ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh

Zahid dalam laman rasmi,kata dia rekrut 24,000 penyokong BN dan mengakui memberi RM100 dan 5kg beras setiap seorang...

Posted: 12 Jun 2013 01:14 AM PDT

PKR mendakwa Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi membelanjakan lebih RM2 juta, sepuluh kali ganda perbelanjaan yang ditetapkan untuk kempen di peringkat Parlimen, iaitu RM200,000, dalam pilihan raya umum lalu.

Parti itu memfailkan dua petisyen pilihan raya, mendakwan Zahid terlibat dalam pembelian undi dan berbelanja lebih dalam kempennya sebelum ini.

Dua petisyen itu merujuk kepada video yang dimuat naik oleh Zahid sendiri dalam laman rasmi, yang menyebut beliau merekrut 24,000 penyokong BN yang juga pengundi tempatan di Badan Datoh, sebagai pekerja kempen ketika bertanding kerusi Parlimen itu.

Beliau juga dalam video itu mengakui memberikan mereka RM100 dan 5kg beras setiap seorang.

"...dia kantoi," kata Pengarah Strategi PKR Rafizi Ramli dalam sidang media di Petaling Jaya hari ini.- malaysiakini

Aku tak pandai matematik, tapi kalu 25,000 orang x RM100 = ?  Sekampit beras 5kg - RM 12.00 x 25,000 = ? 

PKR accuses Zahid of vote buying, huge overspending...

Opposition party PKR has accused Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi of spending more than 10 times the mandated RM200,000 expense limit for a parliamentary seat campaign in GE13, to the tune of over RM2 million.

It has filed two election petitions against Zahid, accusing him of vote buying and overspending, in the May 5 general election.

Both petitions refer to videos posted by Zahid himself on his official website, stating that he had recruited 24,000 Bagan Datoh BN supporters, who are also local voters, as campaign workers in his run for the parliamentary seat.

NONEHe also admitted, on video, to giving them RM100 and 5kg of rice each.

"He thinks he is smart in recruiting them as campaign workers and paying them, but on both counts he kantoi (is caught)," PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli (right) told a press conference in Petaling Jaya today.

In the first petition, PKR is claiming that what Zahid did, despite the payments to voters camouflaged as benefits to campaign workers, was outright vote buying and therefore an offence under the Election Offences Act.

The second petition accuses Zahid of illegally recruiting too many workers and using more money than he is allowed to, under election regulations, in his campaign.

PKR is arguing that the amount of money needed to pay 24,000 'campaign workers' RM100 and 5kg of rice each, works out to more than RM2 million, which is over 10 times the mandated RM200,000 expense limit imposed for a parliamentary seat campaign.

 It argued that no single candidate ever had that many volunteers directly under him or her, and that electoral regulations limit the number of workers based on the size of the constituency.

Zahid ‘defends’ his actions

The petitions were filed today by PKR candidate for Bagan Dato Madhi Hassan and local voter Azmi Sulaiman respectively at the Ipoh High Court in Perak.

Lawyers Edmund Bon and Chong Kok Yew acted for the two petitioners.

NONEIronically, in the same video used as evidence by PKR, Zahid (left) is shown defending his actions.

He was adamant that he had not violated any laws because the payments were made to 'campaign workers', and as such did not constitute a bribe.

He also argued that he was not buying votes because the campaign workers were BN supporters who would vote for the coalition’s candidate.

Malaysiakini had previously tried to obtain Zahid's comments, but to no avail.-malaysiakini










Anonymous_3f55 - So funny, Zahid pays RM100 to 24,000 BN workers but total number of votes he obtained was just over 17,000. What did the other 7,000 voters do?

harapanbaru - 24,000 X RM100 = 2.4 million plus 24,000 bags of rice @ RM8 = RM192,000. Total amount RM2,592,000, let's say RM2.6 million! Mana dapat so much duit, Zahid? Your salary as defence minister mana cukup? Unless you've been a very, very naughty boy.


