Salah Anwar lagi...

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Jun 18, 2013, 7:03:09 PM6/18/13

Salah Anwar lagi...

Salah Anwar lagi...

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 05:18 AM PDT

Pengerusi Umno Pulau Pinang Zainal Abidin Osman berkata, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim merupakan orang paling layak untuk menjawab soalan berkaitan Menara Umno negeri yang didakwa dibina sebelum pelannya dihantar.

Zainal berkata, Anwar ketika itu timbalan perdana menteri dan pengerusi Umno Pulau Pinang dan mereka tidak mempunyai sebarang jawatan pada masa itu.

"Dia tahu segala-galanya," kata Zainal dalam sidang media hari ini.

Anggota Parlimen Tanjung Ng Wei Aik semalam mempersoalkan kerajaan Pulau Pinang pimpinan Gerakan sebelum ini yang didakwa membenarkan pembinaan Menara Umno sebelum pelannya dihantar atau diterima.

Ng mendakwa, kerajaan tempatan pada 23 Disember 1995 mengeluarkan permit khas kerja kepada kontraktor bangunan, dua tahun sebelum pelan pertama dihantar pada 31 Julai 1997 dan pelan pengubahsuaian pada 24 Julai 1998.

Pada 1 Oktober 1996, timbalan ketua Menteri pada masa itu Shariff Omar melawat bangunan itu dan "merestui" pembinaannya walaupun pelan bangunan belum dihantar, dakwa Ng.-malaysiakini

Ketua Pemuda UMNO, Dr Shaik Hussein Mydin pula meminta ditanya kepada Anwar.

“Seingat saya, bangunan ini dibina pada 1998 iaitu ketika Anwar selaku orang pertama dalam Umno di negeri ini. Oleh itu, saya tidak boleh komen lebih berhubung status bangunan ini serta reka bentuknya.

“Jika sesiapa yang hendak tahu lebih berhubung perkara ini, sila bertanya kepada Anwar kerana saya percaya, beliau lebih tahu semuanya,” katanya ~ Sinar Harian

Nampaknya jawapan standard bagi semua malapetaka yang menimpa rakyat 1Malaysia hari ialah "Tanya Anwar"

Mangkok2 hayun di atas ni pun tergolong dalam spesis sedemikian.

Awatlah depa ni,belajaq tinggi2 tapi otak udang. 

Bertanggungjawablah sedikit!!!

Anwar best person to ask about Menara UMNO...

PKR supremo Anwar Ibrahim is the best person to answer questions regarding Menara Umno, which was issued a special commencement of work order before the building plan was submitted, says Penang Umno chief Zainal Abidin Osman.

"Anwar is most qualified to answer that question as he was the deputy prime minister and Penang Umno chief at that point of time," Zainal said in  response to a question at a press conference today.

NONE"He (Anwar) knows everything. We merely inherited this building and at that time, we did not have any positions," he said.

A lightning rod from the top of the Menara Umno building on Jalan Macalister fell after strong winds hit Penang last Thursday.

Two people were killed and several others injured, while several cars were damaged along the busy road.

The weight of the lightning rod created a crater in which Penang hawker Lim Chin Aik, who was driving past in a Honda City, was believed to be trapped.

A five-day search only unearthed parts of his car, and the search for his body was called off yesterday, to prevent safety risks to surrounding buildings.

Yesterday, Tanjong MP Ng Wei Aik claimed that the local council had - on Dec 23, 1995 - issued the building contractor a special permit to commence work, two years before the first building plan was submitted on July 31, 1997. A modified plan was later sent out on July 24, 1998.

He quoted a letter issued by then Chief Minister Koh Tsu Koon to executive councillor Dr Teng Hock Nan to ask why there had been a delay in completing the project, as he had to report the matter to Anwar.

Ng, who is also Penang DAP Socialist Youth secretary, had accused the Gerakan-led government of "succumbing" to Umno's demands.

'Succumbing' to Umno's demands

However, Zainal said Penang Umno has merely been renting the building as the original owner had been the South-East Asia Development Corporation, followed by Amanah Capital, which later bought the building.

In 2005, JKP Sdn Bhd bought the building, and Zainal Osman - then the chairperson - resigned his position in April this year, as he was contesting the 13th general election.

Zainal said the certificate of fitness was issued on July 27, 1998. Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad opened the building on Aug 11 that year.

NONEJust weeks later, on Sept 2 that year, Mahathir sacked Anwar as deputy prime minister.

Zainal also noted that the architect for Menara Umno had won a prestigious Australian award for the design of the building in 1998.

Furthermore, he said, the architect had called in a wind consultant to ensure that the building and its structures could withstand strong winds.

"We feel lucky that we have managed to contact the original architect, who will be preparing a report on the building," said Zainal.

"We urge all quarters not to politicise the issue but to wait for the official report, so that further action can be taken. We hope people will be patient until then.”

Asked to comment on the building audit requested by the Penang Municipal Council, which has not been submitted by the building management since 2011, Zainal said the matter was being looked into.

"We are also asking the same question. We are checking the records. If there is any negligence by any quarters, they must take responsibility. We are conducting an internal inquiry and we will take the necessary actions," he said.

Penang Umno then handed over RM5,000 to Chin Aik's wife, Lim Chai Song.

Zainal expressed his sympathies and offered the party's condolences to the victim's family.-malaysiakini

Anonymous #16150249 - Hahaha, in that case should ask Dr M too, he was the PM at the time. Wasnt Anwar already out of favour with Dr M in 1998 and arrested

BTN - I think Amwar must be asking this question - Apa Lagi UMNO mau???? It seems everything that does not go right when it comes to UMNO, Anwar is to blamed. UMNO rather trust Mamakthir than its own kind in Anwar. What a shame.

ann - I think Anwar is also responsible for the windstorm and climate change, SARS, the Gulf War, the Mideast Crisis....

Swipenter - Samy Vellu when he was Works Minister always used the phrase "act of God" to deflect responsibility when landslides and floods occurred during his time. Umno Penang should do the same instead of pinning the blame on a mortal like Anwar. Umno has never taken any responsibility for anything except for things that put them in a good light.

ramani - Another stupid statement by typical UMNO BN d***-head. It only suggests the whole chain of stakeholders reponsible right from giving approvals to construction must have been pretty corrupted. That was when Barisan ruled Penang. Now, barang jatuh pun Anwar punya pasal....ha ha ha ha. What about if his balls drop ah??

mushiro - Yes ! Anwar is the best person to answer everything. That was why everyone asked Anwar how the EC cheated in the GE and believed Anwar's explanations. And everyone believed Anwar's explanations on who killed Altantuya, how many Rm billions Mahathir stole, how the Sulus walked into Lahad Datu, how Mahathir gave ICs in Project M, how Sharizat was given Rm250 million etc. Everyone will believe Anwar when he explains on the Umno building fiasco.

factnot fiction - Typical never take responsibility, blame the wind, blame Anwar, blame everyone else, dont the tenant need to check the building safety?


Mangsa runtuhan akan kekal bersemadi 7meter bawah Jalan Macalister...

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 11:22 PM PDT

Kereta Lim Seperti Dilanggar Tujuh Bas Penuh Muatan Pada kelajuan 130km/j...


Apakah jenis kuasa yang menyebabkan sebuah jalan pecah dan mengakibatkan sebuah kereta terbenam sehingga enam meter ke bawah tanah?

Menurut seorang pakar kejuruteraan, tenaga yang menghempap kereta Honda City yang dipandu oleh Lim Chin Aik adalah bersamaan dengan tenaga tujuh bas yang bergerak pada kelajuan 130 kilometer sejam (130km/j) dan melanggarnya secara serentak.

Kapasiti penuh bagi setiap bas henti-henti adalah 60 penumpang dan pemandu.

Arkitek berusia 35 tahun yang berpangkalan di Singapura, Clifford Tan membuat pengiraan mengenai daya impak ke atas kereta yang dipandu oleh penjual nasi, Lim apabila penebat kilat sepanjang 38 meter dan sebahagian daripada “dinding sayap” yang memegangnya jatuh dari bumbung Menara Umno setinggi 21 tingkat di Jalan Macalister.

Tan berkata, serpihan itu “akan memusnahkan apa yang dikenakannya”.

Serpihan yang melambung jatuh ke bawah itu akan menghasilkan halaju yang tinggi apabila menjunam, katanya dalam satu temu bual menerusi panggilan telefon dari Singapura.

Beliau berkata, ia akan menjadi sukar untuk mengeluarkan apa-apa yang telah dihancurkan atau dihempap dengan tenaga kuasa daripada serpihan yang jatuh itu.

Nasib pemandu masih tidak diketahui tetapi dia dikhuatiri terbunuh.

Tan, yang menyiarkan penemuan beliau pada akaun Facebook peribadinya, merujuk kepada ribut yang dahsyat, yang menyebabkan penebat kilat dan penyokongnya yang merupakan dinding sayap konkrit terjatuh.

Runtuhan serpihan itu turut menyebabkan seorang pembantu pemandu lori dari India maut.

Tan menganggarkan bahawa jisim konkrit yang runtuh itu sahaja hampir 100 tan metrik.

Dengan rangka keluli, struktur antena keluli, aluminium pelapisan dan komponen sampingan yang lain, jumlah jisim struktur yang jatuh itu mungkin seberat 110-120 tan metrik, katanya.

Bagi daya impak, beliau menganggarkan, kira-kira 1143333 N (newton) atau 1,143 kN.

Meletakkannya sebagai satu perspektif: jika anda meletakkan satu botol air seliter di tangan anda, yang mengenakan daya ke bawah kira-kira 10N (9.8N) di tangan anda.

Daya impak serpihan itu adalah 114,333 kali daripada itu.