Ku Li resurfacing to lead ‘third force...

Insiders claim that some of BN's Sabah and Sarawak MPs who are in Kuala Lumpur wanted to explore "possibilities" of a positive change for both East and West Malaysia's politrical landscape.

he alleged recent meeting between several MPs from East Malaysia and Umno veteran leader Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah has rekindled rumours that Ku Li is not a spent force.

Old speculations about Ku Li and a ‘third force’ have resurfaced.

The thinking here is that  if at least 25 MPs from Barisan Nasional in Sabah and Sarawak leave the ruling party and teamed up with say 10 disgruntled BN MPs from Peninsular, they would be able to change the political equation.

The grapevine in Kota Kinabalu and Kuching are tossing up probabilities that “change” could happen in the next few days.

Political blogs and news portals have picked up on these rumours and riding on the alleged meeting between Ku Li and the MPs from Sabah and Sarawak, are spewing fresh scenarios.

Insiders claiming to be in the know said that some Sabah and Sarawak BN MPs who are already in Kuala Lumpur wanted to explore “possibilities” of an alternative plan that would have a positive change for both East and West Malaysia’s landscape.

“They are mulling the idea of getting Ku Li as Prime Minister for at least two years and see if he could unite the nation, minus Umno, but without succumbing to Anwarism .

“They are talking about a more sober  personality to lead the country out of a stagnated democracy,” said one local leader in Kota Kinabalu who described those in the group as politically adventurous but not ‘big’ risk-taker.

According to the rumours going round here, the “hands engineering the change” want Ku Li to get at least 10 MPs from Peninsular out of BN.

These MPs will then team-up with about 25 or 28 MPs from Sabah and Sarawak to ensure BN loses its majority.

BN currently controls 133 of the 222-seats in Parliament while opposition Pakatan Rakyat holds the remaining 89 seats. BN controls 47 of the 57 MP seats in East Malaysia, including one in Labuan.

Their calculation is that if 35 MPs opt out of BN and throw their support behind Pakatan then BN’s 133 seats would be reduced to only 98 and Pakatan which has 89 seats will gain from the shift in allegiance and now have 124. This would be enough for Pakatan to “form” a new federal government.

Risky road
That Malaysia does not have anti-hop law has made it more conducive and much easier for such switching of allegiance, as it had happened in Sabah before.

They said even if only 25 BN MPs switched allegiance, that would be enough to send Najib Abdul Razak scurrying for cover.

One of the ways to stem such an incident from happening is to call for a snap general election, just like what Sabah’s then embattled Parti Bersatu Sabah state government did in 1985. Eventually PBS emerged stronger.

But, observers, opined that should that happen, there is no guarantee that Umno-led BN would be returned to power by the Malaysians who are  already reeling from accusations of massive fraud against the country’s  Election Commission.

Political pundits perceived such possible moves could have emanated from real fear that the ruling party would carry-out gerry-meandearing of election boundaries in favour of Umno-held constituencies, ahead of the next general election which is not due until 2018.

They said there are already  plans to carve out at least two parliamentary seats in BN constituency like Pekan (which Najib holds) and in rural areas in Sabah and Sarawak.

This however seemed to be not an easy task to carry out as opposition MPs would definitely reject such controversial redelineation exercise.-fmt

Desprado jumpa Ku Li

Jumpa beg peti undi SPR di belakang hotel, siapa punya kerja...


Zahid ‘kantoi’, kata Rafizi

Posted: 12 Jun 2013 12:57 AM PDT


PKR mendakwa Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi membelanjakan lebih RM2 juta, sepuluh kali ganda perbelanjaan yang ditetapkan untuk kempen di peringkat Parlimen, iaitu RM200,000, dalam pilihan raya umum lalu.

Parti itu memfailkan dua petisyen pilihan raya, mendakwan Zahid terlibat dalam pembelian undi dan berbelanja lebih dalam kempennya sebelum ini.