Selain itu, beliau berkata, ia adalah bersamaan dengan tujuh bas RapidPenang yang penuh muatan yang memberi kesan kepada seorang individu pada kelajuan 133 kilometer sejam (133km/j).

Sebuah tapak lantai konkrit biasa bagi sebuah bangunan pejabat direka untuk membawa beban sebanyak 1.5 hingga 2.0kN/ meter persegi, manakala kawasan beban berat seperti dok muatan biasanya lima kN bagi meter persegi.

Tambahan berat beban papak lantai, sebagai contoh gudang dan kilang-kilang, biasanya diberi nilai antara 10-20kN/bagi meter persegi.

Guan Eng,Zahid Hamidi dan Kit Siang

“Saya menganggarkan bahawa dinding sayap jatuh dari anggaran ketinggian 70 meter dan akan menyebabkan apa-apa yang dikenakannya akan musnah,” kata Tan.

Tan menegaskan bahawa beliau tidak membuat spekulasi mengenai runtuhan itu tetapi hanya menawarkan pemerhatian berdasarkan pengetahuan mengapa kereta itu hancur sehingga menjadi kepingan.-omakkau.blogspot

Penang freak storm: Architect: force that hit Lim’s car would crush anything.


Storm victim’s final resting place...

The remains of economy rice seller, Lim Chin Aik, 44, will be permanently entombed 7m below Jalan Macalister after search and rescue operations were called off over safety concerns at 8am today.

The crater, dug up over 40 hours of non-stop operations since Saturday, will be filled and stabilised over the next three days. The road is scheduled to be open to traffic on Thursday.

Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said operations were called off after discussions with the victim’s family who had come to a consensus on the matter.

In the interim period, Chin Aik’s family will be allowed to offer prayers and continue with other religious rituals at the site.

Tanjong MP Ng Wei Aik said the decision was made after it was discovered that any further digging would risk other buildings in the vicinity and that the move was based on the advice of the Engineering Department of the Penang Island Municipal Council (MPPP).

“We need to think of the safety of other buildings and structures along Jalan Macalister,” he said.

Many of the structures along the road are heritage buildings which would be in danger if excavation work to deepen the crater continues.

Chin Aik’s car was crushed when a giant strucrture on top of the Menara Umno fell during a freak storm last Thursday.

The victim, 44-year-old Lim Chin Aik, who drove a grey Honda City, had gone to pick up his youngest daughter from the Penang Chinese Girls High School in Jalan Gottlieb when the mishap occurred at about 6.30pm on Thursday. 

Earlier, the search and rescue team found the back seat and another car tyre after about 40 hours of starting operations.

Ng added the team found parts of the wrecked car after digging about seven metres below the road surface.

Chin Aik’s younger brother, Khung Ling, thanked everyone involved in the search and rescue effort for working round the clock.

“I would like to thank volunteers who had been helping us a lot in this period,” he said, while other family members, especially his mother, were seen sobbing uncontrollably.

Lim also cautioned that another structure on the roof of the Umno building must be monitored by the council to prevent a recurrence of the recent incident.

“I have instructed the MPPP to monitor it closely,” he added.

Met at the scene, state Umno Youth chief Sheikh Hussain Mydin urged Lim not to politicise the issue and to ensure that all remedial work is carried out.

He was commenting on Lim’s call to the owner of the Umno building, JKP Sdn Bhd, to dismantle the remaining structures on the roof to avoid further complications.

Meanwhile, Penang Hospital chief Datuk Dr Zahari Noor said its forensic team will have to find Chin Aik’s bone fragments before he can be legally declared dead.-theSun daily

Minister orders probe into storm victim's death...

Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said police will conduct a probe into the death of hawker Lim Chin Aik so that an inquest can be carried out on the death.

NONEAhmad Zahid said the probe will be carried out by the forensics department headed by Penang Police chief Abdul Rahman Hanafi.

"The probe will be carried out beginning tomorrow until the (June) 20th," the minister (seated, centre in photo)said during a press conference with Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng (seated, right in photo) at the accident site along Jalan Macalister.

"The results of the probe will be sent to me so I can direct the National Registration Department to issue a death certificate on the 21st.

"The certificate is necessary for insurance claims as the vehicle that was discovered belongs to the victim," he stressed.

George Town OCPD Gan Kon Meng said once the probe is completed, the police will apply for an inquest from the Attorney-General's Chambers.

Search for Chin Aik's body has been called off today after the Special Operations Rescue Team failed to uncover his remains despite digging into the crater for four days.

Parts of his Honda City were recovered in the six-metre deep crater after a 50-metre long lightning rod fell from the state Umno building striking the car when strong gales hit Penang last Thursday.

The rod struck a lorry, killing driver and Indian national Jahir Hussain Sulaiman. In a separate incident, another victim died after he was struck by a fallen tree.

Interest of victim's family placed first

Ahmad Zahid said financial aid will be handed over to the Chin Aik’s family by the Women, Family and Community Development Minister Rohani Kassim by this week.

He added that Penang BN and Umno will also extend some aid to ease the burden of the victim's family as Chin Aik was the sole breadwinner, with three kids, one of which has Down syndrome.

He has two sons aged 18, 20 and a daughter aged 13, while his 48-year-old wife Lee Chai Song used to be his helper.

"What is important is that we have put our differences aside and placed human interest of the family above all," Ahmad Zahidi said.

The minister thanked all sectors, including Lim, his staff, the police, fire and rescue departments and local council workers for working tirelessly to restore the situation to normal since the violent storm hit Penang.

He also apologised to the family of the victim (left) for the tragic incident.

He explained that the digging work to locate Chin Aik's body had to be called off as buildings around the craters - the Penang State Museum and Pakistan Mosque - are at risk of cracks.

Ahmad Zahid visited the family at the site about 2pm, around the same time as DAP senior leader and Gelang Patah MP Lim Kit Siang.-malaysiakini

Photo: Hashtag Rasmi untuk perhimpunan hari Sabtu, Black di Padang Merbok JUN 22, yang telah ditentukan oleh Sekretariat penganjur diwakili oleh PKR, PAS, DAP bersama dengan NGO2 seperti SAMM, SMM, Pahlawan dan lain-lain. Mula gunakan hashtag dari sekarang agar dapat berhubung dengan sekretariat, interaksi dengan pemimpin dan membuat persiapan untuk menghadiri perhimpunan hari sabtu, seperti carpool dan tempat tinggal.
gunakan hashtag rasmi dari sekarang agar dapat berhubung dengan sekretariat, interaksi dengan pemimpin dan membuat persiapan untuk menghadiri perhimpunan hari sabtu, seperti carpool dan tempat tinggal.


Kalau ya pun, gosoklah baju tu

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 01:22 AM PDT

Husin membaca tulisan blog ABITW sini, Outsyed the Box sini dan lain-lain blog berkenaan politik terkini. Lalu teringat ada kisah. 

Seorang nenek datang menziarahi rumah cucu perempuannya yang baru berkahwin. Setelah membunyikan loceng, si nenek terkejut kerana mendapati cucu perempuannya yang membuka pintu dgn tanpa seurat benang pun di badannya.

Belum sempat si nenek bertanya, si cucu berkata, “Saya sedang menunggu suami saya pulang dari berkerja nie nek!”

“Yg kau telanjang tu nape!!!???” marah si nenek.

“Ini la BAJU CINTA saya,” balas si cucu perempuannya.

“BAJU CINTA ??” si nenek kehairanan.

“Ya, suami saya menyukainya, saya juga begitu senang MEMAKAInya. Saya harap nenek dapat balik dulu sebelum suami saya pulang kerana tentu suami saya nanti akan berasa malu melihat saya memakai BAJU CINTA ini di hadapan nenek,” pinta si cucu perempuannya.

Si nenek faham kehendak cucunya. Dalam fikirannya mungkin itu cara terbaru si isteri melayan sang suami zaman sekarang.

Di dalam perjalanan pulang si nenek mendapat idea. Fikirnya dengan mengikut cara cucu perempuannya, sudah tentu dia dapat mengeratkan hubungannya dengan si atok yang sudah berumur.

Sesampainya di rumah, si nenek tadi terus menanggalkan semua pakaiannya, mandi, berbedak dan memakai minyak wangi sewangi wanginya.

Kemudian si nenek tadi pun menunggu si atok pulang. Beberapa ketika si atok pon pulang. Sebaik saja pintu di buka, si atok mendapati si nenek berbogel kat depan pintu….

“Awat hang nie? Dah buang tebiat keeer???” marah si atok tadi.

“Ini lah BAJU CINTA saya bang” kata si nenek tadi.

“BAJU CINTA???…… Kok iyea pun….. IRON la dulu baju tuh!! Nampak sangat kedutnyer…..”

Bila masaalah dibiarkan berpanjangan, jadi kusut dan lusut. Perlu di IRON kembali.

Wow! Lagi untung ka jual unta yang bulu dah IRON?

Home Minister, risk of cracks to buildings is no reason to call of search for Chin Aik, alive or dead?

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 11:16 PM PDT

It is absurd that the search for the body has been called off. Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi explained that the digging work to locate Chin Aik's body had to be called off as buildings around the craters - the Penang State Museum and Pakistan Mosque - are at risk of cracks. 

Cracks? - How can you even use such reason to stop the quest for Chin Aik? Maybe, he did not die...or he did but no one will know until his body is found. For any family, the finding of the body would be very important, and only with a body can one be buried and cremated - the proper funeral rites. This is not a case of a body lost in sea or space - but on land in Penang - please continue on with the search for Chin Aik - who also may still be alive. Would there even have been a suggestion to call off the search had that been a 'more important' person? 

Now, if the body cannot be found, then Chin Aik would be considered 'missing' - for a presumption of death, one has to be missing for many many years... or the law does not matter, the BN can do as it pleases.

Concern for the family and insurance claims? Well, this is lame for after all the Government can step in and provide the needed assistance to the family until Chin Aik's body is found or the necessary time has passed and the presumption of law that a person is dead comes into being.