NONEDua petisyen itu merujuk kepada video yang dimuat naik oleh Zahid sendiri dalam laman rasmi, yang menyebut beliau merekrut 24,000 penyokong BN yang juga pengundi tempatan di Badan Datoh, sebagai pekerja kempen ketika bertanding kerusi Parlimen itu.

Beliau juga dalam video itu mengakui memberikan mereka RM100 dan 5kg beras setiap seorang.

“…dia kantoi,” kata Pengarah Strategi PKR Rafizi Ramli dalam sidang media di Petaling Jaya hari ini.


‘EC failed to check on double voting in Setiawangsa’

Posted: 12 Jun 2013 12:56 AM PDT


PKR candidate for Setiawangsa Ibrahim Yaacob has claimed in an election petition that the Election Commission (EC) had failed to check on the existence of double voting in the parliamentary constituency.

Setiawangsa is a parliamentary seat where the Defence Ministry and several army camps are located.

NONEIbrahim, who lost by 1,390 votes in the May 5 general election, also claimed in his election petition filed yesterday that there is duplication in that eight people having the same names were found in the postal voters list, and he went on further to list them.

In addition to this, Stream 4 in the early voting for army personnel showed that 650 people had cast their votes against 690 ballot papers which had been issued, and this raises questions about the remaining 40 ballot papers as stated in Form 14.

Similarly in Stream 8, there is a discrepancy as there is an excess of 41 ballot papers cast, whereas it is stated in the form that 650 people had cast their votes. He went on to list similar grouses in other streams.

Ibrahim further claimed that together with doubts over the performance of the indelible ink which can be washed off easily, this had resulted in the threat of double voting to be real.

A sudden storm disrupted but failed to stop the momentum of the #Black505 rally in Sungai Petani

Posted: 12 Jun 2013 12:40 AM PDT


Instead of rushing home, the majority of the crowd who came opted to stay and listen to Opposition icon Anwar Ibrahim and his Pakatan Rakyat colleagues talk about electoral fraud and get the latest update on the legal action Anwar and PR plan to institute against the Election Commission. The EC is widely perceived to have been guilty of helping Prime Minister Najib Razak’s Umno-BN coalition win the May 5 general election through unfair and dishonest means.

“We were expecting a big crowd, we prepared for that. The police and the authorities gave us good co-operation. We can plan but it is the One up there who decides. In fact, I actually had thought it might rain and tried to prepare for it. Thank God, we had a good hall and a good sound system. The people didn’t move off, they stayed put till the end and even after the rain stopped, they continued listening to the speeches of the leaders. This is something that really touches the heart. It is a marvelous spirit,” Johari Abdul, the MP for Sungei Petani, toldMalaysia Chronicle.

The rain came around 10pm, erupting suddenly and heavily. The people, who were seated on a large field, got to their feet almost in unison and in a wave-like motion, rushed for the makeshift stage built outside a covered hall.

Despite the large numbers – nearly 10,000 on the field – no one got hurt and the confusion lasted only briefly. Johari’s aides and team of volunteers seemed to know what to do and they responded quite swiftly. The situation was brought under control and within 10 minutes or so, the people were seated again albeit this time on the floor of the hall and ready to listen to more ceramahs or political lectures from the Pakatan leaders.

Key dates – 22nd, 23rd and 24th

Apart from Anwar and Johari, other Pakatan leaders who came for the Sungei Petani Black 505 rally were PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu, DAP MP for Bukit Bendera Zairil Khir Johari, PKR vice president Tian Chua, Bukit Selambau assemblyman Dr R Krishnamoorthy and youth activist Badrul Hisham Shahrin aka Chegubard.

Buoyed by the huge public support for the Black 505 rallies, Pakatan leaders have minced no words attacking the Umno-BN for “stealing” their victory. They plan to hold a giant rally on June 22, where they are targeting a one-million crowd.