Was there even any evidence of the person of Chin Aik found? DNA evidence? 

No probe (or inquest) should be conducted on the death since we still do not know whether he is dead or alive - but a probe must be conducted on the incident? Was there corruption involved? Were there anyone to be held responsible - was there regular inspections? Who was responsible? It is very easy to blame God, i.e. 'Act of God' - but first make sure that all the needful was done with regard construction and regular inspections...

Minister orders probe into storm victim's death

  • Susan Loone
  • 3:54PM Jun 17, 2013
Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said police will conduct a probe into the death of hawker Lim Chin Aik so that an inquest can be carried out on the death.

NONEAhmad Zahid said the probe will be carried out by the forensics department headed by Penang Police chief Abdul Rahman Hanafi.

"The probe will be carried out beginning tomorrow until the (June) 20th," the minister (seated, centre in photo)said during a press conference with Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng (seated, right in photo) at the accident site along Jalan Macalister.

"The results of the probe will be sent to me so I can direct the National Registration Department to issue a death certificate on the 21st.

"The certificate is necessary for insurance claims as the vehicle that was discovered belongs to the victim," he stressed.

George Town OCPD Gan Kon Meng said once the probe is completed, the police will apply for an inquest from the Attorney-General's Chambers.

NONESearch for Chin Aik's body has been called off today after the Special Operations Rescue Team failed to uncover his remains despite digging into the crater for four days.

Parts of his Honda City were recovered in the six-metre deep crater after a 50-metre long lightning rod fell from the state Umno building striking the car when strong gales hit Penang last Thursday.

The rod struck a lorry, killing driver and Indian national Jahir Hussain Sulaiman. In a separate incident, another victim died after he was struck by a fallen tree.
Interest of victim's family placed first

Ahmad Zahid said financial aid will be handed over to the Chin Aik’s family by the Women, Family and Community Development Minister Rohani Kassim by this week.

He added that Penang BN and Umno will also extend some aid to ease the burden of the victim's family as Chin Aik was the sole breadwinner, with three kids, one of which has Down syndrome.

He has two sons aged 18, 20 and a daughter aged 13, while his 48-year-old wife Lee Chai Song used to be his helper.

"What is important is that we have put our differences aside and placed human interest of the family above all," Ahmad Zahidi said.

NONEThe minister thanked all sectors, including Lim, his staff, the police, fire and rescue departments and local council workers for working tirelessly to restore the situation to normal since the violent storm hit Penang.

He also apologised to the family of the victim (left) for the tragic incident.

He explained that the digging work to locate Chin Aik's body had to be called off as buildings around the craters - the Penang State Museum and Pakistan Mosque - are at risk of cracks.

Ahmad Zahid visited the family at the site about 2pm, around the same time as DAP senior leader and Gelang Patah MP Lim Kit Siang.- Malaysiakini, 17/6/2013, Minister orders probe into storm victim's death


Posted: 17 Jun 2013 09:10 PM PDT

Assalamualaikum kepada pembaca2 sekelian.

Atas sebab2 yang tidak boleh didedahkan, Tulang Besi mengisytiharkan bahawa Tulang Besi terpaksa menutup blog Tulang Besi.

Terima kasih saya ucapkan kepada yang telah bersama dengan Tulang Besi selama ini.

Doakan Tulang Besi berjaya dalam hidup Tulang Besi selama ini.

Terima kasih


Semoga kita bertemu lagi tidak bertanggungjawab di atas setiap pandangan dan pendapat yang diutarakan melalui laman sosial dan halaman komen blog ini. Ia adalah pandangan peribadi pemilik akaun dan tidak semestinya menggambarkan pandangan dan pendirian blog iniAnd here is the rest of it.

The Opposition’s New Mandate

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 08:12 PM PDT


Thousands of Malaysians voted abroad during the 13th general election. Many more returned from Singapore, Australia, Hong Kong, London and Taiwan, traditionally places with large numbers of Malaysians, to exercise their right to suffrage on May 5th.

This is a peculiar phenomenon.

Why do Malaysians who have found greener pastures abroad feel compelled to return to the country to cast their ballot? This certainly goes against the thesis of Albert O. Hirshman — who argued in a famous treatise in 1970 that when people have the chance to leave, they will, especially if they have found the entity to be increasingly dysfunctional and inefficient.

 Malaysia, or rather its government, over the last few decades, has certainly manifested such features.

Concurrently, those who decided to ‘stay back’ would attempt to improve the country by voicing out. Be that as it may, those who have left the country are not expected to express their voices anymore let alone to vote. Yet, vote they did.

The quick and short answer to the above phenomenon is that they care. Indeed, not only do they care about the future of their immediate and extended families still in Malaysia, but they care about Malaysia, period.

And that is where Malaysia draws its greatest pride from — Malaysians and their sense of belonging, of camaraderie.

Beyond caring, they also know, through their collective exposure in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore, if not as far away as United Kingdom, Japan and Australia, that Malaysia has been back-pedaling, especially on issues like corruption and crime let alone in building a vibrant democracy.

Take corruption, for example. The national debt to gross domestic product (GDP) ratio at 54 per cent, it is one per cent shy of the constitutional limit; and this figure is a conservative estimate. When one lumps in the debt of the government linked companies (GLCS), often with the element of corruption still at work, the ratio is easily in the range of the mid-70s.

While many do not like to use the B word (i.e. bankcruptcy), the next generation is expected to foot the financial profligacy of the present one. Malaysians abroad share the same concern and anxieties with those at home.

Not surprisingly, up 75 to 85 per cent of the voters abroad, almost without fail, voted for the opposition according to exit polls.

Like the 51 per cent of the people in Malaysia, they chose to throw their lot with Pakatan Rakyat, this despite the fact that Pakatan Rakyat did not have any offices or representatives outside the country.

In fact, one may even wonder if they did so purely to register their disgust with Barisan National, rather than due to any objective attachment to Pakatan Rakyat; a trend that was discernible across all racial groups in urban areas from 2008 onwards.

Even in rural places ostensibly ‘won’ by the government, the establishment is not out of the woods, if ever they can be, due to their indulgent attitude to corruption and sheer exploitation of the natural resources that impacts rural communities directly.

My PAS colleague, Dr Dzukefly Ahmad, noted in a Malay op-ed that of the 11 constituencies with Dayak majority in Sarawak, all of them had experienced a dip of 10 per cent or more in the votes for the government.

This is unprecedented in areas that are customarily the vote banks of the state government. Thus, if Sabah and Sarawak are the ‘fixed deposit’ of the government, the yield is only decreasing, not enlarging.

Yet, this election, has allowed a minority government to be in Putrajaya, the seat of the Malaysian government. Like many in the country and abroad, the opposition is not so much shocked as it is outraged by the ‘enforced limitations’ of the electoral system; some of which are now being legally challenged by Pakatan Rakyat.

The limitations were ‘enforced’ because the Electoral Commission, which was under the Prime Minister’s Office, failed to reform the electoral system in the more than four years available ahead of the recent 13th general election, the ‘disappearing’ indelible ink fiasco included.

Electoral reforms were all the more imperative after repeated rounds of feedbacks from non-governmental groups like Bersih I, II, III, Tindak and Transparency International. But, whether by design or default, they chose to sit tight indifferent to the loud calls for free and fair elections. Even to the extent of allowing tainted electoral rolls to remain on the register, especially in my constituency that is Lembah Pantai.

In moments like these, it is easy to hate the arbitrary nature and high-handedness of the ruling government too. This is all the more the case when the ruling establishment, once again, is showing signs of attempting to remain in power on the sly.

Instead of seeking ‘national reconciliation’ advocated by the Prime Minister, the very first things that the Ministry of Home Affairs and Inspector General Police did was to arrest opposition figures and dissidents. A dragnet was imposed on those who spoke out against the unfairness of the election.

Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan, the co-chairperson of Bersih, was right to affirm that “the government has been using words (such as national reconciliation), which it doesn’t even understand”; this when the Prime Minister of Malaysia Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is also a patron to a Global Movement of Moderates Foundation (GMMF) whose rhetoric is not even echoed by his own immoderate party at home.

But Malaysians near and abroad must not fall into the temptation of blind hate, just as I am reminding myself too. To do so would be to stoop to the level of extreme jingoistic and mirror the narrative of such rabid malicious press likeUtusan Malaysia - the UMNO mouthpiece.

On the other hand, Pakatan Rakyat’s demand for substantive action such as the immediate removal of the Election Commission’s leadership before participating in the Prime Minister’s offer of a Parliamentary Select Committee to manage the Election Commission, which now falls under the Prime Minister’s Department will test the government’s readiness for reforms.

Indeed, revamping the Electoral Commission is urgently needed, especially on boundary redelineation which have to be completed over the next two years which once again will determine the next election’s fairness.

Beyond electoral petitions and all, the opposition has to govern well  in Selangor and Penang, too, without which they would not be able to arrest the growing skepticism of politicians emerging through out the country.

Pakatan Rakyat will continue to push for legislative reform in Parliament, as we have done since Malaysians gave us their mandate. The opposition mandate is to stay vigilant, alert and efficient, even as it is confronting a set of legal electoral challenges. Failure is not an option in the face of an increasingly hawkish and change-resistant minority government of Barisan National.

Indeed our march of history towards democracy will go on even if it is slightly bumpy, facing temporary roadblocks. For a mandate is still a mandate and should be the fodder for continued fortitude, determination and sacrifice for greater democracy in Malaysia.

Di Jakarta, Anwar Ibrahim Cerita Kecurangan Pemilu

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 08:05 PM PDT


Pemimpin oposisi Malaysia, Anwar Ibrahim, bertandang ke Indonesia. Dalam kunjungannya di Jakarta, Anwar mengundang sejumlah media di Hotel Crown, Ahad, 16 Juni 2013, untuk berbincang soal kecurangan pemilihan umum di Malaysia yang diselenggarakan April lalu.