“Anything can happen on 22nd, 23rd and 24th (of June). We will be there (in Parliament for the oath-taking) on the 24th and also on the 25th (for the King’s speech). 22nd will be a big day where we will congregate at Padang Merbok – 505 – and we will probably begin at 12 noon,” said Johari.

“There are some who say they plan to stay overnight, camp there till 23rd, and then 24th will be the oath-taking. So this is the series of events that will take place. 22nd will be the big do. (On) 23rd, the people may want to stay and see how things are because they are expecting a lot of media to be there from all over the world, so they want to take advantage of these media and they may want to voice out their dissatisfaction over this minority government.”

Pandikar Amin & the ‘big-do’ on June 22

In the May 5 election, the Umno-BN won 133 seats in the federal Parliament versus the Pakatan’s 89. But Anwar has refused to concede defeat, claiming large-scale vote-rigging and irregularities. The majority of Malaysia’s 13 million-odd electorate appear to believe him as the Pakatan had won 51% of the total votes cast and yet could lag behind the BN by as many as 44 seats in Parliament.

The 64-year-old Anwar began the Black 505 rallies to protest the alleged biased ballot. His coalition is demanding the resignations of the Election Commission chairman and deputy chairman. They also want re-elections in some 30 ‘dubious’ seats.

Some other moves begun by Pakatan to highlight their dissatisfaction over the outcome of the country’s 13th general election include the recent boycott of a parliamentary briefing.

This has prompted Pandikar Amin, the BN Speaker in the past parliamentary session, to warn that should the Pakatan leaders boycott the official oath-taking ceremony on June 24th, he would not allow them to be sworn in at another date. Pakatan leaders would then run the risk of being dropped as elected representatives, said Pandikar, who has since been roundly condemned for his “unlawful” and “unbecoming” threat.

Tuesday’s assembly in Sungei Petani is the 12th Black 505 rally. The next will be held on Wednesday in Kota Bahru, Kelantan, followed by another on June 16 at Batu Pahat, Johor. But it is the June 22 “big do”, which will be the most closely watched.

“Exactly like this, a peaceful assembly, but larger scale – a national event – to show Malaysians and the world we will not condone cheating,” Anwar had said, referring to the June 22 rally. He made it clear it was to be a peaceful assembly and not a street protest.


Challenging the Will of the Majority: Everything you need to know about Election Petitions

Posted: 11 Jun 2013 10:42 PM PDT

Sinar Harian 12 June:
DAP, PAS boycotting Anwar's boycott plans?

The Art Harun note to YB Rafizi. It's not a mere note, I must say, it's an education. And since it's not so often that you get a learned lawyer like Art Harun to provide counsel, pro bono, do take time to read his arguments in Election Petition: A note to YB Rafizi. Art's views usually inflict pain in both sides of the political butt, so I try to choose excerpts from his posting that I find to be most neutral. In the following paras, Art tells Rafizi:
"Our election laws are NOT skewed to tolerate discrepancies. Our laws are based on the English laws as well as other respected jurisdiction within the Commonwealth. 
"In fact I dare say that our election laws are even better than the English laws. That is because here, we have an automatic right to appeal against any decision of the Election Court to the Federal Court (where at least 3 Judges will sit). In England, the decision of the Election Court is not appealable. A judicial review may however be asked for. But that is not automatic as judicial review may only be invoked if the High Court grants leave to do so. 
"When our laws place a high burden on us and do not always work in our favour or do not support our cases, it does not speak well for us to say that our laws are skewed."
Read the entire posting and leave comments h e r e.

Too critical?