Anwar menceritakan “serangan” partai koalisi pro-pemerintah, Barisan Nasional, yang digawangi Partai UMNO, terhadap kelompok oposisi, Pakatan Rakyat. Saat masa kampanye, kata Anwar, partai oposisi diserang melalui media massa yang dia klaim sudah dibeli oleh partai penguasa. “Selama 24 jam kami diserang melalui siaran di televisi, isu-isu diembuskan,” kata Anwar.

Contohnya, menurut Anwar, adanya isu jika Anwar Ibrahim terpilih sebagai perdana menteri, ia akan mengkristenkan Malaysia. “Bagi masyarakat yang tahu isu itu bakal ketawa, tapi masyarakat yang di pedalaman banyak yang termakan, mungkin mereka khawatir,” ujarnya.

Lantaran partai penguasa menguasai media massa, kata Anwar, partai oposisi tak punya sarana kampanye. Satu-satunya cara kampanye dengan menyebar pamflet. Namun upaya ini sering kali menuai petaka. Beberapa kader Anwar ditangkap polisi saat menyebarkan pamflet tanpa tuduhan jelas. “Setidaknya ada 25-30 anak muda kami ditangkap,” kata Anwar.

Kecurangan berlanjut hingga pemilihan umum tiba. Anwar mengaku menemukan praktek politik uang saat pemilihan umum berlangsung. Dia menemukan sejumlah masyarakat mendapat duit 500 ringgit. Dia juga menuding Komisi Pemilihan Umum Malaysia tak netral sebab terlalu membela partai penguasa. Dia menyebut KPU Malaysia tak profesional. Sebagai contoh, tak ada pengawasan yang jelas saat pemilihan dan penghitungan suara dilakukan, sehingga rawan terjadi kecurangan.

Bahkan Anwar menyebutkan bahwa tinta tanda peserta pemilu dipalsukan KPU Malaysia. Tinta yang seharusnya permanen diganti menjadi tinta biasa yang mudah dihapus. “Bahkan lucunya di tengah pemilu ada yang mati lampu, ini, kan, rentan kecurangan,” katanya.

Akibat kecurangan itu, partai penguasa dinyatakan menang. Sementara data yang Anwar punya menyatakan partai oposisinya menang lebih dari 50 persen. Anwar dan partai oposisi berjanji tetap kukuh mempertanyakan pemilihan umum Malaysia. Dia meminta lembaga pengawas pemilu Malaysia untuk mengusut dugaan kecurangan ini. Termasuk meminta pejabat KPU Malaysia untuk lengser dan bertanggung jawab. Berita internasional tentang Malaysia lainnya klik di sini.

Anwar Ibrahim Pastikan Gelar Demo Besar

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 08:03 PM PDT




Pemimpin oposisi Malaysia, Pakatan Rakyat, Anwar Ibrahim, akan menggelar demo besar pada 22 Juni 2013, menolak pemilihan umum yang dianggap penuh kecurangan. Rencananya demo besar itu akan dipusatkan di Padang Merbuk, Kuala Lumpur.

“Kami minta komisi pemilihan umum Malaysia mundur dan bertanggungjawab atas kecurangan ini,” kata Anwar saat menemui wartawan di Hotel Crown Plaza, Jakarta Selatan, Ahad, 16 Juni 2013.

Anwar mengaku pihak oposisi sudah pernah mengajukan keberatan serupa ke KPU Malaysia. Namun dia mengaku KPU menanggapi dengan arogan dengan mengatakan partai oposisi tak punya hak menggugat hasil pemilu.

Namun upaya demo besar tanggal 22 Juni mendatang, diakui Anwar mendapat halangan. Sekitar 15 pemuda kader Anwar ditangkap oleh polisi Malaysia, Sabtu, 15 Juni 2013, karena menyebarkan pamflet ajakan demo masal. “Ini tidak ada semangat bawa perubahan demokrasi,” kata Anwar.

Meski begitu, dia melanjutkan, tak akan membatalkan rencana demo besar tanggal 22 Juni mendatang. Anwar pun berjanji demo besar nanti partai oposisi tidak akan berujung aksi anarki. “Kami sudah nyatakan demo kami damai.”

Anwar Ibrahim Sambut Baik JK Jadi Penengah di Pemilu Malaysia

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 07:59 PM PDT


Tokoh oposisi Pakatan Rakyat (PR) Malaysia, Anwar Ibrahim, menyambut baik tawaran Jusuf Kalla untuk menjadi penengah di kemelut Pemilu Malaysia yang melibatkan Anwar dan kontestan pertahanan Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

“Saya hormati inisiatif Pak JK. Tetapi komisi belum selesai dan isu Pemilu belum selesai,” kata Anwar Ibrahim dalam jumpa pers di Hotel Crown Plaza, Jl Gatot Subroto, Jakarta Selatan,Minggu (16/6/2013).