Posted: 11 Jun 2013 09:59 PM PDT

The difference between us and them. Some people think some of the pro-Najib bloggers are too critical of the Prime Minister, especially after the general election. Of course, they are. In fact, the likes of Syed Akbar Ali (president of Blog House Malaysia, which has held events involving Najib), A Voice, Big Dog, Apanama, Bujai and The Unspinners have always been critical of Najib and his Administration. But always - or almost always - within reason. 
That's what separate them from other bloggers, especially the pro-Pakatan bloggers. With the exception of Helen Ang and a few others, all pro-Opposition bloggers don't criticize their leaders at all. They are not allowed to. There is no room for dissent in PAS, PKR and DAP, even in cyberspace. Anyone who dares to speak up is quickly crushed. 
And that's something Najib's aides must never try to emulate. If OutSyed The Box comes out with a poll like the one above, which has over 1000 readers voting against Najib being retained as Umno president, they should not jump and try to get someone to get Tuan Syed to pull it down. Calm down and have a chit chat. The poll is not among Umno members. But if you are still worried and need to look good, send in your army of cybertroopers to vote FOR the PM-lah, apa susah? 
Go here to see the poll's closing tally (I was "respondent" no 1415).

Nasi Dalca Restoran Kassim Mustafa, Penang. The best tasting Nasi Dalca in Malaysia!

Posted: 12 Jun 2013 12:51 AM PDT

Recently, I had the opportunity to return to my home island of Penang. I was attending the wedding of my youngest brother, Nasiruddin. The wedding took place on Saturday, 8th June, 2013 at the Masjid Jamek Bandar Baru Ayer Itam, Penang.

Me and my missus had arrived on Friday, the 7th of June, 2013 and the first thing that I did was to take my wife to a delicious breakfast at Restoran Kassim Mustafa, for the best tasting Nasi Dalca in Penang, if not the whole of Malaysia!

The following photos attest to the before and after results of our feast!

Myself with Tuan Saleem, the Owner of Kassim Mustafa

Restoran Kassim Mustafa (M) Sdn Bhd is located at Chulia Street, Georgetown, Penang Island before the Church Street Fire Station. You can't miss it. 

It's huge signboard stands out beckoning all hungry Nasi Dalca lovers to its premises to come and enjoy the most satisfying and delicious tasting Nasi Dalca that will have you cleaning out your plate of that rice and chicken as we did!

I look forward to our next feast at Restoran Kassim Mustafa, Penang. I surely hope that Tuan Saleem the proprietor will re-establish his famous Nasi Dalca branch here in KL for us city folks!

Insya Allah!

Rakhine State Conflicts and Its Spillover to Malaysia

Posted: 11 Jun 2013 10:12 PM PDT

The riots are a series of ongoing conflicts primarily between ethnic Rakhine Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims in northern Rakhine State, Myanmar. The ethnic conflicts were ignited in October last year when a Buddhist woman was raped and murdered by a group of Bengalis. 

The conflicts have spread quickly to other parts of Myanmar e.g. Meiktila, Okpho and Gyobingauk Township. Many people and observers were too quick to call it a clash between Muslim and Buddhist. It is very convenient to put a religious label on the conflicts without looking deeper at the root cause of the tension in Rakhine state. The Buddhist Rakhine community were upset that the Rohingyas had occupied their land and consume their limited resources. Competition for jobs had made their relationship even more spiteful.

Using a religious label has made it very convenient for the Buddhist majority to urge the Myanmar government to intervene in the conflicts. Historically, it was a geopolitical issue which involved the status of the Rohingyas. The Myanmarese government classifies the Rohingya as "immigrants" to Myanmar, and thus not eligible for citizenship. According to the United Nations, the Rohingya are one of the world's most persecuted minorities. 

They are subject to restrictions on education, marriage, reproduction and property ownership, as well as other repressive restrictions and abuses. At the moment, the Myanmarese government is considering allowing the Rohingyas to have two children, reviewing its single child policy for the group classified as "immigrants". 

The issue of Rohingyas is going to put the socio-political reforms in a difficult position. It is not a religious conflict but a serious human rights issue for the government to address. Previously, President Thein Sein had suggested the relocation of 700,000 Rohingyas to other countries. The proposal has been shot down by the community and also the neighbouring Bangladesh, the place where most of Rohingyas originated.  

One thing for sure, the Myanmarese government cannot wish away the Rohingyas. A modern and democratic Myanmar must seek to address the issue based on humanitarian grounds. They would need to consider the historical background of the community and work out a workable solution to integrate the community to the larger and multiethnic Myanmarese society.

It is very unfortunate that the riots had spread to the whole of Myanmar, targeting all Muslims instead of the just the Rohingyas. The riots have spread to Malaysia too. There is a growing number of Myanmar workers in Malaysia. An official figure has put it at 400,000. Almost 10% of them are Rohingyas. 

The government must manage the riots and conflicts carefully. Any missteps may turn the conflicts into an unnecessary 'religious' riots involving other bystanders as well. We must not allow the conflicts to be labelled as a religious one. It is clearly an internal issue of Myanmar. 

Malaysia should provide a calming solution to the conflicts. The authorities must act sternly against any migrant workers trying to create chaos in our country but the action must be taken in accordance to our law and must be administered fairly and justly.

It is definite NOT a religious confrontation. It is not a local issue for us. It is time for the government to review our over dependence on low-skilled and cheap foreign labour regardless of their nationality. 

We need to start create jobs for our own people.

UFO Alien Disclosure by Canadian Minister of Defence May 2013

Posted: 11 Jun 2013 09:57 PM PDT

Noted: *Canadian Defense Minister – Alien Extraterrestrial Flying Saucer 1 *Secret Government Conspiracy UFO Underground – Dulce Grey Alien Base 2 *Escape From Area 51 J-Rod Full Documentary Watch Now! UFO Sightings *Out from under Majestic: Dan Burisch uncensored Filed under: Awakening, World Watch Tagged: ufo

UMNO Bohong!!! Honda Jazz dan Volkswagen Tidak Turun Harga

Posted: 11 Jun 2013 03:55 PM PDT

Terima kasih kepada mereka2 yang telah membuat kajian. UMNO terkantoi berbohong lagi (seperti biasa la. Media2 UMNO menyatakan beberapa jenis kereta telah pun turun harga mereka. Ini adalah respon kepada kenyataan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri, Datuk Seri Mustapha Mohamed yang menyatakan penurunan harga kereta tidak akan turun dalam masa yang terdekat. 

Malahan, ianya hanya akan turun dalam masa 5 tahun lagi. 

Kenyataan Mustapha itu mendapat tamparan yang tersangat negatif dari rakyat. Rakyat telah dijanjikan dengan akujanji bahawa harga kereta akan turun. Tapi, last2 bila menang TIADA PENURUNAN langsung. Mustapha Muhammad pula datang kata penurunan hanya dalam 5 tahun. Janji Dicapati

Media UMNO cuba membuat silap mata bagi menutup "penipuan" UMNO ini. Mereka menyenaraikan 10 jenis kereta yang mereka dakwa telah turun harga:

Namun, rupanya usaha menutup penipuan UMNO itu pun rupanya tipu. Dua dari kereta yang disenaraikan media UMNO itu tidak ada pun penurunan harga. Honda Jazz dan Volkswagen tidak pernah mengalami penurunan harga di Malaysia. Rujuk di bawah:

Tulang Besi memang dah tau UMNO akan menipu dalam isu penurunan harga kereta. Mustapha Muhammad berkata penurunan yg dijanjikan UMNO ini tanpa penurunan Duti Eksais. Harga kereta yang tinggi di Malaysia adalah disebabkan oleh Duti Eksais. Kalau Duti Eksais tidak dipotong, bagaimana harga kereta hendak turun?

Penurunan harga kereta ini adalah contoh pertama Akujanji BN yang dicapati.

Lepas ni kita tunggu 500000 rumah mampu milik yang dijanjikan oleh Najib untuk dibina.

TULANG BESI tidak bertanggungjawab di atas setiap pandangan dan pendapat yang diutarakan melalui laman sosial dan halaman komen blog ini. Ia adalah pandangan peribadi pemilik akaun dan tidak semestinya menggambarkan pandangan dan pendirian blog ini
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