JK, menurut Anwar, dianggap mampu menjadi penengah dalam kemelut diantara kedua kontestan Pemilu tersebut. Hal ini karena JK merupakan teman akrab kedua pihak. Selain itu juga, dia menilai JK memiliki rekam jejak dalam meredam konflik, tidak hanya di Indonesia, namun juga di kawasan Asia Tenggara seperti di Myanmar.

Anwar yang mengenakan stelan jas abu itu menyatakan telah bertemu dengan Presiden SBY dua hari lalu di Bali. Dalam pertemuan itu dia berbincang mengenai permasalahan-permasalahan yang ada di Malaysia, khususnya terkait proses Pemilu Malaysia, dan beberapa kebijakan bilateral kedua negara.

“Saya juga mengutarakan tentang peranan Indonesia dan semangat idealisme demokrasi tentang kebebasan dan keadilan,” ujar Anwar.

Anwar menampik rumor yang berkembang selama ini bila ada agenda dirinya bertemu dengan PM Najib di Jakarta membahas isu-isu seputar Pemilu 2013.

“Saya jelaskan, tidak ada pertemuan. Tidak ada rencana peremuan,” kata Anwar.

Meski demikian, dirinya akan membuka pintu pertemuan bila sewaktu-waktu pihak dari PM Najib hendak bertemu membicarakan persoalan Pemilu. “Saya pikir harus lebih terbuka,” katanya.

Gambar Sekitar Sidang Media Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim di Jakarta, Indonesia

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 07:58 PM PDT

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Will the Police Revolt Again Against IPCMC?

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 06:13 PM PDT

In May 2006, the Royal Malaysian Police threatened a revolt of the force should the then Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi administration proceeded to implement the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC), as proposed by the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on the Police.  As a result, the proposed IPCMC legislation was ditched and the substantially watered down Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission (EAIC) was set up.

Now with renewed calls for the revival of the IPCMC given the failure of the EAIC, the Deputy Inspector General of Police (IGP) Datuk Seri Mohd Bakri Zinin has again shunned calls to form an Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC).

“The laws are already there. The EAIC is already there. There is no point to keep discussing the IPCMC… I feel that the laws are already there and they are stronger than the IPCMC,” he said last Saturday.

The professionalism of the police force is being questioned again with the unacceptable increase number of deaths under police detention as well as the worrying rise in crime in the country, particularly in the Klang Valley.  There are already 9 deaths under detention in less than 6 months this year.  At the same time, various gangs armed with “parangs” or machetes are terrorising open air and public eateries as well as household with increasing frequency and audacity over the past few weeks.  The above has yet to include the unprofessional handling of peaceful assemblies over the past few years where even journalists are beaten to pulp, which was condemned even by the Human Rights Commission (SUHAKAM).

These incidences themselves proved that the EAIC has failed in its objectives to improve on the professionalism of our enforcement agencies.  This isn’t at all surprising given that the replacement commission was designed to fail with not only a water-down powers, but also with limited funding of only RM7 million a year. At this moment, there is only one investigator is given the ridiculous task of investigating 19 enforcement agencies when this is already its 3rd year of operations.  Worse, it has been highlighted that the sole investigator was himself involved in the controversial death of Teoh Beng Hock under Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) which makes a complete mockery of the Government’s sincerity and seriousness in tackling the above issues.

In 2006, the Police had listed down their objections in a special bulletin, listing up to 10 reasons to reject the IPCMC.  They claimed that the IPCMC is “against national security and public order”, “people will be the victims and the result will be a state of anarchy”, “crime cases will be out of control”, “the IPCMC is against the Federal Constitution, natural justice and the rule of law as it discriminates police personnel from ordinary citizens” and that the Act will “‘soften’ the police”.

What was shocking then was the threat by the Police that the IPCMC will “undermine the ruling coalition’s power”.  Senior police officers were quoted warning that “the police will vote for the opposition in the next general election due 2009” and that the “PDRM top brass will resign en bloc, policemen will refuse to work overtime and demand for an eight-hour five-day working week”, should the IPCMC be established.

The Police should not threaten another revolt over the set up of an IPCMC because clearly over the past 7 years, the situation on human rights abuses as well as crime in the country has not improved with any significance despite the ruling government’s acquiesce to the Police.

Instead the Police should support the set up of an IPCMC because the intent of the Commission is not to victimise the Police but to increase the professionalism of the Police force as well as to improve its effectiveness in carrying out its policing duties.  By supporting the IPCMC and weeding out the black sheep within the force while maintaining discipline within the force, the winners will be the Police themselves together with the rakyat.  What is more, if the Police is indeed professional and act above board as claimed, then surely there will be nothing to be fearful of the IPCMC.

We call on the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, to use his new “mandate” to table a new IPCMC bill in Parliament immediately in the upcoming sitting commencing on the 24th June 2013.  Such a bold move is not only consistent with his pledge to carry out his transformation programmes, but will immediately win additional support from the people for his regime.
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